NC SIS Weekly Email Bulletin

December 3, 2021

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NC SIS Weekly Email Bulletin

Topics in this issue:

1.  Home Base Meet Ups Recordings for and Schoolnet

2.  New Technical Contact PowerSchool IPT Certification in March 2022

3.  Read-to-Achieve Update - Dec. 3, 2021

4.  NCEES:  Premium Library Has New Content

5.  OCR/CRDC - Additional Webinar and PowerSchool Status

6.  Legislative Class Size Report Update - 12/02/2021

7.  Reminder:  Unofficial Legislative Class Size Monthly Reports

8.  NCDPI Master Course Code List Release for 2022-23 - November 23, 2022

9.  Welcome to Home Base - A Quick Video of Who We Are

10.  Pre-recorded PowerSchool Webinars

11.  Canvas Webinar

12.  2021-2022 NCEES Webinars

13.  Follow Us on Social Media

14.  NCDPI Technology Support Center  

thank yous

Home Base Meet Ups Recordings for and Schoolnet

Again, we want to thank you for attending and participating in our November Home Base Meet Ups!  Your attendance and participation is what makes these meetings so valuable to us and your peers.  As promised, we are providing the links to the and Schoolnet recordings that were not shared previously.  Links to the other recording are also listed below for your convenience.

Schoolnet Recording: Recording:


Home Base Meet Up Links

HBMU Opening Session November 2021 -

NCEES HBMU November Slides 2021 -

NCEES HBMU November Recording 2021 -

Schoolnet HBMU November Slides 2021 - 

PowerSchool HBMU November Slides 2021 - HBMU November Slides 2021-
Canvas HBMU November Slides 2021 -

Canvas HBMU November Recording 2021 -

#GoOpenNC HBMU November Slides 2021 -

#GoOpenNC HBMU November Recording 2021 -

The next round of HBMUs will be held February 7-11, 2021.  Please see the calendar below for all future dates.


NOTE:  The Home Base Team will be hosting all 2021-2022 Home Base Meet Ups virtually.  This change in format is being made to alleviate safety concerns for those who plan to attend.  The dates have remained the same, only the format of the meetings (virtual vs. face-to-face) was amended. A new calendar of HBMU events has been provided below.  Please mark your calendars accordingly.

HBMU Calendar

Online Training

New Technical Contact PowerSchool IPT Certification in March 2022

In collaboration with PowerSchool, the Home Base Team will be offering virtual IPT certification training for new technical contacts from March 7-11, 2022: 

  • This training session does have limited capacity and seats are based on eligibility.
  • This training will span five full days. 
  • Participants will have 90 days to take and pass the certification test after training. 
  • Each PSU is allowed a certain number of technical contacts based on their ADM. 

If you are unsure of your current technical contacts, please contact NC PowerSchool Support at 1-855-339-4790.

NCDPI has created an IPT FAQ document to help answer questions you may have. Please review this document for frequently asked questions about the training and certification.

Those eligible to attend the DPI offered IPT Training include: 

  • Anyone who is replacing a certified technical contact for their PSU as of 7/1/2021.
  • A local charter school employee, not employed by a third-party company and has not previously attended IPT training.

Those who cannot attend this training are: 

  • Third-party Charter school SIS management company employees
  • PSUs wanting additional technical contacts above their desired allocation
  • Anyone who has attended training previously. 

Note: Anyone who is not eligible for this training will need to arrange training and certification through the vendor, PowerSchool, and cover the cost incurred. To do so, please reach out to the PowerSchool training team, 

Those who are eligible for this training session, please fill out the registration form.
Registration Form: 

**Registration will close COB Friday, February 18, 2022 or sooner if the max number of attendees is reached.

NC Elementary Students Reading

Read-to-Achieve Update - December 3, 2021

Please see the attached RtA weekly update and share as needed. 


12/03/2021 - Read to Achieve Update


Premium Library has New Content

Premium Library now has Edstar Analytics courses!

NCEES District Administrators can view Premium Library content by navigating to System Administration > Applications: Premium Library.

Learn more about purchasing Premium Library courses for your PSU:

NCEES DAs - view Premium Library


OCR/CRDC - Additional Webinar and PS Status

Dear Coordinators,


Please share the messages below with other staff as appropriate.

Note:  PSUs which were not open in the school year 2020-2021 are not required to participate in this collection.


CRDC Webinar Date Added

This 2-hour webinar will be repeated two more times and provide a PowerSchool demonstration specific to the CRDC, tips for successful validation and an opportunity to discuss the NCDPI schedule for data upload to the federal submission tool. Users will also have the opportunity to ask about PowerSchool functional processes.

Friday December 10, 2021 – 10am-12pm – Webinar Password:  CRDC2021


PowerSchool Status Update

The OSS update and second semester course length update were tested and both have passed.  The fixes will be pushed to production on Friday evening, December 3, 2021 with no downtime to the state.  In addition, the school and LEA level reports will be re-run by PowerSchool.  Please verify the re-run.  If it is identified that the re-run did not occur, please run the LEA Office Level report to ensure NCDPI can extract the data.

Contact Terra Dominguez if it appears that submission dates are off.


