Superintendents' Weekly Message: June 4

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Superintendents' Weekly Message

June 4, 2019

2019-20 PRC039 School Safety Grants

The funding available for the School Safety Grants will be determined in the ratified Appropriations Act. At this time, DPI is unable to provide any additional information other than what is in the proposed House and Senate budgets. When the General Assembly has acted, we will send out a link and information on the application process. Please communicate to the appropriate program person in your LEA or charter school, so that they are aware of the status.

School Safety Workshop hosted by U.S. Secret Service

Superintendents, administrators, and educators are invited to attend a workshop on preventing school violence held by the U.S. Secret Service (USSS) Charlotte Field Office at the Charlotte Mecklenburg Police Training Academy. The workshop will feature experts from the USSS' National Threat Assessment Center (NTAC), which recently completed a study of prior school attacks in the U.S. with the intention of preventing future ones.


The NTAC conducts research, training, and consultation on threat assessment and the prevention of targeted violence. Topics covered will include:

  • Principles of Threat Assessment
  • The Systems Approach to Threat Assessment
  • Key Investigative Themes
  • Identification of persons who may pose a risk of violence
  • Assessing risk and the potential for harm
  • Management strategies to reduce the risk of violence and other unwanted outcomes
  • Interactive Case Studies

Click here to learn more.

When: June 25 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Where: 1770 Shopton Road, Charlotte, NC 

Parental Engagement Handouts from DPI and State Superintendent

End-of-year handouts for parents

As you know, DPI has been working on a parental engagement campaign in order to better communicate with parents regarding updates in public education, tips on increasing early literacy, and more. Part of this parental outreach initiative includes sending home printed fliers with students. We want to thank you for your continued support of this initiative and update you on the four fliers you can expect before the end of this school year; they are as follows:

  • School Report Card Notification Document - Please ensure that every student in your district receives one.
  • Summer Reading Tips at Home - this flier gives parents tips on how to practice reading with their children over the summer. Please ensure that students in grades K-5 receive one. 
  • Teacher Appreciation - this flier reminds students and parents of the many reasons to thank teachers, as well as explains to students why teaching is a great career option. Please ensure that students in grades 6-12 receive one. 
  • Summer Nutrition - this flier explains to parents that they have free meal options for their children over the summer. Please ensure that every student in your district receives one. 

SBE Student Advisor Application now available

Deadline June 30

One rising junior and one rising senior will be selected to represent North Carolina's public school students as a nonvoting advisor to the State Board of Education. The rising senior selected will serve a one-year term, while the rising junior will serve a two-year term, each beginning with the August 2019 SBE meeting. Meetings are typically the first Wednesday and Thursday of each month on the 7th floor of the Education Building at 301 N. Wilmington Street in Raleigh.

The application is now live at Deadline for applications is June 30, and the two advisors selected will be notified by July 15.


Letters of Recognition from the State Superintendent

For students, faculty, and staff

Do you know of a student or faculty or staff member who has achieved something extraordinary? State Superintendent Mark Johnson would like to recognize individuals and groups who have earned such accomplishments with a letter applauding their achievement. Examples of excellence include special service to one’s community, receiving recognition or awards, excellence in competition, athletics, or academia, and more.


If you wish to request a letter of recognition from Superintendent Johnson, go to and provide the information requested. We look forward to hearing about your good news.