Upcoming Meeting for White Oak Lane Reconstruction Project

My Raleigh Subscriptions HeaderUpcoming Meeting for White Oak Lake Reconstruction Project

Raleigh Housing & Neighborhoods would like to inform you of a public meeting that will be taking place for a City of Raleigh stormwater project in your neighborhood. We invite you and other CAC members to attend this meeting to learn more about the project and how it will benefit your community.


White Oak Lake Reconstruction

Date: March 26 Time: 6:30 p.m. Location: Thomas G. Crowder Woodland Center (5611 Jaguar Park Drive, Raleigh, NC 27606)  Raleigh Stormwater will be reconstructing White Oak Lake, which is located between Ravenwood Drive and Melbourne Road, to enhance the lake's ability to store stormwater runoff by putting in place new stormwater infrastructure. This will reduce flooding downstream of the lake and improve water quality in the area. The project also will benefit the design and lower construction costs of the neighboring Simmons Branch Drainage Improvement Project - Phase 2. During the public meeting, City staff, and the design consultant, Dewberry, will share the most recent design plans for this project.  If you have specific questions about these projects or the upcoming public meetings, please contact Raleigh Stormwater at 919-996-3940 or RaleighStormwater@raleighnc.gov