Greetings from the Division of Digital Teaching and Learning! It’s been a busy fall for the DTL team and it’s hard to believe the holiday season is upon us once again.
Over the last several months we have been engaged in intense planning and professional development for the Digital Learning Competencies (DLCs). Our collaboration with the Friday Institute and RESA partners have yielded lots of learning opportunities for educators across the state. Please be sure to look for DLC highlights below along with other state and national news that we think you’ll find valuable!
Also, please review the dates for the Homebase Symposium, NCTIEs and CCSA conferences. We hope you’ll be able to attend and look forward to seeing you there!
Hope you all have a wonderful holiday!
Verna Lalbeharie
Director, Digital Teaching & Learning Division

 Home Base Symposium - Registration is Now Open!
Connect with us as we host our 31st Annual Home Base Symposium that will be held February 22 - 24, 2017 at the Sheraton Four Seasons Hotel in Greensboro, NC. You don’t want to miss this information packed conference that will provide in-depth training on the functionality of PowerSchool, Schoolnet, TNL and other Home Base applications.
We hope to see you there!
 Digital Learning Competencies
The NC Department of Public Instruction, in partnership with the Friday Institute at NC State University and area RESAs, are pleased to offer educators in North Carolina a comprehensive and layered professional learning approach to support digital teaching and learning in NC classrooms.
This summer, we launched the Digital Learning Competencies for Teachers through our professional learning events across the state. The North Carolina Department of Public Instruction’s Digital Teaching and Learning Division is collaborating with area RESAs to provide additional professional learning opportunities. These sessions will support school districts with the planning and implementation of the Digital Learning Competencies. For this school year, sessions will be held in November, January, and April/May. Team Leaders from the summer sessions will be notified with specific dates, locations, and to verify team members.
Focus of Winter sessions:
- Teacher DLC Pilot Discussion
- Results from Fall Pilot
- Resources for Teacher Competencies
The competencies, as well as information about upcoming professional development are available on our wiki page. If you have specific questions about these competencies, please reach out to your area consultant for guidance and support.
 State Superintendent Bids Farewell
State Superintendent June Atkinson used her final meeting with the State Board of Education last week to reflect on her 12 years leading the state’s public schools. She said she was grateful for the countless students she met, all the educators she worked with, and her many opportunities to promote the state’s great public schools and students while serving as the state’s elected education leader.
A video of her farewell remarks in their entirety (courtesy of WRAL-TV) are available online.
 Congratulations to State Superintendent June Atkinson
Congratulations to State Superintendent June Atkinson who was presented with the Order of the Long Leaf Pine by the State Board of Education. Board members also approved and read a resolution (scroll to Chairman’s Comments to access the resolution) honoring her outstanding service as North Carolina State Superintendent of Public Instruction.
NCTIES Conference
NCTIES is North Carolina's premier ed tech conference and exposition. Registration for NCTIES 2017 gives you access to over 150 sessions, informal meet and greet opportunities, keynotes, exciting featured speakers, and vendor exhibit hall. Your registration will automatically enroll you as a member of NCTIES. The 2017 conference is March 1st - 3rd and will be held at the Raleigh Convention Center in Downtown Raleigh, NC.
 Register Now for CCSA
Registration for the 2016 Collaborative Conference for Student Success, “Champions for Student Success,” is now open. The conference will offer a variety of sessions of interest to educators, administrators, parents, school board members, university and college faculty/staff/administrators, and community and business representatives.
Registration is $175 if received before Feb. 1 and $200 if received after Feb. 1. For more information, please email staff or call 919.835.6133.
Consider Submitting a Presentation Proposal
While you are thinking about registering for the conference, you also may want to consider presenting. The Collaborative Conference for Student Achievement is currently welcoming proposals that highlight innovative practices to improve educational outcomes for students of today and tomorrow. Priority will be given to proposals that clearly connect content and objectives to proven techniques to increase student achievement, focus on best practices for 21st century educators, connect to conference strands in innovative ways, and or create and revive excitement for both student and adult learners. For full details, including the proposal submission form, please visit CCSA’s conference website. Proposals must be submitted by Dec. 31. Don’t forget to register for the conference while you are there!
