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 Volunteer Opportunity- Tree Planting
The Parks Conservancy, in partnership with the Alliance for Cape Fear Trees, is seeking volunteers to help plant 48 trees on February 27, 2021 from 9-11am. The NC Urban Forest Council has graciously provided funds to purchase the trees through their Legacy Tree Fund. The planting will occur simultaneously at the following locations and volunteers will be split between them:
- 250 Cherokee Trail, Wilmington, NC 28409 (Central New Hanover County)
- 133 Dunn Place Drive/129 Hearn Drive, Wilmington, NC 28411 (Northern New Hanover County)
Interested volunteers should visit Parks.NHCgov.com and complete the registration form. Registered volunteers will receive additional information, instructions and a link to an educational workshop by email in mid-February.
*This program will comply with all COVID-19 restrictions, including social distancing and mandatory face coverings.
Virtual Programs at Airlie Gardens
Art Explorers Join Cameron Art Museum on Facebook live February 4th at 10am for a special session of Art Explorers at Airlie Gardens! We will read "Make Way for Ducklings" and Airlie educators will teach us a fun science lesson about the ducks that live in the gardens. This program is geared towards infants, toddlers and preschoolers, but big brothers and sisters are welcome to join in. More Information
Beginner's Guide to Planting for Pollinators Learn which plants work best for our climate, the importance of planting native and the basics of seed starting in this virtual program on February 5th from 1-2:30pm. The cost for this program is $10/person and includes native seeds to help start your planting. Seeds may be picked up at Airlie Gardens during normal business hours, but are not required to participate in the program. Pre-registration is required. This program will be hosted through Zoom, and participants will receive a link and instructions once registered. More Information
Milkweed Madness Learn how to build your own mini greenhouse using household items and how to sprout milkweed seeds to increase Monarch habitat. There are two opportunities to participate in this program:
- February 12th: 1-2:30pm
- February 20th: 10-11:30am
This program will take place via Zoom and pre-registration is required. The $10 participation fee includes native seeds which may be picked up at Airlie Gardens. More Information
Yoga for Tennis Players at Echo Farms Park
Did you know that yoga is a great way to improve your tennis game? Yoga increases flexibility, relieves tension and strengthens muscles. Echo Farms Park is partnering with Wilmington Yoga Center to offer a weekly yoga class on Tuesdays from 12:15-1:15pm. This class for all levels will connect breath, movement, and mindfulness to build stability and mobility with special focus on strengthening ankles, knees, hips and shoulders. Each session is $10/person and pre-registration is required. More Information