Upcoming Trainings from the OPI Montana Autism Education Project
Dr. Jennifer Schoffer Closson – Virtual Trainings
June 12, 9 AM-12:15 PM - Stop Behavior Before It Starts 3.5 hours
June 12, 1:00 PM-2:30 PM - Girls with Autism 1.5 hours
June 13, 9 AM-12:15 PM - Breaking Down Executive Functioning Skills 3.5 hours
June 13, 1 PM-2:30 PM - Using Evidence-Based Practices to Teach Safety Skills 1.5 hours
June 14, 9 AM-12:15 PM - Neurodiversity Makes Life Better 3.5 hours
June 14, 1 PM-2:30 PM – Educating Parents and Peers about Autism 1.5 hours
June 16, 9 AM-12:15 PM. – Highest Rated 3-hour Training
June 16, 1 PM-2:30 PM - Highest Rated 1.5-hour training
You can view session descriptions and register for the trainings here.
Making A.T. Solutions in Minutes to Achieve Educational Success – A Hands-on Virtual AT Maker Workshop from Therese Willkomm
June 20, 2023 8:30 AM – 4:00 P.M. Via Zoom ONLY A FEW SPACES ARE LEFT!!!!
Six OPI renewal units are available for this training.
Description: This virtual hands-on workshop embraces the “ABLE” principles for creating rapid A.T solutions in schools that are adjustable, portable, collapsible, repositionable, reusable, expandable, and multi-use. Everyone can be a creative problem solver.
Explore a variety of methods, materials, and resources for creating A.T. solutions in five minutes or less. Learn the 3Ms of Making, Mounting and Modifying. Assistive technology has a very high failure rate, and therefore, creating rapid solutions or modifications to solutions are needed to achieve educational success for students with disabilities. Learn about the 85% of assistive technology in schools that doesn’t involve a computer.
PLEASE NOTE: This workshop is limited to only 25 people and requires the mailing of hands-on materials. Therefore, specific cancellation and No Show policies are in effect that could affect your participation in future trainings from the Autism Project.
Read more and register here.
Challenging Behavior: How To Prevent, Reduce and Replace – A One Day Virtual Training
Virtual - June 6, 2023 Register here. ONLY A FEW SPACES ARE LEFT!!!!
Virtual - June 8, 2023 Register here. ONLY A FEW SPACES ARE LEFT!!!!
- Review the basic principles of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)
- Identify the elements to creating effective learning environments: The Pyramid Approach to Education
- Identify behaviors requiring intervention
- Identify the functional control of the behavior
- Develop a behavior plan
- Identify how to assess the effectiveness of an intervention
These virtual trainings will be from 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Seven OPI renewal units are available for each training.
Are you interested in a PECS Level 1 in-person training in 2023-2024?
In the 2022-2023 school year, there was low enrollment for in-person PECS Level 1 trainings. Our cost per person for the virtual PECS Level 1 trainings is much higher than for in-person trainings and thus we may not offer the virtual trainings this school year. If you are interested in attending an in-person PECS trainings, please complete the interest form here to help us understand if and where there may be enough interest for in-person two-day PECS Level 1 trainings.
Online Trainings from OCALI- virtual training
The following trainings are a great way to gain knowledge and earn OPI renewal units at your own pace during the summer break:
An Introduction to Autism Characteristics and Simple Strategies from OCALI
This introductory module presents information about the unique characteristics of autism spectrum disorder (ASD), including social-communication, restricted interests and patterns of behavior, sensory, cognition and information processing, and emotional regulation. Five simple strategies are introduced that may be used anytime, anywhere with young children, students, and adults with ASD. (Note that this course is a prerequisite to take the longer courses.)
Learning Objectives:
- Provide an understanding of the spectrum of skills that characterize autism spectrum disorder, or ASD.
- Dispel common misconceptions about ASD.
- Provide simple strategies that may be helpful for individuals with ASD.
