The Week In Review and Looking Forward into Next Week
Education Bills Amended to Cover Budget Shortfalls
More than two weeks into the new fiscal year and there is still no visible direction on the General Assembly’s plan for addressing the budget. While Republicans have offered a compromise Medicaid expansion bill in hopes to gain support for HB 966, the House has continued to delay votes for the potential veto override. Last week, the House came out with HB 111 as a stopgap budget to address certain operational funding requirements for the State as an interim solution to any final budget. This week, the Senate inserted their version into HB 961. Additional details are outlined below.
Meanwhile bills continue to be amended in committees this week, as they rapidly move from committees to the House and Senate chambers and on to the Governor. SB 5: School Safety Omnibus was amended in House Rules to include requirements of school risk management plans, facility vulnerability assessments, school resource officer reports, threat assessment teams, and trauma kits in schools. HB 922 that enhances education building insurance coverage and moves the insurance fund from DPI to the Department of Public Instruction, passed through both chambers and has been sent to the Governor. Other bills including SB 438: Excellent Public Schools Act of 2019 was objected to on 3rd reading in the House, meanwhile the Senate did not concur with the House version of SB 621: Testing Reduction Act of 2019 so the bill has been assigned to a conference committee.
Many bills were heard in chambers this week and will continue moving next week. A few final K-12 education bills are scheduled to be heard next week in the House and Senate Rules committees. In addition, HB 966: 2019 Appropriations Act remains on the House calendar. For more detail on what is scheduled next week, the education-related legislative calendar can be found at the bottom of this newsletter.
Senate Stopgap Budget
HB 961: Ensuring Authorization of Federal Funds
HB 961 provides certain federal funding in the absence of a new state budget, including:
Division of Child Development and Early Education
- Child Care Services $232,109,943
- Smart Start Subsidy $7,392,654
- Transfer from TANF for Child Care Subsidies $21,773,001
- Quality and Availability Initiatives $55,217,124
- TEACH Program $3,800,000
- NC FAST Development $464,290
- NC FAST Operations and Maintenance $1,104,504
Maternal and Child Health Block Grant
- If federal funds are received for abstinence education, those funds shall be transferred to the SBE to be administered by DPI to establish an abstinence until marriage education program.
House Supplemental Budget Bill
HB 111: Supplemental Appropriations Act
Section 2.1 – Appropriates funds to DPI for public school Average Daily Membership increases and average salary adjustments.
Section 2.2 – Permits UNC enrollment funds to be used for the NC Promise Tuition Plan for Elizabeth City State University, the University of North Carolina at Pembroke, and Western Carolina University.
Section 2.3 – Alters the statute that provides a waiver of 12-month residency requirement for in-state tuition for certain veterans.
Sections 3.1, 4.1 – Funds from General Fund appropriated to operations of NC Fast and provides funds from Medicaid Transformation Fund for nonrecurring NC Fast expenditures.
Section 5.1 – Provides funding for a Suicide Prevention Lifeline.
Section 7.1 – Clarifies fund use and permit for continued efforts of 2018 Disaster Recovery.
Important Budget Resources
- HB 961: Ensuring Authorization of Federal Funds here.
- HB 111: Supplemental Appropriations Act here.
- DPI School Business: Operating after July 1 Without a Budget.
- K-12 Education Budget Overview here.
- Governor's Veto Statement here.
- HB 966: Ratified Conference Report here.
- Updated "Money" Report (Conference Report) here.
- Conference Committee Members here.
- DPI Financial & Business Services: Budget Comparison here.
- DPI Financial & Business Services: Summary of Budget here.
- HB 966: 2019 Appropriations Act (Senate v6) here.
- "Money" Report - 3rd Edition (Senate) here.
- Senate Appropriations/Base Budget Amendments here.
- HB 966: 2019 Appropriations Act (House v4) here.
- Committee "Money" Report - 2nd Edition (House) here.
- Education Items in the Governor's budget here.
- Highlights of the NC Public School Budget 2019 here.
- NC State Board of Education Budget Response here.
- NC Department of Public Instruction #NC2030 vision here.
