The Week In Review and Looking Forward into Next Week
Senate Passes their Version of the 2019 Budget
The Senate released their version of the budget bill on Tuesday of this week. After several amendments and much debate on the floor, they passed Edition 6 of HB 966 2019 Appropriations Act on Friday and returned it to the House for their consideration. It is anticipated that the House will reject this version and from there, conferees will be named for a conference committee who will then move forward with finding common ground for a unified budget. See below for K-12 Education highlights in the Senate version of the budget.
This week’s focus on the student included SBE Teacher Advisor, Freebird McKinney, Neil Schledorn and Michael Budzinski leading a group of students from the Alamance-Burlington and Rutherford County School Districts in downtown Raleigh. The day visit was hosted by ABSS district Senator Rick Gunn. They visited the General Assembly, the Lt. Governor’s Office, the Governor’s Mansion and were recognized in the House Chamber by ABSS district Rep. Ross. The students were engaged during a luncheon provided by Senator Gunn, during which an educational Q&A session was held with the Senator and Representatives Ross, Riddell and Rogers.
Next week, the focus of the General Assembly will remain on the budget, as well as crossover bills with interest from the opposite chamber. The House and Senate by SJR 679, will hold a Special Session at the North Carolina State Capitol on Thursday, June 6 to commemorate the 75th Anniversary of D-Day.
Senate Version of the Budget
Senate Edition 6 of HB 966 – 2019 Appropriations Act
For a comparison between the State Board of Education, Governor, House and Senate budget items, click here.
Key K-12 Highlights from the Senate’s Edition of the Budget Bill
- Year One = 371M / Year Two = 563M
- 3.5% average teacher pay increase (~$54K avg teacher pay)
- 1% increase for noncertified personnel
- 2.5% pay raise each year of the biennium for state employees
- $15M principal pay
- Incentive to recruit high performing principals to bottom 5% schools ($30K salary supplement + bonuses - could receive as much as $45M bonus)
- $8M for additional school psychologists
- $41M SROs & safety grants
- $11M year 1 / $12M year 2 Textbooks & Digital Resources recurring funds
- $15M supplies recurring funds ($300/teacher)
- North Carolina Center for the Advancement of Teaching ($1M recurring – childhood reading professional development)
- Financial literacy Teacher training $1M
- $3M school nutrition for reduced meal co-pay
- $1.5M Cooperative Innovative High Schools
- $1.5M Career Coaches (partnership with Community Colleges)
*Note: These funds are in addition to the existing K-12 Education Base Budget.
High Profile Special Provisions in HB 966 Edition 6 Senate Budget Proposal
- Section 7.9.(a) Advanced Teaching Roles (ATR): Requires the SBE to establish a program to develop advanced teaching roles and organizational models that link teacher performance and professional growth to salary increases for classroom teachers in selected local school administrative units.
- Both House and Senate include $500K R year 1/ $1.5M year 2 and this provision in their versions of the budget; however, the Senate version removes the language that would allow for class size flexibility and budget flexibility for these schools.
- Codifies the Advanced Teaching Roles in the General Statute.
- Allows the SBE to approve any local school administrative unit to be approved that meets the requirements, even those who are willing to participate without receiving state-level ATR funding.
- Section 7.18.(a) Financial Literacy: Requires instruction be provided in personal financial literacy for all students entering ninth grade in the 2021-2022 school year.
- This section is in both the House and Senate versions of the budget.
- Provides for a $500 stipend for teachers upon completion of the required test for those attending professional development outside of classroom schedules or to the school employer if attending during the school day.
- Section 7.27.(a) Cooperative Innovative High Schools: Provides funds for additional resources to approved cooperative innovative high schools for the school’s first three years of operation.
- $1.5M in funding and the special provision for CIHSs were in the Senate version of the budget only
- Phases out funding for current schools who have received funds for more than 3 years by allocating for the 2020-2021 FY an amount equal to fifty percent (50%) of the amount a local school administrative unit received from the allotment for the 2019-2020 FY and no funds from the allotment for the 2021-2022 fiscal year and for subsequent fiscal years.
- Phases out funding for current schools who have received funds for 2 years by allocating for the 2021-2022 fiscal year an amount equal to fifty percent (50%) of the amount a local school administrative unit received from the allotment for the 2020-2021 fiscal year and no funds from the allotment for the 2022-2023 fiscal year and for subsequent fiscal years.
