NCDPI Office of Charter Schools (OCS) Updates
Home Base Opt-in Update - Final Reminder - All Charters Must Respond
As of Friday, June 9, fifty-six charter schools have opted-in to the Home Base suite of tools for the 2017-18 school year. We need 100% of charter schools to respond even if you are undecided or will not participate.
To access the opt-in tool please go to
June 16 is the closing date for your decision. Please contact Jamie Woodlief, Project Coordinator at or 919-807-3745 if you have any questions or see our FAQ's.
 NC Health and Human Services Charter School Survey Reporting
Thank you for helping to ensure that the Health and Human Services Charter School Reporting survey was completed by the extended due date of June 1, 2017.
This year is the first year that all charter schools have met this reporting requirement. We truly appreciate your diligence and for receiving responses from the 167 operating charter schools.
NC School Jobs by PeopleAdmin - Reminder
There are over 70 districts live in the system and a number of charter schools are beginning to post positions as well, so we encourage you to take advantage of this resource as soon as you can. We have thousands of applicants in the system which your school will have access to when you go live in the system.
The steps associated with implementation are:
- Contact Craig Tucker at to request an NC School Jobs workbook
- Complete the workbook and submit your school’s logo
- Participate in Training
- Familiarize yourself with the system
- Execute a few cutover steps and go-live in the system
If you have been trained and are not currently scheduled for next steps,
please contact Craig Tucker via the email address above.
Webinar training classes are scheduled on a weekly
basis with the next one scheduled for Wednesday, June 14. Please visit this
website to learn more about and register
for the training opportunities. Webinars last 1.5 hours with the ability to
continue an additional 30 minutes if requested. Team members from the service
provider, Jeff Davenport and Bill Barry, will lead the trainings and assist you
with the implementation process.
Charter School
Coordinator for the NC School Report Cards
It is time to
update the contact information for your school’s NC School Report Card (SRC)
Coordinator. The Coordinator is responsible for reviewing and validating the
data in the SRC before they are released to the public and is the primary
contact for information regarding the Welcome Letter and the data preview
For a current list
of coordinators, please check the NCDPI website ( To update the information, please contact
Rebecca Chong at rebecca.chong or (919)-807-3690. Newly assigned SRC
Coordinators should also subscribe to the SRC Listserv (subscription located here),
as more information about SRC resources and training will soon follow.
 State Employees. Credit Uion (SECU) “People Helping
People” Charter School Scholarship Recipients
Congratulations to the 2017 State Employees Credit Union Scholarship recipients!
The following individuals were selected to receive a SECU “People Helping
People” scholarship:
Juhitha Chinthapatla –
Raleigh Charter High School
Joshua Wynn – Bear
Grass Charter School
Alyssa Hopson – Gaston
College Preparatory
We applaud the accomplishments of the recipients and all of those who
applied for this opportunity!
2018 Burroughs Wellcome Fund North Carolina Teacher
of the Year (TOY) Program
NCDPI is pleased to coordinate the 2018 Burroughs Wellcome Fund North
Carolina Teacher of the Year (TOY) Program. The program provides an opportunity
to honor and recognize exemplary teachers in North Carolina and to call
attention to the importance of the teaching profession. Instructions for school
level TOY coordinators can be found here, including a timeline for the selection process.
If you have any questions about this process, please contact
 Upcoming OCS Professional Development
OCS Regional Huddle - West
Location: Lincoln Charter School,
Denver, NC
Date: Tuesday, July 18
Registration Information: Registration
for the OCS Regional Huddle – West is open through Thursday, July 13. Please
submit your registration here. This is a free event. The final agenda will be
shared June 30.
A variety of topics will be covered,
including sessions related to governance, renewal process, applications, MTSS,
NC School Jobs, and many more.
OCS Huddle @ the FBS Conference
Location: Sheraton Imperial Hotel and
Conference Center, Durham, NC
Date: Friday, July 28
Registration Information: This event
is the second day of the FBS Conference. As such, those wishing to attend this
event must complete the standard FBS
Conference registration process. Session information will be released
*Save the Date*: 2018 Charter School Leadership Institute
Location: Voyager Academy, Durham, NC
Date: October 12-13
Registration Information: Registration
information will be released Friday, July 21.
If you have any questions about these
opportunities, please contact
Charter School ADM (Average Daily Membership) Projection System: Phase II Final Verification - Initial ADM Confirmation
The CSADM is an online system designed to assist each charter school administrator and board chair with improving the accuracy of key components in the budgeting process. Phase II will be used for the first installment of the annual allotment and will be the maximum actual ADM that the school may be funded on for School Year 2017-18.
Phase II Final Verification - Initial ADM submissions are required of all:
• current charter schools with 2016-17 school attendance,
• charter schools approved by the State Board of Education to open in School Year 2017-18, and
• University of North Carolina (UNC) laboratory schools scheduled to open July 1, 2017.
