Administrative Recommendations
Westarea Elementary Timberly Jones
Max Abbott Middle Sharley Ditmore
South View Middle Shawn O’Connor
Sunnyside Elementary Marcus Stewart
William H. Owen Elementary Rachel Andress
Margaret Willis Elementary Amanda Hefner
Manchester Elementary Ebony Forte-Johnson
Beaver Dam Elementary Brooke Griffie
Principal Transfers
Vanstory Hills Elementary Rebecca McAllister
Bill Hefner Elementary Dr. Zakiyyah Backman
Gray's Creek Middle Jennifer Jasinski
Mac Williams Middle Anita McLaughlin
Sherwood Park Elementary Shannon Booth
Terry Sanford High Dr. Catherine Abraham-Johnson
Alma Easom Elementary Dr. Kasey Weaver
John Griffin Middle Dr. Latreicia Allen
E.E. Miller Elementary Hannah Gray Spring Lake Middle Royvell Godbolt
Central Services
World Language Specialist Jinghong Qi
Assistant Principals
Manchester Elementary Kimberly Tamsett
Cliffdale Elementary Mia Barnes
Gray’s Creek Middle Terry Burks
Raleigh Road Elementary Jane Barnes
Assistant Principal Transfers
Benjamin Martin Elementary Catherine Clayton
College Lakes Elementary Cherissee Shepard
Warrenwood Elementary Dr. Daisha Walker-Sales
Massey Hill Classical High LaTonya Adams
Terry Sanford High Taylor Price
Spring Lake Middle LaTeshia Bellamy
Elizabeth Cashwell Elementary Emily Richard
Seventy-First High Quantisha Spencer
Ed V. Baldwin Elementary Hope Littlejohn
Transportation Department Travis Stroud
*Lewis Chapel Middle Sheral Raines
Board-Approved Policy Revisions Required by the Military Interstate Compact
Through the first reading, as recommended by the Policy Committee, the Board approved the following policy revisions required by the Military Interstate Compact (2023):
- Revised Policy 3420 "Student Promotion and Accountability"
- Revised Policy 3460 "Graduation Requirements"
- Revised Policy 3620 "Extracurricular Activities, Co-curricular Activities and Student Organizations"
- Revised Policy 4100 "Age Requirements for Initial Entry"
- Revised Policy 4155 "Assignment to Classes"
- Revised Policy 4400 "Attendance"
Revised Policies Accepted by Board (1st Reading)
The following revised policies (1st reading) were approved by the Board:
- Revised Policy 4310 "Integrity and Civility"
- Revised Policy 4700 "Student Records"
Revised Policies Accepted by Board (2nd Reading)
The following revised policies (2nd reading) were approved by the Board:
- Revised Policy 1610 "Professional and Staff Development"
- Revised Policy 6330 "Insurance for Student Transportation Services"
- Revised Policy 3101 "Dual Enrollment"
- Revised Policy 4023 "Pregnant and Parenting Students)
Board Rescinds, Approves Policy 4350
The Board approved rescinding Policy 4350 "Cumberland County ISS Program" and approve New Policy 4350 "Restorative Justice Centers."
Football Locker Room Gets a Name Change
The Board approved Cape Fear High School's request to name the school's locker room in honor of the the Humphrey and Nichols families. According to the school, the two families donated a combined $7,000 toward the locker room renovation in 2022. Through the years, both families have supported the school's athletic department through their contributions toward scholarship opportunities, sports equipment and building construction.
Transportation Contracts Get 'Two Thumbs Up'
Through Auxiliary Services' Committee recommendation, the transportation contracts between the Cumberland County Board of Education and Burrell Transit, Kelly Transit and Student Transportation of America have been approved by members of the Board.
Prime Time Before- and After-Care Program Sees Fee Increase
The proposed 2023-2024 fee increase for Prime Time parents was approved by the Board. Families will see the following:
- $5 increase in the registration fee;
- $3 increase in after school-only care;
- $3 increase in before & after care; and
- $5 increase in all-day care weeks.
The increase was proposed because the Fixed Stabilization Grant funds that have supported the increase in staff salaries since 2021 ended in April 2023. According to Prime Time, which is a self-supported program, additional revenue is needed to support the implementation of the salary scale that reflects the projected 4% increase. The expected salary increase is $86,285.
Approval Given to 2023-2024 Purchase Agreements for Academic Services
The Board approved Academic Services' proposal to purchase three new products:
- Instructure (Canvas) provides the district the selected Learning Management System (LMS) of Canvas enabling CCS to manage digital learning, educators to create and present online learning materials and assess student learning, and students to engage in courses and receive feedback about skill development and learning achievement.
- PowerSchool (Unified Insights) provides a comprehensive data dashboard that enables CCS to capture, disaggregate and analyze multiple data points quickly; and
- Scribbles Software, which streamlined K-12 student records and enrollment and engages students and families through one accessible, cloud-based system.
Program Update for CTE 'Gets the Green Light'
Members of the Board voted to approve Career and Technical Education's (CTE) Local Application and SparkNC Program update.
Student Fees & Dues Update Approved
The update for CCS' 2023-2024 student fees and dues was presented and the Board voted to make no changes for the new school year. The fees may include, but are not limited to Child Nutrition, yearbooks, club dues, arts, student parking, locks, etc. According to Policy 4600 G.S. 115C-47, local Boards of Education are required to periodically review and approve all student fees/charges.