- Section 7.31.(a) Classroom Supplies to Teachers: Establishes a program to provide classroom supply funds directly to teachers through a phone app.
- $15M was in the House and Senate versions of the budget bill; however, the House provision provides $145/eligible teacher and the Senate version provides $300/teacher.
- The Senate version would require a portion of the current supply funds going to districts to be earmarked to go directly to the teacher.
- Section 7.36.(a) School Safety Grants Program
- Funds and special provisions for the School Safety Grants were included in both the House and Senate versions of the budget.
- Year 1 of the House version includes $30M and the Senate version includes $41M
- Section 7.45.(a) School Psychologists Allotment
- Included in the Senate version of the budget only
- This would move $27M from the Instructional Support Allotment to a newly created School Psychologist Allotment and add $8M to the new allotment for a total of $35M.
- This would require districts to hire at least one school psychologist and would not allow for funds to be transferred out of the School Psychologist Allotment but for the purpose of hiring school psychology contract services.
- Section 7.42.(a) Reading Camp Curriculum Pilot Program
- Allocates $70K and directs DPI to acquire Imagine Learning and Failure Free reading camp curriculum.
- Section 7.43.(a) Student Meal Debt Reduced-Price Lunch Co-Pays
- Allots $3M non-recurring funds for reduced-price lunch co-pays to provide school lunches at no cost to students of all grade levels qualifying for reduced-price meals in all schools participating in the National School Lunch Program in the 2019-2020 school year.
Important Budget Resources
- DPI Financial & Business Services: Budget Comparison here
- HB 966: 2019 Appropriations Act (Senate Edition 6) here.
- Updated "Money" Report - 3rd Edition (Senate) here.
- Senate Appropriations/Base Budget Amendments here.
- HB 966: 2019 Appropriations Act (House v4) here.
- Committee "Money" Report - 2nd Edition (House) here.
- Education Items in the Governor's budget here.
- Highlights of the NC Public School Budget 2019 here.
- NC State Board of Education Budget Response here.
- NC Department of Public Instruction #NC2030 vision here.
- Public School Capital Outlays Chart here.
- North Carolina School Finances website here.
State Board of Education - June Meeting
The SBE will hold their monthly meeting next week on Wednesday, June 5, and Thursday, June 6.
The agendas can be found through the links below:
- Agenda for June 5 located here.
- Agenda for June 6 located here.
Relevant Bills with Action
Bills Heard in the Senate/House Chamber or in a Committee This Week:
HB 966 – 2019 Appropriations Act
K-12 Education Bills with Action This Week
HB 664: myFutureNC/Postsecondary Attainment Goal
HB 664 would establish a postsecondary educational attainment goal for the State to ensure that North Carolina remains economically competitive. More emphasis to increase access to Institutions of Higher Education, goal of at least 2,000,000 residents so that by 2030, between the ages of 25 and 44 will have completed a high-quality credential or postsecondary degree. Bill Summary
05/29/2019 S Re-ref to Education/Higher Education. If fav, re-ref to Rules and Operations of the Senate
HB 517: Stokes Co. Bd. Ed./Requested Election Changes
HB 517 would change the method of election of the Stokes County Board of Education beginning in 2020 from nonpartisan to partisan. Would also make the terms of all members four years. Bill Summary
05/29/2019 Re-referred to Senate Redistricting and Elections. If fav, re-ref to Rules and Operations of the Senate
HB 646: ID Approval/Flex Muni One-Stop
As this bill pertains to K-12 public education, the State Board of Elections shall approve the use of employee identification card cards issued by a state or local government entity, including a charter school, for voting identification. Bill Summary
Pres. To Gov. 5/28/2019 on 5/28/2019
SB 674: Surry Co./Mt. Airy/Elkin City/Bd. Ed Partisan
SB 674 would change the method of elections beginning in 2020 of the Board of Education of Surry County, the Board of Education of the Mount Airy City Schools Administrative Unit, and the Board of Education of the Elkin City Administrative Unit from nonpartisan to partisan. Bill Summary
05/30/2019 Re-ref to the Com on Elections and Ethics Law, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House on 5/30/2019
SB 219: Modify Teacher Licensing Requirements
This bill would make the following changes to teacher licensure statutes:
- The SBE would be required to monitor teachers' compliance with licensure exam requirements.