- Public School Capital Outlays Chart here.
- North Carolina School Finances website here.
2019 New K-12 Education Laws
SL 2019-11: (HB 263) Fill Vacancies/Modify 2018 Appointments
- Appoints Jeannette Butterworth of Henderson County to the North Carolina Charter Schools Advisory Board for a term expiring on June 30, 2021.
SL 2019-22: (HB 646) ID Approval/Flex Muni One-Stop BILL SUMMARY
- Requires the head of a university, college, or K-12 school to submit sufficient documentation for voting identification card approval; amends the criteria school entities must meet for approval of ID card use.
SL 2019-38: (SB 448) Amend Appt For Compact on Education/Military BILL SUMMARY
- Removes the requirement that the compact commissioner for the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children be a licensed NC attorney who represents a local board of education; rather the Governor appoints the individual.
SL 2019-51: (HB 57) Create Term for Public Schs. & Codify NCVPS BILL SUMMARY
- Defines the term "public school unit" and codifies past session laws for the North Carolina Virtual Public School (NCVPS) program in the education chapter of the General Statutes (115C).
SL 2019-55: (HB 664) myFutureNC/Postsecondary Attainment Goal BILL SUMMARY
- Establishes a postsecondary educational attainment goal for the State to ensure the State remains economically competitive now and into the future. The State will make significant efforts to increase access to learning so that by 2030, 2,000,000 residents between the ages of 25 and 44 will have completed a high-quality credential or postsecondary degree..
SL 2019-60: (SB 227) TP3/Principal Fellows Consolidation BILL SUMMARY
- Maintain existing administration of the Transforming Principal Preparation Program (TP3) until it is repealed in 2021; expands the Principal Fellows Consolidation to include the TP3.
SL 2019-63: (SB 674) Surry Co./Mt. Airy/Elkin City/Bd. Ed Partisan BILL SUMMARY
- Changes the method of election for the local Boards of Education in the above listed localities from nonpartisan to partisan and alters vacancy filing process.
SL 2019-71: (SB 219) Modify Teacher Licensing Requirements BILL SUMMARY
- Makes various changes to statutes regarding the testing for the initial professional teacher (IPL) licensure; creates one-year extension for IPL for certain teachers; creates a limited teaching license for out-of-state teachers; authorizes local boards of education to determine commensurate pay level; and reduce the lifetime teaching license requirement from 50 to 30 years.
SL 2019-76: (SB 556) GSC People First Language 2019 GENERAL COMMENTS
- Updates General Statues relating to the provision of services with people first language by changing the phrase "mental retardation" to "intellectual disability" or "intellectual or other developmental disability".
SL 2019-78: (SB 88) Electrician Requirements for Certain Orgs BILL SUMMARY
- Local boards of education (LEAs) may employ licensed electrical contractors.
SL 2019-81: (HB 656) Medicaid Changes for Transformation BILL SUMMARY
- Makes adjustments to the Medicaid and Health Choice appeals statutes, and other laws pertaining to Medicaid and Health Choice, in order to implement Medicaid Transformation and contracts with Prepaid Health Plans.
SL 2019-82: (HB 924) Teacher Contract Changes BILL SUMMARY
- Clarifies the amount of time a teacher must work for an LEA in order to be eligible for an extended employment contract. Adds a new course in economics and personal finance as a graduation requirement for students.
SL 2019-87: (HB 886) Study Participation of Operators in NC Pre-K BILL SUMMARY
- Requires DHHS, Division of Child Development and Early Education to complete a study of four- and five-star centers that are not participating in NC Pre-K in order to identify the challenges associated with becoming an NC Pre-K site.
SL 2019-110: (SB 399) Rehire High-Need Teachers BILL SUMMARY
- Permits retired teachers to return to work in certain high-needs schools without adversely impacting their retirement benefits.
SL 2019-120: (SB 500) Modify Advanced Math Course Enrollment BILL SUMMARY
- Beginning with the 2019-2020 school year, makes certain modifications to the implementation of advanced math courses offered when practicable for grades six and higher. Requires an annual report on the number and demographics of students eligible for advanced math courses.