Please contact Ms. Angela Harrison at or 919-807-3734 with questions or concerns.
 NC Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI) Updates
Do You Have a Story
to Tell About How are You Using Broadband?
The North Carolina
Research and Education Network (NCREN) is the Internet broadband provider for
more than 500 nonprofit institutions in the state, including all K-12
districts. They are on a quest to find stories of how people
are using broadband in education. Do you have exciting, engaging
stories that you would like to share? Maybe you have an idea for a story to be
developed or that is currently under development. These stories might focus on
distance and remote learning in all its forms, access to health and wellness
resources, professional development, etc.
NCREN would like to
use these stories on their website (,
possibly in print materials, as well as for reference when they talk to others
about how the network is being used. If you are interested in sharing
your stories or ideas, please contact Darleene Heath at
2016-2017 Training Hours
for Interpreters and Transliterators
see the attached information regarding the electronic submission of training
hours for interpreters and transliterators.
deadline is July 15.
you have any questions, please contact Antwan Campbell at or 919
Attachment: Memo-Interpreter+Training+Reporting+2016-17.pdf
Charters In The News
Alex Quigley, Chair, Charter Schools Advisory Board and Mr. Eric Grunden, Director, Research Triangle High School Interview on Education Matters -
Other News
Organization Launches Exceptional Education for Exceptional Children Campaign
Raleigh, NC – Parents for Educational Freedom in
North Carolina (PEFNC) launches a grassroots and digital advocacy campaign in
support of North Carolina’s first-ever Special Needs Education Savings Account: Exceptional Education for Exceptional
The Personal
Education Savings Account (PESA) is currently under review during the
ongoing North Carolina General Assembly budget process, and if established
would provide a state-sponsored scholarship to families with special needs
“North Carolina has long been a leader in educational
options for families. Despite all of our accomplishments, from public charter
school growth to scholarships for low-income families and children with
disabilities – there is more that needs to be done. For example, this measure
would eliminate the need for low-to-moderate income families to have to pay out
of their own pocket and then wait for a reimbursement weeks and sometimes
months later, and it would allow for families with more challenging and
extensive educational needs such as autism, developmental or intellectual
disabilities, hearing, visual, or orthopedic impairments to be eligible for
both an education savings account and the Children with Disabilities Grant
worth up to a total of $17,000.”
“We are proud to stand with special needs families and
special needs groups like Autism Society of North Carolina in support of an
Exceptional Education for Exceptional Children. In essence, we want to ensure
that all families, despite the developmental and physical disabilities of their
children, are empowered to provide an exceptional education for their
exceptional child,” said PEFNC President Darrell Allison.
The website - - includes a video about the Special Needs
ESA as well as a powerful testimonial from a North Carolina family who would
benefit from the new program.
Media requests can be coordinated through or (919)995-0741.
Parents for Educational Freedom in North Carolina (PEFNC)
is a statewide organization that supports greater educational options through
parental school choice, such as public charter schools and the Opportunity
Scholarship Program. Our mission is to inform parents of the benefits of
expanded options and empower them to exercise freedom in meeting their
children’s needs, regardless of race, national origin, income or religion.
NC Homeless Education Program - June Updates
REMINDER: The data collection submission deadline is June 15th,
even if your LEA has “0” students to report.
If your LEA’s last school day
occurs after June 15th, your Program Specialist needs to
be notified immediately. Visit the NCHEP data collection web page, under “Requested
LEA Actions” for details.
Include all students identified
during 2016-17SY, including those who may have already withdrawn,
and any qualifying siblings (0-5 years of age and school-aged, out-of-school
Training materials, tips, and FAQs
are provided on the NCHEP Data Collection web page located at
Contact your regional Program
Specialist with any data entry questions you may have
Patricia Lentz –
or 336-315-7402 (Piedmont-Triad, Southwest,
Northwest, Western)
Paullett Wall –
or 336-315-7407 (Northeast, Southeast, North
Central, Sandhills)
NCHEP Data Collection
web page:
2014-2017 Subgrantees Annual
End-of-Year Report - due June 30th
LEA 2017 Homeless Education
Self-Assessment - due July 7th
This survey was issued only to
LEAs (not Charter Schools) for this school year
Links for each survey
were sent to the LEA Homeless Liaison. If you did not receive a link(s),
or if you have technical difficulties with either survey, please contact Beth Thrift.
If you have questions about how to respond to questions on either survey,
please contact Lisa
The New Homeless Liaison Training will
be held at The SERVE Center at UNCG. Homeless Liaisons with 0-2 years of
experience, as well as those who have not attended the event in the past,
are encouraged to attend this full-day training event.
Date: Thursday, September 7, 2017
Location: 5900 Browns Summint Ave., Dixon Building, Browns Summit
Further details will be forthcoming. Please contact your Program
Specialist if you have questions.
NAEHCY 2017 Conference:
The 29th Annual NAEHCY Conference will be held October
28-31, 2017 in Chicago.
and reservations are now open.