Gaston County Schools hosted Superintendent Catherine Truitt, Representative Kelly Hastings and staff from the Department of Public Instruction on Tuesday, October 12th, 2021. The group learned about the English Language Learners Program and Learners’ Academy (Gifted and Talented Academy and Career Academy.)
 State Superintendent Catherine Truitt visits Gaston County Schools
When building a Student Behavioral Health Infrastructure and Continuum, with a focus on Student Mental Health, an intentional Social/ Emotional Implementation Plan, and a district wide collaboration of Specialized Instructional Support Personnel, look no further than the model developed by Rockingham County Schools. The #districtvisitsvoices Team was taught by the best as we travelled to Booker T. Washington Learning Center (a history lesson/ museum in and of itself) to listen and learn from Dr. Stephanie Lowe Ellis, Executive Director of Behavioral Health, Crisis Intervention, and Student Safety, as well as Project AWARE Director for Rockingham County Schools (RCS), and her staff and featured schools.
Rockingham County Schools - Student Mental Health
The #districtvisitsvoices Team had an amazing visit to Kannapolis City with State Superintendent Catherine Truitt, and NC House Representative Kristin Baker, as we learned about their intentional and exemplary efforts to address teacher recruitment and retention challenges through their Beginning Teacher Program.
Welcomed by KCS Superintendent, Kevin Garay, and our good friend and colleague, Assistant Superintendent Chris Triolo, we were then introduced to a showcase of the KCS BT Program by Anne Parker, Director of Curriculum and Instruction and Federal Prograns, as well as Deana Lewis, BT Coordinator/ Literacy Coach.
#educatordiplomats #beginswithateacher
A great morning celebrating all that ABSS offers to their students at the High School Course Fair! Loved learning about the IB Program at Williams HS, Pre-Collegiate Academy and AIMS Program at Graham HS, the Early College at ACC, the multiple CTE offerings and CAP Program, as well as the Alamance Virtual School. So many options and innovative, alternative pathways for our students and community.
Really excited to work with the Alamamce Scholars Program, led by Jodi Haynes Hofberg, as they continue to lead the partnership with Alamance Community College and Elon University designed to support students in pursuing a teaching career and returning to The Shire to teach upon graduating. Super stoked to include this initiative with the NC SBE’s Committee on Government and Community Affairs’ work and continue to improve the pipeline and opportunities to be a NC Public Schools educator!
Webinar Series Aims to Help Families Prepare for Learning Anywhere
Join the Rethink Education team to discuss important tips to help North Carolina parents and guardians create the best learning environment at home.
Thursday, Oct. 21, 7 to 7:45 p.m.
Creating an At-Home Learning Environment Speaker: Amber Garvey Sign up here
Monday, Oct. 25, 7 to 7:45 p.m.
Crear un Ambiente de Aprendizaje en Casa Speaker: Rachel Wright Junio Sign up here
Learn more about Rethink Education at Education.
Complete Press Release here
American Indian Heritage Celebration 2021 Education Day
The 26th Annual American Indian Heritage Celebration will be an online experience on Saturday, November 20, 2021, with a special online experience for students and educators on Friday, November 19.
Engage with American Indians from North Carolina’s eight recognized tribes in live presentations and panels, plus enjoy videos that celebrate the history, culture, and continuing contributions of North Carolina’s American Indian communities. LINK to this event.
The 2022 YLA is scheduled for April 8-10, 2022.
Youth Legislative Assembly (YLA) is a mock legislative session where high school students voice their opinions and vote on issues concerning local, state and national government.
The conference allows high school students an opportunity to gain a better understanding of the workings of local, state, and national government. Active participation in YLA increases the students' confidence and ability to debate current issues. Any high school student in good standing at a public, private, charter, or home school in North Carolina is eligible to participate in YLA. Just complete the student application; you do not have to have a member of the NC General Assembly to sponsor you to participate in the Youth Legislative Assembly.
Senate Educational Programs
Education Articles
"We Strive and Rise, Together."
For more about district visits, please visit our District Visits & Voices Blog, here.
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