- Until all licensure exam requirements are met, the SBE would be prohibited from converting a teacher's initial professional license (ILP) to a continuing professional license (CPL).
- A new limited teaching license would be created for teachers not meeting the criteria for a CPL due to a failure to fulfill the licensure exam requirements.
- A one-year extension would be provided to certain teachers whose license expires June 30, 2019 due to the failure to fulfill licensure exam requirements. Bill Summary
05/30/2019 H Re-referred To House Committee On Education - K-12, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House.
SB 392: Superint. May Approve Charter Facility Bonds
SB 392 would designate the Superintendent of Public Instruction to approve issuance of private activity bonds to finance or refinance a Charter School Facility after a public hearing. Bill Summary
05/30/2019 H Re-referred To House Committee On Education - K-12, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House
SB 556: GSC People First Language 2019
The bill would update General Statutes regarding People First Language by changing the phrase "Mental Retardation" to "Intellectual Disability" or "Intellectual or Other Developmental Disability". General Statutes Memorandum
05/30/2019 H Re-ref to the Com on Judiciary, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House
HB 697: State Surplus Prop. Computers for Nonprofits
This bill would allow nonprofits that donate refurbished computers to low-income students in North Carolina to obtain the surplus computer equipment at no cost or low cost from the State Surplus Property Agency and UNC. Bill Summary
05/29/2019 S Re-referred To Senate Committee On State and Local Government . If fav, re-ref to Rules and Operations of the Senate
K-12 Public Education Bills that have become Session Law
- No K-12 Public Education Bills became Session Law this week.
LINK to all bills that are now Session Law.
- 2019 Long Session LINK for bills impacting K-12 education.
- LINK to K-12 Public Education Bills that made Crossover.
- NCGA Crossover List - LINK
Continued Investment in the Student Perspective
 ABSS and Rutherfordton School Districts - Student Leadership Academy
Alamance Burlington and Rutherford County Schools have leveraged private funds to support a Student Leadership Academy in each of these districts. The program focuses on civic engagement and experiential educational opportunities that allow students to see themselves as part of a community that is bigger than they are - from a classroom leader to a global citizen. The SLA facilitates an understanding that the student is a conduit for their schools and their communities, the designer of a positive inclusive school culture and a model of school leadership.
This week, students participating in the SLA toured the General Assembly, Lt. Governor’s Office and the Governor’s mansion as part of their overall learning experience. They participated in a Q&A session with legislators. Outcomes of this program include an improved school culture and climate, ultimately resulting in increased student safety. Through civic engagement and a sense of leadership, these students will be changed for the better. Transformative programs such as the SLA can have long-lasting impacts on these students and those they encounter for years to come.
Freebird McKinney serves as a teacher advisor to the State Board of Education. His involvement in this program is beneficial to the conversations around the Board table when making decisions that directly impact our K-12 public school students.
June 3 - 7: Legislative Meeting Calendar
Monday, June 3, 2019
3:00 p.m.: House: Session Convenes - No Vote Session House | Audio
Tuesday, June 4, 2019
9:30 a.m.: Senate: Session Convenes Senate | Audio
11:00 a.m.: House Education - Universities 421 LOB
S295: NC HS Graduation as Evidence of Residency.
Wednesday, June 5, 2019
11:00 a.m.: Senate: Education/Higher Education 1027/1128 LB | Audio
This section includes details pertaining to acronyms and bill information referenced throughout the K-12 Education Legislative Update newsletters.
Biennium- A two-year term of legislative activity
Public Bill- Legislation enacted into law that applies to the public at large
Local Bill- Legislation put into law that has limited application (How many counties)- Local bills do not have to be signed by the governor
Sponsor- The legislator who presents a bill or resolution for consideration
Resolution- A document that expresses the sentiment or intent of the legislature or a chamber. Resolutions, when finalized, go to the Secretary of State
Glossary of Legislative Terms- LINK
DPI = NC Department of Public Instruction
LEA = Local Education Agency
NCGA = North Carolina General Assembly
LB/LOB = Legislative Building/Legislative Office Building
SBE = North Carolina State Board of Education
AB = Agency Bill
HB/SB = House Bill/Senate Bill
JR = Joint Resolution
SL = Session Law
GS = General Statute
PCS = Proposed Committee Substitute
FY = Fiscal Year
To view previous 2019 Weekly Legislative Updates, click here.
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