OUT OF DARKNESS- NOW- January 15, 2021
Featuring seven artists juried by George Jenne, Out of Darkness pays homage to Film Noir. This genre first evolved out of economic necessity following World War II as low to modestly budgeted film projects. The result of working with minimal equipment and resources led to creative experimentation then and now.
Featured Artists: Adam Bellefeuil, I’Nasah Crockett, Jimmy Fountain, Tama Hochbaum, Lindsay Metivier, JP Jermaine Powell, Xiaowei Wu, Shao Yixuan.
View the virtual gallery on our site.
Image: Performance from 2019 La Fiesta del Pueblo

Pieces of Grief is our latest SEEK Raleigh project gone virtual! Pieces of Grief is a seven-segment audio project by Felix Obelix aka Wendy Spitzer. As a sonic meditation on grief and loss, it integrates field recordings, anonymous voicemails, archival interviews, and original music. It is intended to be listened to in quiet contemplation while walking the trails of Durant Nature Preserve in Raleigh, North Carolina, or in any quiet, natural area. LEARN MORE.
Disclaimer: Please note that these pieces can be emotionally intense at times, and there are mentions of death, loss, and suicide. Listener discretion is advised.
🎧 To experience Pieces of Grief, please visit www.felixobelix.com/piecesofgrief.
  Image: #SeekRaleigh2020 Temporary Public Art Installation by Artist Jerstin Crosby, located at Bragg Street Park
DEADLINE EXTENDED: Public Art Mentorship Program
This is a Paid opportunity for artists to learn through hands-on experience in Public Art, working with Raleigh Arts and Public Art Professionals. LEARN MORE.
NEW Deadline: All materials must be received no later than November 16.
  Image: (L to R) Dare Coulter, David Wilson, Gabriel Eng-Goetz, Sharon Dowell, Angelina Marino- Heidel, Joel Heidel.
Upcoming Virtual Project Listening Sessions
As a part of the 2017 Transportation Bond and the City of Raleigh Percent for Art Ordinance, several Public Art Projects are in progress across the City and your input is needed!
Please visit the project pages to learn about and join upcoming virtual listening sessions and concept design reviews. If you can’t make it to a virtual meeting, we will be uploading recorded meetings and presentations to the publicinput.com project pages where you can learn more and provide the artists with input.
  Image: From Theatre in the Park’s rehearsal for The Wild Women of Winedale
Arts Partner Spotlights:
October 23- 25: Frisson Ensemble Love Stream Event @ Chamber Music Raleigh
November 1 & 7: Opera About Town @ North Carolina Opera
October 16 - November 1: The Wild Women of Winedale @ Theatre in the Park
Deadline November 15: Submissions Open for First Virtual Art Show @ International Focus
thru February 14: Maya Freelon’s Greater Than or Equal To @ CAM Raleigh
Raleigh Arts Partners are organizations that receive funding from the City of Raleigh based on the recommendations of the Raleigh Arts Commission. Learn More.

LEARNING: Teaching Artist Tuesdays 2
North Carolina Arts Council brings back their free, biweekly forum for teaching artists across the state through December 2. Teaching artists in the state, as well as artists interested in learning about opportunities to teach, are invited to attend the series.
Next up on October 27 – Digital Integration for Virtual Experiences. LEARN MORE.
LEARNING: Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) Loan Forgiveness Latest Information
QuickBooks Made Easy for Nonprofits is hosting a free webinar on October 20 that will cover the latest up-to-date information for nonprofits concerning PPP forgiveness, tracking PPP in QuickBooks, and reporting PPP on your year end 990 and audit. LEARN MORE.
LEARNING: Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) Loan Forgiveness Questions Answered
Americans for the Arts Action Fund continues to host Zoom Office Hours to assist organizations navigating the PPP Loan process, especially now that the Small Business Administration has begun to approve the forgiveness applications this month.
LEARNING: Everyday Justice: Antiracism as Daily Practice
On November 12-13, artEquity will host its first virtual antiracism training open to individuals in the arts and culture field. The conversation will provide a baseline framework for antiracist strategies and action through two four-hour sessions.
LEARNING: Making the Ask in Fundraising
Join Triangle Artworks on November 12 for the latest installment of their fundraising training series. North Carolina Theatre’s Director of Development, Melanie Doerner will share how to tackle that most critical fundraising step – making the ask for support. LEARN MORE.

Let Us Help You Get Started!
The Neighborhood Art Funds is designed to assist and empower residents to develop and implement art projects that enhance neighborhood aesthetics, safety, leadership, social offerings and/or relationships. READ MORE.
Please feel free to reach out to Belva Parker, Arts Program Director, if you have any other questions!
  Image: Crystalline Glazing Workshop Example (Far left and Right), Advanced Ring Making (Middle)
Jewelry: Make Your Own Stud Earrings
Age: 16yrs. and up. Instructor: Caitlin Lewis. Course Fee: $100 #261054 OCT 27-NOV 17 Tu 10:00am- 12:30pm. REGISTER.
Jewelry: Advanced Ring Making
Age: 16yrs. and up. Instructor: Dustin Walker. Course Fee: $180 #260674 NOV 3- DEC 8 Tu 6:30- 9:30pm. REGISTER.
Painting- Color Theory Workshop with Peter Marin
Age: 16yrs. and up. Instructor: Peter Marin. Course Fee: $90 #261271 OCT 26 M 9:30am- 4:30pm. REGISTER.
Pottery- Intro to Crystalline Glazing Workshop
Age: 16yrs. and up. Instructor: Andy McKenzie. Course Fee: $35 #268879 OCT 17-18 Sa-Su 9:30am- 11:00am. REGISTER.
For more information visit Sertoma Arts Center site.

We recently had a "Call for Mask Makers" and the Raleigh community showed out! In the links below you'll see our round up of 20 businesses that are out here working hard to provide masks for all, as well as some that are donating masks to essential workers and those in need.
See the list of businesses via Facebook or Instagram.

For the latest information regarding arts resources, funding, tips and more please check out our website. We update it frequently.
Raleigh Arts is the force behind our City's public art program. Raleigh Arts organizes community art projects, exhibitions, provides grants to arts organization and manages the Pullen and Sertoma Arts Centers. Raleigh Arts has two resident advisory groups: the Arts Commission, and the Public Art and Design Board. Learn More. #arteverywhere #raleigharts