The Week In Review and Looking Forward

Legislators Take First
Steps in Hurricane Florence Recovery
There's a reason and purpose for
rainy day funds. North Carolina has been besieged in less than two years with
two so-called "500-year storms" -- Florence and Hurricane Matthew in
2016. Now it is time to clean up and rebuild our communities. To expedite this
process, the General Assembly created the Hurricane Florence Disaster Recovery
Fund and released $56.5 million from the rainy day fund for disaster relief as
a first step in what is expected to be months or years of recovery
2 School Calendar & Pay/Hurricane Florence and HB
4 Hurricane Florence Emergency Response Act cleared both the House
and the Senate unanimously and were signed by Governor Cooper this week. Legislators
plan to return October 15th to consider additional funding needs after state
agencies have had more time to further assess damages and determine the funding
requirements to restore communities in Eastern North Carolina. Many
schools remain unable to reopen and over two dozen schools are operating under
states of emergency.
Rep. Craig Horn, R-Union, chairman of
the House Education Committee stated, "Today's effort is to give
people assurance that a) they're going to get paid, and b) we're going to work
with them individually to meet the needs of their students." Other
legislators commented that this was the quickest storm recovery response in
recent memory.
Relevant Bills with Action

2: School Calendar & Pay/Hurricane Florence - SL 2018-135
To accommodate the extraordinary
circumstances and hardships related to Hurricane Florence, legislators swiftly
moved SB 2 through the legislative process and the
Governor signed it into law.
Senate Bill 2 includes the following
hurricane relief measures for our schools:
- Educators and employees will be
compensated the same as if they had worked any scheduled instructional
days deemed completed by the public school unit during September and October
of 2018.
- Flexibility in the school
- 20-day calendar waivers to
school districts in counties under federal disaster declarations, for
making up missed class time
- Option for school districts to
make up the missed instructional days or hours.
- School districts located
outside the hard-hit areas that missed class time will only be required to
make up two days of school or the necessary 185 instructional days,
whichever is lower.
Students of North
Carolina university Educator Preparation Programs who were impacted by the
storm, are no longer required to complete the full 16 week internship in
order to graduate with the internship requirement being deemed
The Superintendent of Public
Instruction is to submit a report on the implementation by school districts
detailing all missed days, make-up days, and days deemed completed, and any
compensation provided to employees, from this law to legislative appropriations
and education committees by March 15, 2019.

HB 4: Hurricane Florence Emergency Response Act - SL 2018-134
A $56.6 million initial funding transfer
was made into a new Hurricane Florence Disaster Recovery Fund for the following
- $6.5M is to supplement or
replace lost compensation of school lunch employees due to school closures
resulting from Hurricane Florence.
$50M is to provide the State
match for federal disaster assistance programs or to pay for the costs and
the relief and assistance for counties declared a disaster during
Hurricane Florence.
This legislation includes additional hurricane relief efforts as follows:
- Extension of election
registration deadlines.
- Local board flexibility to
adjust polling places, replace one-stop early voting sites, and adjust
absentee ballot distributions to deal with facilities damaged by Hurricane
- Waiver of fees assessed by the
Division of Motor Vehicles for duplicate drivers licenses or
identification cards, applications for certificates of title, registration
plate replacements, applications for duplicate registration cards, and
late payments of a motor vehicle registration renewal fee.
- Encouragement to expedite
mosquito control efforts to mitigate and prevent large populations of
floodwater mosquitoes from emerging in the aftermath of Hurricane
Directive to
state agencies to strive to acquire goods and services from historically
underutilized business vendors, whether directly as principal contractors
or indirectly as subcontractors.
- Governor ability to waive fees
assessed by city and county building inspectors specific to storm damages.
SJR 4: Adjourn 3rd Extra Session to October 15
The North Carolina House of
Representatives and the Senate jointly adjourned on Tuesday, October 2, 2018. They will reconvene this 2018 Third Extra Session on
Monday, October 15, 2018 at 10:00 a.m. to consider any further legislation to
address Hurricane recovery. Ratified Ch. Res 2018-13
The State Board of Education met
Wednesday and Thursday of this week, during which they
welcomed three new members appointed by the Governor to fulfill the unexpired
terms of Chairman Bill Cobey, Becky Taylor and Greg Alcorn. New
SBE members include J.B. Buxton, Jill Camnitz and James Ford.
 JB Buxton - Member At-Large
JB Buxton brings a wealth of
knowledge and experience to the NC State Board of Education. A UNC Morehead
Scholar, Buxton began his career in education teaching in South Africa. This
experience shaped his perspective on education and launched his long career in
education policy. Buxton served as education advisor to Governor Easley and as
Deputy State Superintendent at the NC Department of Public Instruction. He is
the founding principal of the Education Innovations Group, a consulting
practice focused on state education strategies for PreK-12 and postsecondary
 Jill Camnitz - Northeast District
Jill Camnitz joins the State Board of Education from
Greenville with a strong background of community service. She currently chairs
the Boys and Girls
Clubs of the Coastal Plain Board of Directors and serves on the
Parents for Public Schools of Pitt County. Camntiz is also serving on the Pitt
County Educational Foundation and Brody Foundation. Previously, she served as a
member and as President for the Pitt County Board of Education.
 James E. Ford - Southwest District
James Ford returns to the serve again on the State
Board of Education. In 2014-2015, he served on the board as the North Carolina
Teacher of the Year from the Charlotte-Mecklenburg school system. He is the
principal at Filling the Gap Education Consultants, LLC. and serves as co-chair
for the Leading on Opportunity Council in Charlotte. Ford previously served as
the Program Director
at the Public School Forum of North Carolina.
 How Can You Help? FAST NC
The State Board’s agenda included an
update on the impacts of Hurricane Florence on our schools and students.
Damages and lost revenue estimates resulting from the hurricane continue to
grow and classes remain closed in some of areas most devastated
by the storm. Amid the ongoing recovery efforts, the repeated message at
the State Board of Education meeting is that it will take a joint ongoing effort
to help return things back to normal. "We have much work to do to take
care of each other," said Eric Davis, chairman of the state board.
Eileen Townsend, section chief of the school insurance fund at the state
Department of Public Instruction noted the amount of damage is much higher than
the $14 million in losses after Hurricane Matthew in 2016 because of all the
wind and flooding damage from Florence. Current damage estimates for
schools and community colleges is in excess of $40M.
The closure of schools means an estimated $14 million in lost revenue for
school child nutrition programs, according to Lynn Harvey, section chief of DPI
Child Nutrition
Services. State lawmakers agreed to provide
$6.5 million to cover some of the losses. Harvey praised the child nutrition
staff at area schools who came in and served meals to evacuees who were using
schools as emergency shelters. She also acknowledged the full support of the Department of Agriculture and
During a report on school
transportation, Kevin Harrison, section chief of DPI Transportation
Services noted that once the remaining schools
reopen, districts will have enough buses to resume providing transportation but
the remaining challenges include dealing with road closures and providing
service for students who've been left homeless due to the storm.
In response to the storm, former
State Superintendents June Atkinson and Mike Ward, current and former State
Board members, and many other partners, have created FAST NC – Florence
Aid to Students and Teachers to aid in relief efforts in the weeks, months
and even years ahead.
Here's how you can help. If your
school district started your own fundraising or supply drive, FAST NC wants to
empower you and your students to be able to collect money or new school
supplies and send them to students and teachers in need -- Click here to donate.
Visit the NC Public Schools website
to learn more about how to contribute financially to this relief fund to
provide needed resources to students and teachers in eastern North Carolina.
You can also find details on how to host a fundraising or school supply drive
at your school.

