Charter Schools Advisory Board Newsletter for February 11 -12, 2019

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Charter Schools Board

6307 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-6307  •  919.807.3491

Charter Schools Advisory Board Highlights

FEBRUARY 11 -12, 2019

Charter School Advisory Board (CSAB) February Meeting


The North Carolina Charter School Advisory Board met February 11th – 12th at the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction.  

The agendas are available on the State Board of Education’s website under the Meetings tab. There you can also find presentation materials for each agenda item, where applicable.

Charter School Advisory Board meetings are live-streamed and available on the NCDPI YouTube Channel.

Questions regarding this meeting should be directed to NCDPI Communications at 919-807-3450.

Charter School check mark

Greetings from CSAB Vice Chair Mr. Steven Walker


This month we had another productive meeting of the Charter Schools Advisory Board. We are now over halfway through our evaluation of the 35 applications for new charters that were submitted this year, and we have noticed an increase in the quality of the applications over prior years. We congratulate those schools that received a recommendation from the CSAB to open, either in the Fall of 2019 or the Fall of 2020, and encourage those who did not move forward to regroup, work on their application, and resubmit it next year.


We also had the opportunity to work on the application timeline for next year, and there are some exciting changes in store to help the CSAB and the State Board of Education move more quickly on applications to give successful applicants more time to get things up and running. As always, the CSAB is very grateful for the hardworking staff of the Office of Charter Schools. We are constantly amazed at the amount of support OCS is able to provide to both existing schools and applicants with such a small staff. See you in March!


Application Season


The application interview season is in full swing. CSAB heard its second round of full interviews and continued with clarification interviews at its February meeting. Last year 26 groups submitted complete applications and 11 were ultimately recommended for approval. This year, 35 groups submitted applications, and so far twelve have been recommended for approval. Three of those twelve have been recommended to open on an accelerated schedule.  At the February CSAB meeting, six applicant groups were moved forward to full interviews in March: Carolina Experimental, Triumph Charter Academy, CE Academy, Leadership Academy of Wayne, Griffin Leadership Academy, and Piedmont Career Academy. Final clarification interviews will take place in March.  


Presentations and Discussion


The CSAB heard presentations from Charlotte Choice Charter, Coastal Preparatory Academy, and Charlotte Secondary School regarding plans for academic improvement. In addition, the CSAB received important information from Dr. Michael Wells, NCDPI Federal Programs, regarding CSI and TSI schools.




The Office of Charter Schools announced its official Twitter account to the CSAB. OCS hopes to raise awareness and promote positive news about our charter schools through this social media initiative. In addition, this will serve as another communication tool for the office. Find us at @NCCharterOffice.