April 3-7, 2023
A summary of events, activities and accolades occurring in
Cumberland County Schools (CCS)
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National Assistant Principals Week
National Assistant Principals Week is being observed in CCS from Monday, April 3 - Friday, April 7. Assistant Principals help support their principal and teachers and motivate their students. According to the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP), Assistant Principals "are unsung heroes who create a positive learning community, and face the many unpredictable challenges that land on their desk."
Upcoming Board Committee Meetings The Auxiliary Services, Student Support Services, Finance, Curriculum and Personnel Committees of the Cumberland County Board of Education (BOE) will hold meetings beginning at 8:30 a.m. on Tuesday, April 4. The meeting will be open to the public via live-streaming available at https://www.youtube.com/user/CumberlandCoSch, and there will also be capacity-limited seating available to members of the public. Documents, attachments, and presentations to be considered or received by the Board of Education will be available for review by the public at the BoardDocs site, which may be accessed through a link appearing on the CCS homepage under BOARD OF EDUCATION (BOE), at www.ccs.k12.nc.us. As these are Committee Meetings of the Board, there will be no public comment period, but public comments will again be shared at the Board's next regular meeting on April 18. The meeting will be held in the Auditorium at the Educational Resource Center (ERC), 396 Elementary Drive, Fayetteville, NC 28301.
Virtual Career Fair Planned The students at Cumberland Academy Virtual School (CAVS) 6-12 are looking forward to virtually attending the school's career fair on Tuesday, April 4 from 9 -11:30 a.m. on Webex. Representatives from a variety of professions will be sharing helpful information with the students as they delve further into career exploration.
Planting a Garden of Pinwheels In observance of Child Abuse Prevention Month, representatives from CCS, the Child Advocacy Center and the community will gather on the front lawn of the Central Services/Finance building, located at 2465 Gillespie Street, Fayetteville, NC 28306, to plant metallic blue and silver pinwheels. The planting ceremony will take place on Tuesday, April 4 at 2 p.m. The pinwheels, which represent the bright future every child deserves, are being planted in honor of the 808 children referred to the Child Advocacy Center during fiscal year 2021-2022.
The Hondros Project Terry Sanford High School is hosting the 2nd Annual Hondros Project which will be held on Wednesday, April 5 in the school's gymnasium. The student-led photography exhibition for young photographers will display their work. The exhibition is being held in memory of Chris Hondros, a Terry Sanford alum and photojournalist. All proceeds from the Hondros Project will go to the Hondros Fund, which is an organization that helps young photographers attain funding for their work.
Local High School Celebrates 50 Years The Douglas Byrd High School (DBHS) 50th-Year Gala will take place on Wednesday, April 5 at 6 p.m. at the John D. Fuller Recreation Center, located at 6627 Old Bunce Road 28314. The Gala's keynote speaker is Dr. Jane Fields, who is the associate superintendent of CCS School Support and a member of DBHS Class of 1992.
3, 2, 1 ... Blast Off!!!
Eighth-grade STEM students at Seventy-First Classical Middle School will be launching rockets that they 'made from scratch' on Wednesday, April 5 from 1:10-1:40 p.m. from the back lawn of the main school building. The hands-on activity required the students to design and build their own rocket. Their teachers agree that launching a rocket today could be the bridge needed for interested students to explore a career as an engineer. In January, Seventy-First Classical Middle was the Secondary Winner in the STARward STEM Design Expo Challenge, which means they will be traveling to NASA later this spring to watch spacecraft blast into space with their winning STEM project.
Upcoming Student/Staff Holiday
In Cumberland County Schools, Thursday, April 6 is a Student Holiday/Required Annual Leave day for students and staff at Cross Creek Early College High School and Cumberland International Early College High School. Friday, April 7 is a Student-Staff Holiday throughout the district. All Central Services offices will be closed.
Cumberland Family Academy #TBT -- "Beyond the Labels Understanding the Struggling Learner"
Looking into the Cumberland Family Academy archives this Throwback Thursday, the CFA session is titled "Beyond the Labels: Understanding the Struggling Learner." On Thursday, April 6 at 6 p.m., the session will be streamed on the district's Facebook page.
Below are recent occurrences in Cumberland County Schools to inform you of district-related news you may have missed. For coverage opportunities, email Communications at mediarequest@ccs.k12.nc.us.
Former NFL Player Motivates Students to 'Keep Pushing'
39th Annual Festival "Went to Bat for the Arts"
KayLa Artis, a sophomore at South View High School, was recently chosen to represent Cumberland County as Miss Cumberland County Teen.
In June, she will compete in High Point for the state title of Miss NC Teen, part of the Miss America Organization.
KayLa is an advocate of mental health and created a QR code where others can find providers, based off demographics and identifiers, all on one website.
Donna Washington, an internationally known, multiple award winning storyteller, recently visited District 7 Elementary School to share some well-loved folktales with the students.
Cameron Bebeau, a junior at Cumberland Academy 6-12, has been published in Auto Racing Digest, a subsidiary of Sports Illustrated. The student-journalist's article is titled "If Toyota expands in 2024, what teams might cross the manufacturer street?" In the photo above, Cameron, who is a member of the Academy's Broadcasting Club, is interviewing Superintendent Dr. Marvin Connelly, Jr.
On March 24, C. Wayne Collier Elementary School's Battle of the Books Team won 1st-place honors in the district competition and will go on to compete in the Regional Elementary Battle of the Book competition. The team from Stoney Point Elementary School won 2nd-place honors and the 3rd-place winning team was from W. T. Brown Elementary School.
 Jovan Denaut, the coordinator for Equity and Opportunity in the district, has been selected as a 2023-2024 Jeanes Fellow. CCS is one of seven school districts in North Carolina participating in the Jeanes Fellows Program.
This program, which was established in June 2022 by the Dudley Flood Center for Educational Equity and Opportunity in partnership with The Innovation Project (TIP), “is designed to provide consistent and intentional infrastructure to support community-school relationships using an equity lens.” The program is modeled on the mission of the Jeanes’ Teachers program established in 1907 by Anna Jeanes, a Quaker woman, who donated one million dollars to establish a group of black women educators to improve education for blacks in rural America.
As a Jeanes Fellow, Denaut will participate in a two-year cohort that focuses on intensive design work in educational equity. Each Jeanes Fellow is tasked with addressing an equity-focused strategic initiative in their district in collaboration with community stakeholders. To support this work, the Jeanes Fellowship provides opportunities for professional development, leadership training, and networking.