The State
Board meeting concluded with a proclamation declaring November Veterans'
History Awareness Month.
North Carolina State Board of
Education Proclamation in Support of Veterans’ History Awareness Month Proclamation October 5, 2018
WHEREAS, veterans have contributed to the defense of this nation and our
state; and
WHEREAS, Veterans’ Day is celebrated as a national holiday in November;
WHEREAS, the North Carolina General Assembly passed an act in 2017 to
establish Veterans’ History Month in November; and
WHEREAS; the State Board of Education, in collaboration with active
military installations, veterans, and veterans service organizations, has
developed recommended programs for school use during Veterans’ History
Awareness Month. These resources enable students to gain a better understanding
of the meaning and importance of the contributions of American veterans and, in
particular, veterans from North Carolina; and
WHEREAS, all schools are encouraged to collaborate with veterans and
veteran service organizations during Veterans' History Awareness Month to
designate time for appropriate commemorative activities; and
WHEREAS, veterans continue to have a positive impact in the politics,
education, business and culture of North Carolina;
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the North Carolina State Board of
Education and North Carolina’s Superintendent of Public Schools on Thursday,
October 4, 2018, declare the month of November as “Veterans’ History Awareness
Month” and thereby encourage each of North Carolina’s local school boards to
adopt a similar resolution and to participate throughout the month of November in
celebrating veterans’ contributions to the state and country.
Board Chair Eric Davis, a West Point
Military Academy graduate, called on all of us, the next time we see a veteran,
male or female, to give them a hug and tell them thanks for their service. We all owe them a debt of gratitude.
The State Board of Education meeting agendas can be found here.
 2018 Short Session link for bills impacting K-12 education.
2017 Long Session link for a complete list of bills impacting K-12 education including budget items.
Monday, October 8, 2018
1:00 p.m.: Joint Legislative Program Evaluation Oversight Committee 544 LOB | Audio
Thursday, October 11, 2018
10:00 a.m.: Joint Legislative Oversight Committee on the North Carolina State Lottery 643 LOB | Audio
Monday, October 15, 2018
10:00 a.m.: Session Convenes (House) House | Audio
10:00 a.m.: Session Convenes (Senate) Senate | Audio
Cecilia Holden – Director of Legislative Affairs and Special Initiatives | 919-807-3406
Anne Murtha – Legislative Specialist | 919-807-3403
To view previous 2018 Weekly Legislative Updates click here.
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