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- New SEL Resources on the Website
- New NCDPI - Wide Content-Specific Resource Documents
- New Interactive CASEL Wheel Online
- Arts + SEL Webinar Archive
- Arts Ed Virtual Office Hours
NC Social Emotional Learning - Standards Mapping Documents
At the beginning of these documents, you will find a short narrative of how SEL and your content area already connect, and how integrating purposeful SEL support will strengthen your students’ grasp of the content. The document then provides Activities and Practices for use in your classroom. These activity suggestions have been tailored to integrating the instruction of a core competency within your content area. The instructional practices are ways that we as educators embed those core competencies in how we speak, teach, and run our classrooms. At the end of this document you will find a quick reference crosswalk between the CASEL Core Competencies and the NC Standard Course of Study. You will find that you can easily locate places in your curriculum where you can infuse your instruction with the core competencies, because they are already present in the standard course of study. However, by integrating these competencies intentionally into our content, we engage our students more deeply while educating the whole child.
Click below to visit your arts content:
Interactive CASEL Competency Wheel
The CASEL Core Competency wheel (to the left) is commonly used to show how the child (at the center) is surrounded by the competencies in the classrooms, schools, and Homes and communities. Now, you can explore the Interactive Arts + SEL Competency Wheel to learn more about how the Arts and SEL intersect. YouTube images will take you to a video highlighting the specified competency. "D" shares aligned ideas for Dance, "M" for Music, "TA" for Theatre Arts, and "VA" for Visual Arts. Click on the words in the image for descriptions of each core competency and community element. The images along the concentric blue circles are resources from partner organizations.
Printable Version
Arts + SEL Webinars
If you missed any of our Arts + SEL Webinars, you can find them in the webinar archive!
More SEL Webinars to come this year!
- Social Awareness: Sensory Friendly Concerts and Instruction
- Relationship Skills: SEL with Carolina Ballet
- Responsible Decision-Making: Leadership {through} Movement
- Creating a Community in the Classroom (Online and in person)

Come for refreshment on August 20th (Which just happens to be National Lemonade Day) with office hours with Brandon and Sayward. Click HERE when it is time to join!
 Did you miss a webinar?
Watch it in the Webinar Archive!
All Arts:
Quick Reference Guides for the North Carolina Standard Course of Study
NC Arts Education Google Site - The North Carolina Department of Public Instruction Google Site is intended to be a resource for arts educators, administrators, institutions of higher education, and other interested parties. It contains links to standards, instructional tools, professional development, and other resources related to implementing the North Carolina Arts Education Essential Standards. Arts Education leaders are encouraged to browse, reference, download, share, discuss, and adapt resources.
NC Arts Education Listserv- Sign up to receive detailed information and updates. Subscribe by visiting: Enter your email address and then select Arts Education and any other listservs for which you would like to subscribe.
- North Carolina Arts Council
- A+ Schools of North Carolina
- Arts NC
- NCASA - North Carolina Association for Scholastic Activities
- NC Museum of History
Regional Partners
Not in the Raleigh Area? Not a problem! Visit the Regional Arts Partners Google sheet to search for arts education organizations which serve students in your region, city, and educational district! If you have more organizations to add to the list, please contact Brandon Roeder.
Visual Arts
North Carolina's Vision for Comprehensive Arts Education
In today's globally competitive world, innovative thinking and creativity are essential for all school children. High quality, standards-based instruction in the arts develops these skills and effectively engages, retains, and prepares future-ready students for graduation and success in an entrepreneurial economy. Dance, music, theatre arts, and visual arts, taught by licensed arts educators and integrated throughout the curriculum, are critical to North Carolina's 21st century education. (Senate Bill 66: Comprehensive Arts Education Task Force, 2010)
NCDPI Arts Education - NCDPI Arts Education Google Site
N.C. K-12 Arts Education - NCDPI Arts Education Facebook Page
@ArtsEdNC - NCDPI Arts Education Twitter
@NCArtsEd- NCDPI Arts Education Instagram
Contact Us!
Sayward Grindley: K-12 Dance and Visual Arts Consultant
Brandon Roeder: K-12 Music and Theatre Arts Consultant