March 27 - 31, 2023
A summary of events, activities and accolades occurring in
Cumberland County Schools (CCS)
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Two New Pre-K Classrooms, Pre-K Application Window Closes March 31
Cumberland County Schools' Pre-Kindergarten Department recently opened two new classrooms for the 2023-2024 school year. Classes will open at Walker-Spivey Elementary School and Ferguson-Easley Elementary School in August. If you would like to apply for these sites and you have not yet filled out your child's application, complete the application online at If you've already completed your application and would like to change your site selection to one of these new classes, contact the Pre-K office at 910-483-7370 or email Pre-K Coordinator Sean Brost at As a reminder, the Pre-K application window is currently open and applications received through March 31 will be given priority.
Former NFL Player to Motivate Middle Schoolers
Cumberland Family Academy (CFA), the district’s family engagement outreach arm, has invited Former NFL Player Keith Davis to Cumberland County Schools for our students and families to experience “P.U.S.H. (Persevere Until Success Happens): A Night of Motivation with Keith Davis” on Thursday, March 30. However, prior to the March 30 family fun night, Davis will be visiting South View Middle School on Wednesday, March 29 from 1:30-2:15 p.m. to talk to middle schoolers (using an interactive approach) about the importance of making the right choices in life and overcoming challenges that seek to keep them from reaching their goals.
Very Special Arts Celebration -- 39 Years and Going Strong
Cumberland County Schools' Exceptional Children's Services will host its 39th Annual Very Special Arts Celebration on Thursday, March 30 from 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. in the Crown Agri-Expo Center in Fayetteville. This year's celebration, which is titled "Going to Bat for the Arts," will host elementary EC students from across the county who can look forward to a day full of the arts, music and numerous activities!
Elementary Students to Lift Their Melodious Voices
About 150 Elementary chorus students from across Cumberland County will come together on Thursday, March 30 to work with guest clinician, Donna Jo McIntyre, who is a retired CCS music educator. The students will rehearse together and then perform in-concert for family and friends at 7:00 p.m. The concert will be held in the Crown Theater. The concert is free and open to the public.
Below are recent occurrences in Cumberland County Schools to inform you of district-related news you may have missed. For coverage opportunities, email Communications at
Local School District Announces 2022-2023 School Social Worker of the Year
Local CTE Teacher Recognized for Educational Excellence
Gray’s Creek High School (GCHS) hosted the 96th Annual North Carolina Association of Student Councils (NCASC) State Convention on March 10-12. Student government delegates from middle schools and high schools across the state were in attendance, along with their teacher advisors. The theme for this year’s convention was “Leadership in Bloom.” Mary Ledford, a GCHS student who is pictured above, presided over the convention as the NCASC president. NCASC has been serving North Carolina middle and high schools since 1926. For more information about the NCASC, visit
In observance of National Foreign Language Week (March 6-10), Foreign Language classes at Seventy-First High School celebrated with a series of fun activities, International Fashion Day, a Scavenger Hunt, Movie Night, 'National Dish and Music Around the World,' and a poster design competition. Coordinators of the week-long observance said the celebration highlighted and honored different languages and cultures in society. The effort also increased the students' awareness of the value of language learning. ~ Pictured above, a group of educators at Seventy-First High strike a pose in the hallway after participating in the International Fashion Day festivities.
CCS recently got a visit from a graduate of Gray's Creek High School. Second-year West Point Cadet Jordan Burns spent a portion of his Spring Break talking to a JROTC at his alma mater. During his visit to GCHS, he shared a West Point presentation about the military academy as well as details about his personal experiences at the prestigious academy.
The Theatre Department at Massey Hill Classical High School (MHCHS) is celebrating their recognition in the 2023 NC International Thespian Society (ITS) State Festival. The theatre program, led by Molly Malone, had seven students perform in five categories at the festival, and brought home the following awards: Excellence in Duo Musical, Excellence in Group Musical, Excellence in Solo Musical, Superior in Solo Musical, and Superior in Solo Acting. Three students participated in the All-State production of Almost, Maine and shared the stage with students from eight other schools from across the state. Lersie Bermudez and Isabel Gare received Superior scores, and are eligible to perform in June at the International Thespian Thespian Festival at Indiana University Bloomington.
The students at The Academy of Green Technology at Douglas Byrd High School led the 5th graders from District 7 Elementary through 'hands on' stations and experiments in sustainable, renewable energy. They reviewed everything from ecosystems, to force and motion, to global weather in the most authentic way possible..