Estimated Time to Complete Module: 90 minutes
Foundations of Evidence-Based Strategies - Toddler and Preschool Age
Early childhood is an important time to help young children with ASD to develop critical language and learning skills. With video examples in homes and preschool classrooms, this course will introduce you to evidence-based strategies that can be used in natural environments during typical routines and activities of toddlers and preschoolers. This course takes approximately 10.5 hours to complete. Prerequisite: Many Faces of Autism
Foundations of Evidence-Based Strategies - School Age
During the elementary and middle school years, school-aged individuals with ASD are developing skills in many areas that will impact their futures. This course presents evidence-based strategies in action in home, school and community environments. This course takes approximately 10.5 hours to complete. Prerequisite: Many Faces of Autism
Foundations of Evidence-Based Strategies - Transition Age
Adolescents and young adults with ASD need many critical skills as they prepare for transitioning from high school into their own, unique adult lives. This course will show you how to use evidence-based strategies to support individuals who are transition-aged and young adults through video examples at home, school, work, and in the community. This course takes approximately 10.5 hours to complete. Prerequisite: Many Faces of Autism
You can find more information on the content of each training and register for the OCALI trainings here.
If you wish to receive OPI renewal units for completing the above trainings, you must register here. We will then tell you what information from OCALI training needs to be provided when you have completed a course to receive your OPI renewal units.
Inclusive Fitness Training Workshop June 20-21, 2023, in Missoula at the University of Montana Skaggs Building.
Day one will focus on inclusion in all types of fitness spaces, while day two will identify ways you can make your chronic disease programs more inclusive. You can find more information on Day 1 here, and register here. This free training is provided by the Montana Disability and Health Program (MTDH) in partnership with the University of Montana Rural Institute on Inclusive Communities and the National Center on Health, Physical Activity and Disability.
Virtual Trainings from the Montana Empowerment Center
The Montana Empowerment Center (MEC) has released a series of video recordings on a variety of special education topics. These are good to view and to share with parents. (Registration is required to view each video - doing so helps support the MEC grant by showing their outreach.)
Because these are recorded trainings, we cannot offer OPI renewal units. You can see the thirty-six!! different trainings here.
Trainings from Social Thinking (virtual trainings)
This is the last chance to enroll for these trainings this school year. Access to these trainings will be available through July 31st. These are recorded trainings and we therefore cannot offer OPI renewal units. ASHA CEUs are available from Social Thinking. Three trainings are available per person.
Trainings include:
- What’s Alexithymia? And How Does It Affect Emotional Regulation and Awareness?
- Implementing Social Thinking® School-wide: Bringing the Concepts into Classrooms & Beyond
- 5 Critical Life Skills for Tweens, Teens and Young Adults
Small Talk & Conversations: Strategies to Demystify Conversational Complexities
What’s a Friend, and Do I Really Need Friends? (Tips & Strategies to Make and Keep Friends, Unpack Social Dislikes & Manage Social Anxiety)
- What’s It Mean to “Behave”? (Tips, Tools & Strategies for Teaching Students Self-Regulation)
- Raising an Organized Child: Strategies to Promote Executive Functions
New!! - Strategies for Expanding Social Emotional Learning in Emerging Social Communicators
New!! - Understanding and Supporting the Social Emotional Learning needs of Challenged Social Communicators
New!! - Part 1: The Social World: Practical Vocabulary and Concepts for Teaching How It Works
New!! - Part 2: Strategies and Concepts for How to Navigate to Regulate in the Social World
New!! - Helping Students Gain Perspective on Their Emotions
You can find information on each training here and register here for up to three trainings.
Upcoming Trainings: You can always find our trainings on the Montana Autism Education Project blog at: http://mtautism.opiconnect.org. We will be adding virtual and in-person trainings to the blog as we schedule trainings throughout the school year.
The OPI is committed to providing reasonable accommodations to people with disabilities. If you need a reasonable accommodation, require an alternate format, or have questions concerning accessibility for a training from the OPI Montana Autism Education Project, contact Doug Doty at ddoty@mt.gov
For more information, contact:
Doug Doty, Statewide Coordinator, OPI Montana Autism Education Project
Direct replies to this email will not be forwarded or received by Doug.
If you know others who wish to subscribe to this newsletter, they can do so on the subscription page.
The OPI is committed to providing reasonable accommodations to people with disabilities. If you need a reasonable accommodation, require an alternate format, or have questions concerning accessibility, contact the OPI ADA Coordinator, 406-444-3161, opiada@mt.gov, Relay Service: 711.