Certified Teacher Class Counts

This non-PowerSchool file was re-published last week.  This file contains only class counts for courses specific to the CRDC collection which have teachers that are certified to teach the course in question.  The file is located:

Please submit questions or issues as soon as possible to Terra Dominguez at


Legislative Class Size Report Update - 12/02/2021

NCDPI and PowerSchool have been reviewing LCS support cases and investigating the examples provided by PSUs over the last few days. While the fix that was applied to the SSN field did correct many issues, we are still receiving several reports about missing teachers, blank FTEs, and blank Funding Types. After several case reviews, we have determined the following:

  • Invalid or blank SSNs in PowerSchool will require a reload of the finance file after corrections have been made in your PowerSchool instance. This is something we just learned today. 
  • Teachers who are assigned to multiple schools may appear with a blank FTE or Funding Type at some schools. These are based on school associations in payroll systems rather than on scheduled sections in PowerSchool.
  • Staff members who are not in your payroll system may not appear in the LCS reports with an FTE or Funding Type. 
    • Examples: Staff from NCVPS, Community Colleges, Substitutes, Central Office, and contracted third-party educators.

If you have made changes to SSN fields in your instance, your PSU must submit a case to PowerSchool Support in order to see those changes in your reports. PowerSchool Support has requested that all cases be submitted as a P2 priority with the subject line of “Reload Finance File”. 

The deadline for LCS reporting is today, December 3, 2021; however, for PSUs who have an open case with the subject line shown above, reports will be due no later than December 8, 2021. PSUs will not need to submit an additional case for an unlock; PowerSchool will automatically unlock all reports after the new finance file is loaded. 

NOTE: The K-3 Average reports are not impacted by SSNs or the finance data.


Reminder:  Unofficial Legislative Class Size Monthly Reports

While the official Legislative Class Size Collection is reported to the State Superintendent’s office twice a year, legislation requires districts to monitor local class enrollment totals throughout the year. Throughout the year, local boards of education shall report exceptions to the class size requirements set out for kindergarten through third grade and significant increases in class size at other grade levels to the State Board and shall request allotment adjustments at any grade level, waivers from the requirements for kindergarten through third grade, or both.


A new set of reports were placed into all PowerSchool instances last month. New, Unofficial Legislative Class Size reports are available on the State Reporting page and these reports follow the exact same logic as the official reports. These reports are to be used as a monitoring tool and can be ran each month to help principals and data managers have quicker access to viewing class size totals. Schools are not required to submit the unofficial reports, but NCDPI does encourage you to run these monthly and report any class size exceptions to the State Board of Education.


NCDPI Master Course Code List Release for 2022-23 - November 23, 2022

An updated master list of course codes available in PowerSchool has been posted with course offerings for the 2022-2023 school year. There are 91 new course codes along with 470 codes that will be disabled. 

A copy of the NCDPI Master Course Code List is posted at  The course codes in PowerSchool for the 2022-2023 School Year will be available in the system on November 24, 2022.  

In the attached spreadsheet, course codes with a “Course Code Release Year” of 2022-23 will reflect new course offerings.  They are also listed in the tab “New Course Codes.” Note, there will also be several course code name and added value changes at the end of the year. These changes can be found in the Master List under the "Name Changes EOY" and “Added Value Changes EOY” tabs. 

As per state policy, GRAD-009 and GS 116-11 (10a), there will be no half credit (0.5 credit) courses on the Course Code Master List beginning with the 2022-2023 school year. For student transfers, 0.5 credits will be allowed.  

Therefore, National Academy Foundation (NAF) courses receiving half credit in 2021-2022 and prior must be paired with another half credit NAF course beginning in 2022-2023.  The generic NAF course codes introduced in 2022-2023 will be whole credit course codes.  

Please see the attached document for guidance on assigning NAF course codes for the 2022-2023 school year.  This document has also been posted to the DIRADMIN Moodle under Publications and Handbooks.  

If you have any questions or concerns, please email



Play Button

Welcome to Home Base - A Quick Video of Who We Are

Each year, PSUs experience an influx of new staff.  The Home Base Team is aware of these changes and has created a short video to help acquaint and reacquaint users with Home Base. 

Please checkout the  "Welcome to Home Base" video which gives a quick overview of what Home Base is and how all its components work together. Feel free to share it with your peers and use it in your trainings. 


Pre-Recorded PowerSchool Webinars 

Canvas Webinar

Our next Canvas PD webinar will be Tuesday, December 7, 2021, from 7-8 p.m. We will be exploring Mastery Paths within Canvas. Use the link below to register: 

Please contact Corey McNeill if you have any question at:



2021-22 NCEES Webinars

NCEES Webinars are held most Tuesdays from 4-5 PM.

Click on the Titles to Register. Navigate to Webinars 2021-22 to view webinar descriptions.




Follow Us on Social Media!

Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, and begin receiving "Did You Know" tips featuring each Home Base product. 


These messages will include upcoming changes, tips, and even hidden treasures within each product to make your job easier.  If you are not following us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, click on the links below and begin today!  Make sure you share this information with other staff within your school.


Instagram:  @nchomebase         Facebook:  @nchomebase       Twitter:  @nchomebase


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NCDPI Technology Support Center

NCDPI's Technology Support Center continues to meet your support needs for:

  • Schoolnet 
  • NCEES/Unified Talent 
  • Staff & Student UID (eScholar)

Support availability:

Web (NEW URL)   -  24/7

Phone:  919-716-1840, Monday - Friday, 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. (excluding state holidays)

Technical support for SIS needs is handled directly by PowerSchool support using chat, phone, or by opening a case ticket. 

Remember to visit the NC SIS website for additional information including webinars and training documentation.  Follow us on twitter @NCHomeBase



 NC Department of Public Instruction

 Education Building, 7th Floor North

 301 North Wilmington Street

 Raleigh, NC 27601

