International Education Week Events & Resources!

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November 9, 2020

Global Education




Mark Your Calendars!


International Education Week 2020


NCDPI's Second Annual Celebration


Join us for International Education Week on November 16- 20th! International Education Week (IEW) is an opportunity to celebrate the benefits of international education and exchange worldwide. This joint initiative of the U.S. Department of Education (ED) and the U.S. Department of State is part of the effort to promote programs that prepare Americans for a global environment and attract future leaders from abroad to study, learn and exchange experiences.


  • International Week offers the chance to:
  • Expand awareness of and interest in global issues and global learning
  • Collaborate with and learn from international student groups
  • Gain a new cultural understanding
  • Sample a small part of life beyond the shores of America

A variety of IEW activities will be planned by NCDPI to promote International Education Week in North Carolina.  Stay tuned for more information as IEW approaches! #IEW2020


State Board of Education Kicks Off International Education Week 2020

At the November 5, 2020 State Board of Education meeting, Ms. Camnitz  joyfully read the International Education Week proclamation announcing:


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the North Carolina State Board of Education does hereby proclaim November 16 - 20, 2020, as International Education Week in North Carolina and that Board members direct the Secretary to the State Board of Education to enter a copy of this proclamation into the official minutes of the North Carolina State Board of Education.

This proclamation highlights that:

  • Global education remains a priority focus in the NCSBE’s strategic plan;
  • All students are encouraged to engage in a globally-collaborative society; 
  • SBE partnerships ensure students and educators opportunities to interact with international communication and technology 

The proclamation kicks off International Education Week 2020 and a series of events put together to highlight International Education in North Carolina. Listen to the proclamation.


NC IEW Student Showcase

The NC IEW Student Showcase provides students an opportunity to share their interest and understanding of global issues, global learning, and cultural awareness through various projects, presentations, or work samples. The COVID-19 Pandemic is giving us an opportunity to rethink and redesign education and NCDPI wants to acknowledge all the ways our NC students and educators are studying global education in the digital age. Our student showcase will be completely virtual.

Below are links to three different Flipgrid boards for educators to submit student samples in the following categories (video tutorial):

If your Public School Unit does not allow for the use of Flipgrid, you can submit an example for the showcase by using the free audio tool Vocaroo to record a student narration of work or interview about Global Education. Complete this Google Form to submit an alternative submission.


Student Showcase Submission Guidelines:

  • All submissions are due today, November 9th
  • All submissions will be reviewed by NCDPI staff to ensure no publicly identifiable information is submitted and all submissions are under three minutes long.
  • Educators are responsible for ensuring that all submissions have appropriate media release forms to be shared publicly and only first names are used/visible in all submissions.
  • Submissions will be individually and collectively highlighted via social media during IEW - please follow the @NCGlobalEd Twitter account, like the NC Global Education Facebook page, and use the hashtags #IEW20, #NCIEW, and #NCisGlobal.

View the full invitation.


Start a School Partnership

Submit a School Partnership Application by November 20!  Our new international agreements with the Académie de Reims in France includes school partnership opportunities. Teachers and students at PreK-12 schools across North Carolina in any subject or grade level can benefit from teaming up with partners in France on virtual classroom projects. 


For details, take a look at the October 29th broadcast archives where we explained how to get started, including downloading and submitting a School Partnership application and understanding the current priorities and timelines for being matched with a colleague and school in France.  


Completed applications can be sent to   whenever they are ready.

  • If you submit your application(s) by Friday, November 20, they will be included as part of International Education Week and processed for matching as soon as possible.
  • If you submit your application(s) later, they will be collected and processed for matching early in 2021 because school partnership applications are accepted on an ongoing basis


Global Education Webinar

Join us for a featured Global Education webinar as we celebrate International Education Week! During this session we will provide an overview of global programs and initiatives that are making an impact here in North Carolina. We will also look at the NCDPI Global-Ready recognitions and programs from select state partner’s that foster global awareness. Look for us on the IEW page of the Standards, Curriculum, & Instruction Google site!


Russian Flagship Program Information Session

UNC Chapel Hill is excited to announce the launch of the Russian Flagship Program on campus. The Russian Flagship Program at UNC Chapel Hill is one of eight Russian Language Flagship programs in the US sponsored by the National Security Education Program as part of The Language Flagship, a national initiative aimed to change the way Americans learn languages. 


The goal of the Russian Flagship Program is for participating students to:  

  • Reach a professional level of competency in Russian, a language deemed “critical” to national security 
  • Link their language study to the major(s) of their choice 
  • Study abroad and complete a professional overseas internship 
  • Receive scholarships for study abroad and intensive summer language courses 
  • Be sure to sign up for the information session on Tuesday, November 17th, at 4:00 PM!  

For more information on the Russian Flagship Program at UNC Chapel Hill, please visit their website or contact Meredith Doubleday at Make sure to follow them on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram!


International Education Week Webinars

Increase awareness of social justice and human rights around the world in this week-long professional development webinar series. In celebration of International Education Week, the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction and the area studies centers at UNC-Chapel Hill and Duke University will host an interactive webinar every evening between November 16-20, 2020. Each webinar will focus on content and resources related to a specific world region: Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, and the Middle East and North Africa. Sessions will address the complexity of challenges faced in the world, introduce issues from multiple viewpoints, and illustrate solutionary thinking. By addressing human rights and social justice, these webinars will provide educators the opportunity to engage in examination of our world and think critically about the underlying causes of embedded and interconnected problems, preparing teachers to address issues of global significance in the classroom. Participants will receive a certificate for 1.5 PD hours for each event attended.  Register in advance.



#IEW2020 Celebrations have Started!

To celebrate International Education Week, NCDPI will be sharing several Global Education resources several days leading up to #IEW2020 on November 16-20! Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter to start saving and bookmarking next week's resources! 


See the resources that were shared the week of November 2 - 6 below:


Google Lit Trips

"Reading the World" 


International Spy Museum

Workshops, interactives, and other educator resources from the International Spy Museum. 


National Museum of African Art

Educator Resources. 


National Museum of Asian Art

Educator resources.



Art, Videos, Lessons, Resources, and Programs from NCMALearn. 


Project Explorer

Project Explorer's library of two-to-four-minute videos was created to introduce students to the features that make diverse cultures and countries fascinating. Lessons featured on this site may need to be adapted to align to NC Standards. 



Explore homes -- and cultures -- around the world in exquisite detail through the free Homes app from Tinybop.


Touchable Earth

Use Touchable Earth to show videos of kids from around the world to encourage global citizenship. 


"What's Going on in this Picture?"

From the New York Times.


The Wonderment

Use The Wonderment to explore, create, connect, inspire and get support for student ideas from around the world. 


World Wild Life

Learn about communities, wildlife, and places around the world that World Wild Life works to protect.