- SL 2019-122: (SB 686) Appointments Bill 2019 (Specific terms are listed in the session law)
- Stephen Griffin of Durham County, Thomas Luckadoo of Catawba County, Richard L. Purcell of Mecklenburg County, Craig Hagood of Wake County, and Judith E. Irwin of Johnston County are appointed to the North Carolina Education and Workforce Innovation Commission.
- W. Lentz Brewer of New Hanover County and Michael "Greg" Patterson of Wake County are appointed to the Board of Trustees of the Teachers' and State Employees' Retirement System.
- Lawrence H. "Larry" Chewning, III, of Nash County and Lisa Grimes of Wake County are appointed to the State Health Plan for Teachers and State Employees Board of Trustees.
- Mariann Tillery of Guilford County and Dr. Jennifer W. Olson of Wake County are appointed to the North Carolina Teaching Fellows Commission.
- Lauren Genesky of Wake County, Meaghan Loftus of Mecklenburg County, Patrick Miller of Greene County, Hank Weddington of Catawba County, Anthony Graham of Guilford County, Glenda Jones of Mecklenburg County, Dr. Michael Maher of Wake County, and Ellen McIntyre of Mecklenburg County are appointed to the North Carolina Professional Educator Preparation and Standards Commission.
- If HB 200, becomes law, then Dr. Charles Westley Wood of Wilkes County, Dr. Van O. Dempsey, III, of New Hanover County, Dr. Connie O. Locklear of Robeson County, Samuel H. Houston, Jr., of Wake County, Michael D. Hicks of Union County, Dr. Virginia Ann Bullock of Alamance County, Aaron Fleming of Harnett County, and Joseph W. Childers of Stokes County are appointed to the North Carolina Professional Educator Preparation and Standards Commission for terms expiring on August 31, 2020. are appointed to the North Carolina Professional Educator Preparation and Standards Commission.
SL2019-129: (HB 735) Adopt Rules Incorporating 2017 Food Code BILL SUMMARY
- Authorizes the Commission for Public Health to adopt rules incorporating all or part of the most recent edition of the United States Food and Drug Administration Food Code.
SL 2019-139: (HB 668) Various Higher Education Changes BILL SUMMARY
- Graduation from a North Carolina high school is permissible evidence that the student's residence is the parent's residence for establishing residency for in state tuition purposes for North Carolina community colleges and universities. However, this evidence alone does not establish legal residence in the State.
SL 2019-142: (HB 411) Modify School Qual./Student Success Indicator
- Combines the Career and College Readiness indicators used for school performance grades and for the purpose of compliance with federal law for grades nine through twelve, to require the State Board of Education to include additional Career and College Readiness information on annual report cards.
- Complete List of Bills that are Session Law here.
- For complete bill history and summaries, click on the bill link.
Relevant Bills with Action
Bills Passed in Both Chambers
Presented to the Governor
HB 107: PED Oversight/EPP Changes
HB 362: 15-Point Scale For School Performance Grades BILL SUMMARY
HB 922: Enhance Insurance Coverage/Educ. Buildings BILL SUMMARY
SB 343: Various Education Law Changes BILL SUMMARY
SB 391: Expand Youth Internship Opportunities BILL SUMMARY
SB 392: Various Charter School Changes BILL SUMMARY
SB 478: Modify Appointment Reporting
- Complete List of Bills Pending the Governor's Signature here.
Focus on the Student
SB 476: Compt-Based Assess. & Mental Hlth/Teen Violence
SB 476 has three sections with provisions relating to competency-based education and student mental and physical health:
Part 1: Directs the SBE to analyze how to move all elementary and secondary schools to a competency-based assessment and teaching model through examining other states and innovative teaching methods used in North Carolina. The recommended transition would require:
- students advance grade levels based on mastery of material;
- learning competencies are specific, measurable objectives;
- assessments meaningfully measure student achievement and growth;
- students receive individualized support based on differentiated needs;
- and outcomes emphasize the application and creation of knowledge.
