Whole Child Resources
 Monthly Webinars
SHAC 101 and Meeting Facilitation
October 24th, 2017
We will also discuss SHAC basics. What is a SHAC? Who should be on a SHAC? What is the purpose of a SHAC? Also, learn meeting facilitation best practices and fun tips for running a meeting that are sure to attract attendees.
Recorded Webinars on Wiki Page
Family Engagement and Community Involvement
November 28th, 2017 at 10:00 am
Explore the ten components of the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child model. Go deeper into Family Engagement and Community Involvement!
Register Here!
Resources - Trainings, Funding and Materials
National Farm to School Month
Are you ready for the North Carolina Crunch?
Across the state, kids and adults will be crunching into locally grown apples on October 24 for Farm to School Month. The NC Crunch, from the Farm to School Coalition of NC, is designed to celebrate agriculture, nutrition and farm to school. The NC Farm to School Cooperative is sponsoring a contest to recognize NC schools and early care and education sites for their promotion of fruits and vegetables grown in our state during October. First through third place will be awarded with prizes of $250, $150 and $100 gift cards. To find celebration ideas, sign up for the NC Crunch and receive an event guide, go to http://growing-minds.org/north-carolina-crunch. Post about your NC Crunch activities using #NCCrunch, #F2SMonth and @F2SCoalitionNC. Please help us spread the word so we can make it a NC Crunch heard ‘round the state. Share the attached flyer and apple fact sheet, post the messages below to social media, and include an announcement in your newsletters or on your email listservs.
The Farm to School Coalition of North Carolina (F2SCNC) brings together a dedicated group of farm to school (F2S) stakeholders in collaboration to expand and strengthen farm to school initiatives across the state. The NC Farm to School Cooperative is a group of farmers from across the state who formed a cooperative in order to submit bids for the North Carolina Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services, NC Farm to School Program. The NC Farm to School Program is celebrating its 20th anniversary of supplying School Nutrition Programs across our state with the freshest, locally grown produce from North Carolina farms.
Hazards of Electronic Cigarettes
The U.S. Surgeon General and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have developed useful tools to educate parents, school personnel and young people about the hazards of using electronic cigarettes (also known as e-cigarettes, vapes, vaping pens, e-hookah and more). Resources include online information, as well as streaming video and downloadable documents.
Last December the Surgeon General released a report on E-Cigarette Use Among Youth and Young Adults. Along with the report, the Surgeon General’s Office unveiled a website with many downloadable resources, including fact sheets and a Parent Tip Sheet. One section of the site helps prepare adults to talk to young people about e-cigarettes. Find the website here: https://e-cigarettes.surgeongeneral.gov.
The CDC worked with Discovery Channel Education to develop a Virtual Field Trip for middle and high school students on e-cigarettes. The entire field trip is a half-hour long, and includes a downloadable class activity. The field trip can also be viewed in four individual parts, so the half-hour can be divided into sections. Part 3 includes video from Federal Drug Administration’s (FDA) Tobacco Centers of Regulatory Science (TCORS) programs at the University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill, sharing the newest science on the impact of e-cigarette liquids and aerosol on human lungs. Access the Virtual Field Trip here: http://knowtherisks.discoveryeducation.com/
Resources to Support Exemplary Sexual Health Education
Check out these resources to support the implementation of Exemplary Sexual Health Education.
Additional Resources...
Sexual Health Education: Research and Results
Sexual Health Education for Young People with Disabilities:
For Parents and Guardians
For Educators
SHAC resources! Learn how to develop and maintain one!
Alliance for a Healthier Generation
Recess For All! On-Demand Training
Why is recess important? How much recess time is appropriate for students? This on-demand training will show you how to enhance your school’s current recess program and get everyone on board to offer recess daily. After watching this training, you’ll be able to explain how recess increases academic performance, and learn how to motive students to move more during recess, how to eliminate behavior issues and bullying during recess, and how to access tools to assist classroom teachers to improve the quality of recess.
Ways to Increase Physical Activity
Grant Opportunity
School garden grants available! Application deadline is November 30 and grant is awarded in January. The project would be for spring and/or fall. Receive up to $1500 for your project. You can go to www.ncbeautiful.org to find out more and to apply!