Check out the Calendar of Events for our Unit's Weekly Office Hours, trainings, important deadlines, and more!
For OPI Unit updates please click here.
Superintendent's Message
Blessings to you, your family, and your school family this Independence Day. Enjoy a well deserved, restful, and safe summer.
Montana Aligned to Standards Through-Year (MAST) Program
Professional learning opportunities are planned to support Montana’s districts in implementing the new MAST statewide assessment for grades 3-8 in math and ELA. These opportunities will encompass in-person sessions, live virtual events, and asynchronous learning modules.
- On August 7, 2024, members of the Assessment Team will be at the Annual Hutterite Educator Conference where there will be devoted sessions focusing on preparing for the 2024-2025 statewide MAST Assessment, ELL Identification & Support, and ACCESS for ELLs Testing. Navigate to the RSVP Link: []. All are welcome to attend sessions that pertain to their districts.
- From August 8-16, 2024, a second in-person MAST Roadshow will take place at multiple locations throughout Montana. Dates, times, locations, and the registration link can be found here. Please register by August 1.
- On September 5, 2024, a second live virtual MAST Summit will take place. Once all details are confirmed, information will be shared and made accessible on the OPI MAST webpage and MAST Portal.
- On October 3rd, 10th, and 24th, the Assessment Unit’s fall STC Workshop Series will provide details and support regarding the MAST. Once this information becomes available, it can be found on the Assessment Unit’s Stay Informed ( webpage under the STC Workshop Series tab.
- This fall, the OPI Assessment Unit will be offering weekly office hours at various times to best support STCs and the field with statewide assessment-related questions. Details and information can be found on the Statewide Assessments Stay Informed ( webpage once finalized.
- Additional live virtual and asynchronous learning opportunities will be available. More details and information will be shared on the MAST Portal, OPI MAST webpage, and OPI MAST Monthly Compass once finalized.
For more information, please contact Tressa Graveley, Assessment Specialist.
Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Funds (ESSER)
ESSER Close-Out Process begins July 2024, contact Kimberly Kelly at or (406) 594-9295 to schedule an appointment. Note this process is different than the E-Grants Final Expenditure Report (FER). It includes a full review of ESSER I, II & III Budget Pages and other relevant documentation. Please complete a Return Funds form if you are returning awarded funds for any reason.
- A report of ESSER spending and compliances for each District will be sent in July to start the Close-Out Process.
- If you do not receive one by July 15, 2024, check spam and contact ESSER Meet the Team.
The ESSER team holds open office hours 6 days a week via Zoom, phone, email, text, and in-person to offer support to school districts.
Remember ESSER III deadline is on September 30, 2024.
The state-wide ESSER allocation through June 26, 2024, is:
 For more information on ESSER please click here or contact Wendi Fawns at or 406-437-8595.
Data Modernization
The Office of Public Instruction is working with PowerSchool on the Data Modernization project. For current updates on the project, visit our website, look at project FAQs, and join the weekly Virtual Office Hours for Superintendents.
Additionally, we are looking for feedback on the GEMS system to improve future data visualizations. Please take the survey here. If you have any questions about data modernization or the GEMS survey, please reach out to Anna Hoerner or Chris Bushnell.
Project AWARE Feedback Needed
Project AWARE seeks to provide mental health supports within an MTSS framework, heighten awareness of mental health issues among school-aged youth and provide training for educators and other adults engaging with them, fostering improved detection and response to mental health challenges.
Project AWARE has resources available to help support your school or district’s efforts in ensuring that your students have access to quality and evidence-based interventions and programming. Over the last four years, there have been savings made within this federal budget that allows the program to support schools/districts who may be in need. There are several grant initiatives around the state that could be of support to your school/district in addition to Project AWARE. Let us help problem solve your needs around supporting student wellbeing. Access to quality professional development around youth mental health in addition to high fidelity tiered interventions is evidenced to support student engagement, academic outcomes, and attendance.
Examples of needs that fit within the grant framework:
- Whole Child curriculum resources
- Professional development
- Sensory space furnishings and supplies
- Mental Health Awareness presentations or supplies
- Hope Squad
We are committed to supporting the mental health needs of students and are here to assist in any way we can. Please don't hesitate to reach out and let us know how we can help you enhance mental health support within your school community. Together, we can work towards creating a supportive and nurturing environment for all students, addressing their mental health needs and promoting overall well-being. Thank you for your dedication to the wellness of your students.
If you would like to be contacted, please fill out this Project AWARE Inquiry Form or you may reach out directly to Courtney Hubbs at or call 406-438-0473 to discuss your needs.
