Charter Schools Advisory Board Newsletter for December 12, 2018

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Charter Schools Board

6307 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-6307  •  919.807.3491

Charter Schools Advisory Board Highlights

DECEMBER 12, 2018

Charter School Advisory Board (CSAB) December Meeting


The North Carolina Charter School Advisory Board met December 12, 2018 at the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction.   


The agendas are available on the State Board of Education’s website under the Meetings tab. There you can also find presentation materials for each agenda item, where applicable.

Charter School Advisory Board meetings are live-streamed and available on the NCDPI YouTube Channel.


Questions regarding this meeting should be directed to NCDPI Communications at 919-807-3450.


Charter School check mark

Reflections from Ms. Lindalyn Kakadelis, Charter School Advisory Board


Dear Charter Leaders,


Hope you are getting ready for a blessed holiday rest! 

The December 10th & 11th CSAB meeting was cancelled due to the early snowstorm that hit much of our state.  However, thanks to the Office of Charter Schools’ fast work we regrouped and had a one-day meeting on Dec. 12th


This snowstorm could not have hit at a busier time for CSAB!  We are in the middle of the 2019 application process.  Due to the cancellation of the two-day meeting, and CSAB not being able to have a quorum for a second day, the six hour-long interviews for acceleration applicants was moved to January when CSAB will meet for three days, January 14-16.


The one-day meeting consisted of eight Clarification Interviews.  These interviews last thirty minutes and CSAB decides whether the application is clear and has enough merit to move forward.  Four of the eight applications were moved forward to a full hour-long interview to be schedule in January.


CSAB got a preview of the Charter School Annual Report.  The draft report was approved with minor changes to be made by the OCS. The State Board of Education will receive the report at their January meeting for a first reading and final approval at their February meeting.  Then the report is off to the General Assembly.  The report is the best one yet!  Congratulations to all charter school operators and boards for making 2018 a banner year! Thank you to the Office of Charter Schools for capturing the year!


We were saddened to receive Hope Charter’s request to relinquish their charter at the end of this year. However, we were encouraged by their Board’s placing their students first and working with PAVE SE Raleigh Charter to request an articulation agreement between the two schools.  The two schools are working together giving parents of Hope Charter a lottery preference to attend PAVE for the 2019-2020 school year.  CSAB recommended approval of this amendment to SBE for their January meeting. A GREAT example of charter schools working together for the good of children and their families.  Thank you to both boards!


Make sure you spend time with those who mean most to you during the holidays. Life is valuable and we should never take it for granted!  Have a Merry Christmas and happy holidays!

Best wishes for a prosperous 2019!




The CSAB discussed several amendment requests including maximum enrollment increases and articulation agreements.  Articulation agreements allow one charter school to give lottery preference to another charter school under certain circumstances allowed under GS 115C-218.45.


Application Season


The application interview season began last month with clarification interviews. Clarification interviews continued with eight applicants appearing before the CSAB. Next month clarification interviews will continue and the CSAB will begin to hear the first full interviews for those applicants that were approved to continue after the clarification stage.





The Office of Charter Schools announced its official Twitter account to the CSAB. OCS hopes to raise awareness and promote positive news about our charter schools through this social media initiative. In addition, this will serve as another communication tool for the office. Find us at @NCCharterOffice.