The results of the examination must be submitted to the Joint Legislative Oversight Committee by May 15, 2020.
Part 2: Requires that public schools create and implement suicide risk referral protocol and mental health training programs for school personnel that work directly with K-12 students. The suicide risk referral protocol must inform school personnel of procedures for suicide risk referrals, establish crisis teams, and train school personnel on how to identify and intervene in relevant situations. The mental health training program is required to address youth mental health, suicide prevention, substance abuse, sexual abuse prevention, and sex trafficking prevention. Protocol and training programs must be adopted and implemented by July 1, 2021.
Part 3: Requires each public school adopt a policy against teen dating violence. The policy must define dating violence and abuse, prohibit dating violence and abuse during any school activity, create procedures for responding to incidences of dating violence, and be implemented with all other school discipline policies. Furthermore, schools are required to provide instruction on dating violence and abuse in a course required to be taken by all students. Adoption and implementation must be completed by July 1, 2020 with course instruction provided by the 2020-2021 school year.
This bill has been placed on the Senate calendar for 7/22/2019.
Bills that Moved This Week
Passed the House - Sent to the Senate
SB 301: Regional School Modifications (Passed in the House – Placed on Senate Calendar for concurrence for 07/22/2019) BILL SUMMARY
SB 366: 10th Grade/College Transfer Pathways (Conference Committee) (House adopted Conference Report - Placed on Senate Calendar for 07/22/2019)
SB 476: Compt-Based Assess. & Mental Hlth/Teen Viol. (Passed House - Placed on Senate Calendar for 07/22/2019)
Passed the Senate - Sent to the House
Passed in a Committee - Referred to another Committee
SB 123: Portability of Leave/Charter Schools (Amended (CS) in House K-12 Ed - referred to House Rules)
SB 961 Ensuring Authorization of Federal Funds (Amended (CS - Title Change) in Senate Appropriations/Base Budget. Referred to Senate Rules) BILL
Bills that are filed, referred to a committee or calendared for the House or Senate Floor
SB 5: School Safety Omnibus (House Rules (CS) Passed - Placed on House Calendar for 07/22/19) BILL SUMMARY
SB 438: Excellent Public Schools Act of 2019 (Amended (A2) on House Floor - Passed 2nd Reading - Placed on House Calendar for 3rd Reading on 07/22/2019) BILL SUMMARY
HB 777: Various Retirement Chngs/Wastewater Reform (Passed House 1st reading – Referred to House Rules) BILL SUMMARY
- For complete bill history and summaries, click on the bill link.
- 2019 Long Session LINK for bills impacting K-12 education.
- LINK to K-12 Public Education Bills that made Crossover.
- NCGA Crossover List - LINK.
July 22 - 26: Legislative Meeting Calendar
Monday, July 22, 2019
2:00 p.m.: Senate: Session Convenes Senate | Audio
3:00 p.m.: House: Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House 1228/1327 LB | Audio
4:30 p.m.: Senate: Rules and Operations of the Senate 1027/1128 LB | Audio
This section includes details pertaining to acronyms and bill information referenced throughout the K-12 Education Legislative Update newsletters.
Biennium- A two-year term of legislative activity
Public Bill- Legislation enacted into law that applies to the public at large
Local Bill- Legislation put into law that has limited application (How many counties)- Local bills do not have to be signed by the governor
Sponsor- The legislator who presents a bill or resolution for consideration
Resolution- A document that expresses the sentiment or intent of the legislature or a chamber. Resolutions, when finalized, go to the Secretary of State
Glossary of Legislative Terms- LINK
DPI = NC Department of Public Instruction
LEA = Local Education Agency
NCGA = North Carolina General Assembly
LB/LOB = Legislative Building/Legislative Office Building
SBE = North Carolina State Board of Education
HB/SB = House Bill/Senate Bill
JR = Joint Resolution
SL = Session Law
GS = General Statute
PCS = Proposed Committee Substitute
Cecilia Holden – Director of Government and Community Relations | 919-807-3406
Anne Murtha – Legislative Specialist | 919-807-3403
To view previous 2019 Weekly Legislative Updates click here.
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