Early Literacy Targeted Interventions School Jumpstart Program
During the 2023 Legislative session, HB 352 (20-7-1803, MCA) was enacted. This legislation created three voluntary Early Literacy-Targeted Intervention programs. The programs are classroom-based, jumpstart, and home-based. Many schools have been busy preparing implementation by screening students per parent request and planning upcoming programming. The home-based program provides interventions to students and families via a secure online platform. On July 1st, we will send out the data collection tool to collect information about the number of licenses districts request to serve their eligible students. Here is a draft of the data collection. Districts will be contacted in August to confirm the number of licenses awarded to their district for the home-based program.
DreamBox by Discovery Ed
Ready to roster your staff and students for DreamBox adaptive learning programs? You have FREE access provided by OPI to:
- DreamBox Math K-8 + Algebra
- DreamBox Reading Park K-2 (phonics)
- DreamBox Reading Plus 3-12 (comprehension, vocabulary, and fluency)
Use this link [] to start the rostering process, so you will be ready to use the programs for the 2024-2025 school year. If you want to learn more about each of the programs, please schedule time here [] to chat with Montana’s dedicated Professional Development Specialist, Natalee Hawks.
If you are in the Miles City or Helena area, check out our FREE Days of Discovery Professional Learning sessions. You can earn OPI renewal units and collaborate with colleagues from across the state! Register here []!
Please check out all things Discovery Education including Experience and DreamBox math and reading here [].
National Conference on Student Assessment
This week our Assessment team, Cedar Rose, Krystal Smith, Dr. Julie Murgel, and Marie Judisch, traveled to Seattle for the National Conference on Student Assessment. The focus of the conference was best practices, research findings, and valuable resources to aid states in implementing high-quality assessments and robust accountability systems, which will lead to better outcomes for all students.
Welcome new OPI team member!
Julia Caro, IT Project Specialist, is known for her passion for bringing people and software together to provide technically advanced solutions for Montanans.
Click the links below for important updates from OPI's units.
Accreditation & Educator Preparation
Achievement in Montana (AIM)
Career, Technical and Adult Education
Coordinated School Health
Educator Licensure
Elementary & Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER)
Emergency Assistance to Non-Public Schools (EANS)
Gifted and Talented
Montana Aligned to Standards Through-Year (MAST)
Montana Autism Education Project
Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS)
School Finance
Special Education
Standards, Instruction & Professional Learning
Traffic Education
Tribal Relations & Resiliency
Outside Opportunities
New Teacher Enrollment is Open for MentorMT 2024!
Are you, a colleague, or a staff member a new or underprepared teacher who is…
- Teaching in a rural school during their first or second year of teaching?
- Teaching outside their grade level or subject area endorsement?
- Teaching on a provisional license while working toward full licensure?
- Teaching under emergency authorization?
- Teaching through an international visa program?
MentorMT uniquely provides:
- One-to-one mentoring that addresses teachers’ needs and respects their time
- Experienced mentors assigned by aligned grade level and subject area
- A focus on content, curriculum, and instructional support that is non-evaluative
No cost to schools and a $500 incentive stipend for participating teachers
Requisite high-quality mentoring as outlined in ARM 10.55.723
Teachers may self-enroll; administrators may enroll current or anticipated staff
*Priority enrollment for rural schools/districts*
Open enrollment now through September 15th
For information about benefits and the application link, go to:
MentorMT 2024 – Mentee Enrollment Information []
Questions? Contact Jennifer Luebeck, MentorMT Director
Email or call (406) 994-5341
Watch our website grow at []
MentorMT is a program of ASPIRE, a grant administered by the Center for Research on Rural Education at Montana State University and funded by Margaret A. Cargill Philanthropies.
MonTECH Presents their Sixth Annual AAC conference
MonTECH presents their sixth annual AAC conference, MontCOMM '24, coming August 9th! MonTECH is Montana's free equipment library and training resource for assistive technology and adaptive equipment. A vital component of MonTECH's mission to support independence, MontCOMM is a one-day event focused on building our state's capacity to support Montanans who are nonspeaking or struggle to speak.
This year's presenters are Lauren Enders Gonzales and Brenda Del Monte, nationally renowned experts in augmentative and alternative communication (AAC). Sessions include: AAC and Autism, AAC and Complex Bodies, Empowering Communication Partners, and Basics of AAC Evals.
OPI credits have been approved. Scholarships for educators, paraprofessionals, and SLPs and OTs working in the public-school system are pending. Registration costs are low and have not increased since MontCOMM began in 2019: $100 for CEUs, $50 if CEUs are not needed. The conference boasts a quality remote-attendance option in addition to the in-person event in Missoula. Learn more and register: MontCOMM '24: - MonTECH ( []
Questions? Contact:
Brian O'Leary, Communications Director
The OPI is committed to providing reasonable accommodations to people with disabilities. If you need a reasonable accommodation, require an alternate format, or have questions concerning accessibility, contact the OPI ADA Coordinator, 406-444-3161,, Relay Service: 711.