 State Board of Education, December Meeting
Board members approved 19 restart applications, North Carolina Math 1 Extended Content Standards, a K-12 Cybersecurity study, and value ranking for industry credentials earned in Career and Technical Education. Members also approved a number of reports to the General Assembly, including one on broadening successful participation in advanced courses and another on state agency collaboration on early childhood education/transition from preschool to kindergarten.
Among the board’s items for discussion were the Virtual Charter School Pilot Report to the Joint Legislative Education Oversight Committee and recommendations for approvals under the Cooperative Innovative High School Program.
The board also recognized the state’s 2016 finalists for the Presidential Awards for Excellence in Math and Science, the state’s 2015 recipients for the Presidential Awards for Excellence in Math and Science, and outgoing board member and State Treasurer Janet Cowell and local board advisor Dr. Christine Fitch (Wilson County Board of Education).
The complete list of this month’s Board actions is available on the Board’s website. The Board’s December agenda as well as supporting executive summaries are available online by clicking on the SBE Meetings tab.

Be Part of the Speak Up Movement
Speak Up 2016 will be open for input October 12th through January 13th, 2017! Surveys are open to all schools and districts at no charge. All participants will receive free copies of their local data results with state and national comparisons in February 2017. To learn more and sign up… More information
 Education Department Releases Final Regulations to Promote a High-Quality, Well-Rounded Education and Support All Students
After considering and incorporating extensive feedback from stakeholders across the education system and the public, the U.S. Department of Education today announced final regulations to implement the accountability, data reporting, and state plan provisions of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), with a focus on supporting states in using their flexibility to provide a high-quality, well-rounded education, and ensure equity remains at the core of implementation. The regulations will help states, districts and educators seize the opportunity ESSA provides to ensure a high-quality, well-rounded education that sets every student in America up for success in college and career.
The final regulations will replace the rigid and prescriptive systems that defined No Child Left Behind with new flexibility for states and districts; a more holistic approach to measuring a quality education that will help prepare all students for success in college and careers; and strong protections to ensure that academic progress and equity for all students matters. They also reinforce ESSA’s strong commitment to transparency and emphasize meaningful engagement and an active role for parents, educators, students, civil rights and community groups, and other stakeholders in implementing the new law.
Students Have Dismaying Inability to Tell Fake News From Real, Study Finds
Stanford researchers assessed students from middle school to college and found they struggled to distinguish ads from articles, neutral sources from biased ones and fake accounts from real ones. Read this story
 ArcGIS Online U.S. School Competition 2017
Across the U.S., high school and middle school students are exploring their world and creating interesting map products with ArcGIS Online. Esri now challenges students to create and share maps about something in their home states, working to be among the best in the school, state, and nation. The ArcGIS Online US School Competition 2017 is open to high school (gr.9-12) and middle school (gr.4-8) students in the U.S who can analyze, interpret, and present data via an ArcGIS Online presentation, web app, or story map. Contest details
 NextGeneration Leaders Program Seeks Nominations
The NextGeneration Leaders Program is now accepting nominations to recognize up and coming education technology leaders in the K-12 space. In partnership with, we are seeking candidates with no more than five years experience as an ed tech professional in a school setting. We encourage educators to nominate district coworkers or professional colleagues who are passionate about ed tech and its future. Self-nominations are also accepted.
Nominations are open from December 9, 2016 through January 13, 2017
Successful candidates will be featured for national review and voting on from January 23 through February 10, 2017. They will be officially recognized at the CoSN Annual Conference in Chicago on April 4, 2017.
Submit a Nomination Submit a Self-Nomination
 #GoOpen Pushes State Leadership for Instructional Materials
In October 2015, the U.S. Department of Education’s, Office of Education Technology (OET) launched the #GoOpen Initiative via a White House briefing. Since that time, 19 states and 100 districts have signed on to #GoOpen. What does this mean? #GoOpen states and districts commit to supporting the transition to the use of high-quality, openly-licensed educational resources. More importantly, this initiative has impacted states beyond the consideration for Open Educational Resources (OER).
As reported in SETDA’s 2015 Navigating the Digital Shift: Mapping the Acquisition of Digital Instructional Materials, seven states (Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, North Carolina, West Virginia, and Wisconsin) have statutes requiring the implementation of digital instructional materials in the next five years. As instructional materials transition to digital, states need to grow their leadership by providing guidance for districts on how to most effectively and efficiently make the transition to digital, by providing flexibility in their funding and procurement policies, including the implementation of OER. Read this story