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 State Board of Education Vision: Every public school student in North Carolina will be empowered to accept academic challenges, prepared to pursue their chosen path after graduating high school, and encouraged to become lifelong learners with the capacity to engage in a globally-collaborative society. State Board of Education Mission: The mission of the North Carolina State Board of Education is to use its constitutional authority to guard and maintain the right of a sound, basic education for every child in North Carolina Public Schools.
November 19, 2021
"Raleigh, NC— Today, shortly after the North Carolina House gave its final approval in an overwhelming bipartisan vote, Governor Cooper signed the North Carolina state budget (SB 105) into law.
House Speaker Tim Moore said, "Today is a great day for all of North Carolina. Finally, the citizens of North Carolina have a comprehensive spending package for the first time since 2018. Now that Governor Cooper has signed SB 105 into law, we have finally given our state a budget they can truly be proud of and one that meets the most critical needs of North Carolinians."
Freebird McKinney
Director of the Office of Government and Community Affairs
“We Strive and Rise, Together.”
Key K-12 Education Highlights in the Budget
DPI Financial & Business Services:
- An additional $1.5 billion more in recurring funds for K-12 public school system
$18 million for direct and targeted intervention in low performing schools and districts
- An additional $37.5 million for Science of Reading training professional development
- An average 5% pay raise for teachers and most state employees over two years
- A 2.5% pay increase for principals over two years and an $1,800 bonus
- Increasing the minimum wage to $15 by 2022 for all school support staff
- A $2,800 bonus for most teachers
$100 million in recurring funds for a new state supplemental fund focused on low-wealth counties to help them compete with bigger, wealthier counties when recruiting teachers.
- An additional $14 million for cybersecurity
Fully funding the school businesses modernization for public school units for the next 2-3 years
- Reviving the School Technology Fund providing professional development for teachers at $18 million
Fully funding a new division at the Department of Public Instruction for Computer Science and professional development for teachers
- Over $1 million in professional development funding for financial literacy training for all high school teachers
$1.7 million for a state-of-the-art school safety training facility
- Additional $6.5 million more recurring for CTE test fees
- Setting our school nutrition programs up for success by capping indirect costs at 8% and requiring two months reserve
- Ensuring school psychologists are in every district and increasing their compensation, which will attract more to the profession
$400,000 to address the backlog for drivers education in the state
$36 million for grants for after school and before school programs
$36 million for summer school extension programs
December State Board of Education Meeting
- Wednesday, December 1st and Thursday, December 2nd
- Link to SBE Meetings here.
- If you are unable to join, livestreams are stored here.
Mark Your Calendars for 2022 State Board of Education Meetings
- January 5 - 6
- February 2 - 3
- March 2 - 3
- April 6 - 7
- May 3 - 5 (includes Spring Planning Session)
- June 1 - 2
- July 7
- August 3 - 4
- September - August 31 - September 1
- October 5 - 6
- November 1 - 3 (includes Fall Planning Session)
- December - November 30 - December 1
Useful Information
This section includes details pertaining to acronyms referenced throughout the K-12 Education Legislative Update newsletters.
For the glossary of legislative terms click here.
DPI= Department of Public Instruction
LEA = Local Education Agency
NCGA = North Carolina General Assembly
LB/LOB = Legislative Building/Legislative Office Building
SBE = North Carolina State Board of Education
HB/SB = House Bill/Senate Bill
JR = Joint Resolution
SL = Session Law
GS = General Statute
PCS = Proposed Committee Substitute
The 2022 Youth Legislative Assembly is scheduled for April 8-10, 2022.
The 50th Annual Youth Legislative Assembly (YLA) at the General Assembly on April 8 – 10, 2022. This is a unique opportunity to learn first-hand about the legislative process.
Students draft, debate and vote on mock legislative bills while developing skills in research, interviewing, group facilitation and policy writing.
International Education Week
“Students in North Carolina are no longer preparing for future jobs in North Carolina. They are preparing to work and compete in a global workplace. The impact of cultural sensitivities and the capability to collaborate in a diverse international setting (even if still working from North Carolina) cannot be understated. Our State Board of Education in North Carolina is rightfully focusing on these skill areas, as they will become even bigger factors and differentiators in determining the future success of our students.” – Joseph Lingle, Head, Global Program Integration, Novartis Vaccines and Diagnostics

A.I.M. Conference 2021
DPI is hosting the inaugural A.I.M. Conference at the Raleigh Convention Center Nov. 29-Dec. 1. The Conference theme is "Accelerate, Invigorate, and Motivate."
Where: Raleigh Convention Center, 500 S Salisbury St, Raleigh, NC 27601
When: Nov. 29 – Dec. 1
Who: District Teams (District Leadership, School Leadership, Classroom Leadership)
Cost: No conference fee.
"We Strive and Rise, Together."
For more about district visits, please visit our District Visits & Voices Blog, here.
Keep up with Community Affairs by Following these Hashtags
#OneTeamOneVoice |#educatordiplomats | #EdLeadNC | #beginswithateacher | #ncteachertalks | #districtvisitsvoices
Loved touring Dobson Elementary - @DobsonTigers with Principal @templetonsharia and meeting the amazing educators teaching their students! Thank you for sharing your passion with the #DistrictVisitsVoices Team and thank you Siomara Baltazar for discussing your QUEST! #BeginsWithATeacher
Follow us on Social for more!
Catherine Truitt, Superintendent of Public Instruction Twitter | Facebook
NC Department of Public Instruction Twitter | Facebook
- NC State Board of Education Twitter
Freebird McKinney, Director of Legislative and Community Affairs Twitter | Facebook
Julie Paige Pittman, Special Advisor to the Superintendent: Teacher Engagement Twitter
Tabari Wallace, Special Advisor to the Superintendent: Principal Engagement Twitter
Kristie VanAuken, Special Advisor to the Superintendent: Workforce Engagement Twitter
Helpful Resources
DPI Financial Business Services (FBS) - Check FBS homepage regularly for updates.
COVID-19 Orders & Directives - Executive orders issued by Governor Roy Cooper, as part of North Carolina's response to the COVID-19 coronavirus
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