May 2021 CSAB Meeting

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Charter Schools Board

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Charter Schools Advisory Board Highlights

MAY 2021

Charter School Advisory Board - May 2021

The North Carolina Charter Schools Advisory Board met remotely on Monday, May 10, 2021.


Meeting agendas are available on the State Board of Education’s (SBE) website under the Meetings tab. There you can also find presentation materials for each agenda item, where applicable.

The NC Charter Schools Advisory Board meetings are live-streamed and available on the NCDPI YouTube Channel. Please make sure you go to the “Home” tab when listening live. Following live meetings, the videos will be held under the “Videos” tab until titled and filed under CSAB videos on the NCDPI YouTube channel. 


Questions regarding this meeting should be directed to NCDPI Communications at 984-236-2000.

RTO min standards

2021 Ready to Open 

Ms. Claire Porter outlined the status of this year's Ready to Open charter schools. She explained the minimum guidelines that must be met by schools planning to open in the fall (see image). CSAB made preliminary recommendations. At its June meeting, the board will make final recommendations and those will go to the State Board of Education for approval in July 2021. One RTO school, Davis Academy Chadbourn, relinquished its charter due to difficulties in obtaining a facility in Columbus County. 


Amendments and Presentations


The CSAB approved two amendment requests: Coastal Preparatory Academy's Request to Partner with Charter One and Davis Academy's Relinquishment.



The CSAB heard informative presentations/updates from NC Virtual Academy, Lakeside Charter Academy, Eastside STREAM Academy, Tillery Academy, Monroe Academy, IDYL, and Charlotte Secondary. 


Don't Forget

Upcoming CSAB Meetings

CSAB will convene in-person at its June 7th meeting. Public notice will provide more information a week prior to the meeting.  There is also a special called meeting planned for May 27, 2021. 



OCS hopes to raise awareness and promote positive news about our charter schools through this social media initiative. In addition, this will serve as another communication tool for the office. Find us at @NCCharterOffice.