Approval Given to Purchasing Agreement with Textbook Company
Through the Student Support Services Committee's recommendation, the 2023-2026 standard purchase agreement between Cumberland County Schools and Houghton Mifflin Harcourt for Math and Reading Support was approved by the Board.
District's Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with Communities in Schools Continues
The Board approved the MOA between the district and Communities in Schools of North Carolina (CIS-NC). The agreement outlines that CCS will provide targeted interventions and support and CIS-NC will facilitate student supports and community partnerships at Walker-Spivey Elementary School, Lewis Chapel Middle School and A.B. Wilkins High School. The contract duration is for one year (2023-2024).
Board Approves 2023 Insurance Renewal
Based on the Personnel Committee's recommendation, the Board voted for the 2023 Insurance Renewal.
Board-Approval Given to Endorse Sandhills Regional Education Consortium Superintendents' Resolution
Members of the Board agreed to support superintendent members of the Sandhills Regional Education Consortium's (SREC) concerns with Senate Bill 406 & House Bill 823, both of which seek to expand the Opportunity Scholarship Program. Specifically, the superintendents are concerned with the negative financial impact this expansion would have on school districts in the Sandhills region of the state. Most of the 13 school districts in the region are among the poorest in the state.
NC Legislative Resolutions Adopted, Supported
The Board voted to adopt the Prioritize Public Schools in 2023-25 Biennial Budget Resolutions with the insertion of CCS data and write a letter of support for the North Carolina Caucus of Black School Board Members' Resolution in Support of Public Education in North Carolina.
Dr. Lindsay Whitley, the associate superintendent of Communications and Community Engagement, introduced the following honorees to the Board to be recognized:
State Extracurricular Accomplishments
State Silver Group - FCCLA Parliamentary Procedure - Douglas Byrd High
Kelly Vera-Cordova, Cari Sagada-Bautista, Elisabeth Smalls, Jasmine Byrd, Anthony Castro, Juliahna Hege, Harmonie LaVallie, Jihad Muhammad, Ta’myra Watts
State 2nd Place - FBLA Spreadsheet Applications - Gray's Creek High
Faith Somers
State Champion for 100m, 200m, & 400m Dash (Won 3 Individual Events) - Jack Britt High
JaMeesia Ford
1st Place - Biotechnology - HOSA - Jack Britt High
Katherine Meek
2nd Place -Pharmacology - HOSA - Jack Britt High
Allyson Smith
1st Place Group - SkillsUSA Mechatronics - Jack Britt High
Luke Frassel and Alexandra Zitterich
1st Place Group - SkillsUSA-Crime Scene Investigation - Jack Britt High
Sameer Saqib, Keira Shaffer and Dylan Wooster
3rd Place Group - FBLA Parliamentary Procedure - Pine Forest High
Kaiden Jackson, Morgan Guilluame, Kymora Stewart and Ivianna Jones
2nd Place - FBLA American Enterprise Project - Pine Forest High
Kenneth Van Wy, James Alfaro and Emma Farson
3rd Place - FBLA Insurance and Risk Management - Pine Forest High
Kevin Lin
4th Place - FBLA Cybersecurity - Pine Forest High
Patricia Ni
1st Place - SkillsUSA - Job Skill Demo A - Pine Forest High
K'niya Brown
1st Place Group - SkillsUSA Health Knowledge Bowl - Pine Forest High
Aariyana Burch, Emma De Noble, Kevin Lin and Jacob Versoza
1st Place - SkillsUSA - Pin Design - South View Middle
Kaloni Clark
3A Tennis Champion - Terry Sanford High
Drew Hedgecoe (Two Years in a Row - Singles)
3A Golf Team Championship - Terry Sanford High
Ethan Paschal, Thomas Horne, Parks Helm, Charlie Horne, Alex Schenk, Hugh Cameron
and Head Coach Jeff Morehead
3A Golf Champion - Terry Sanford High
Ethan Paschal
3A 400m and 800m State Champion - Terry Sanford High
Zoe Dorsey
3A State Championship - 4 by 100 Unified Track Team - Westover High
Cazamir Cooper, Justin Anthony, Jamal Davis and Ethan O'Neal
106 Pounds Weight Class - State Winner - Cape Fear High
Sammy Aponte
2023 CCAPAP Brian Edkins Scholarship Recipients
Alger B. Wilkins High School - Taylor Papai Cape Fear High School - Miranda Lee Cross Creek Early College High School - Miraya Brown Cumberland International Early College High School - Mikeala Burney Cumberland Polytechnic High School - Mark Adams Cumberland Academy (6-12) Virtual School - Sha’Nasia Floyd-Burns Douglas Byrd High School - Makiyah Green E. E. Smith High School - Jelani Gaddy Gray’s Creek High School - Laney Scott Jack Britt High School - Allyson Smith Massey Hill Classical School - Riley Nazario Pine Forest High School - Alexis Bennett Seventy-First High School - Katrina Edwards South View High School - Hayden Moore Terry Sanford High School - Andrew Corbin Westover High School - Vedvy Gonzalez
Elementary & Secondary Data Managers of the Year
Lori Kraus from Raleigh Road Elementary School was recognized as the Elementary Data Manager of the Year. Veronica Gray from Cumberland Virtual Academy (6-12) was acknowledged as the Secondary Data Manager of the Year.
Premier Professionals Receive State, Regional Awards
Dr. Douglas Massengill, the principal at Massey Hill Classical High School, was recognized as the North Carolina Association of Scholastic Activities (NCASA) Principal of the Year. Also, Dr. Connelly was announced as the Sandhills Regional Education Consortium 2023-2024 Superintendent of the Year.