Title and Federal Programs February 2023 Compass Update

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January 25, 2023

Release of 2021 Census Data for Local Educational Agencies for Fiscal Year 2023 Title I, Part A Allocations

Each year, the United States Department of Education (USED) sends to each state the population and poverty estimates for all Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) participating in federal formula grant programs. This data was released on December 15, 2022, and it is available here.

The USED will use the 2021 Census data to calculate fiscal year 2023 (School Year 2023-24) allocations under Title I, Part A of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESEA). Each State Educational Agency (SEA) and LEA must review the data to make sure that it is accurate. The SEA and LEAs have until March 15, 2023, to challenge any data that is thought to be incorrect. The OPI does not handle the challenges, nor provide information on the process. These questions need to be sent to the SAIPE Branch at Phone: (301) 763-3193.

If an LEA sends an email, please include the following: your name, mailing address, telephone number, email address, and organization affiliation. Click here for more information and guidance concerning the Census Bureau’s challenge procedures. 

Information about the data sources and the methodology used to prepare this data is available here.

The list of school districts used for the 2021 Census estimates is based on the SY 2021–2022 school district boundary survey conducted by the Census Bureau with the help of the district mapping coordinator in your State. Please note that the school districts on this list include only “regular” school districts that have geographic boundaries. The list does not include, for example, special school districts that a State recognizes as LEAs, such as charter schools or regional vocational education districts. These LEAs do not require “corrections” to the Census Bureau’s boundary survey data; rather, the ESEA and 34 C.F.R. §200.72 require a SEA to adjust the SY 2023–2024 Title I, Part A LEA allocations that ED determines to accommodate new or special LEAs not included on the Census Bureau's SY 2021–2022 list.

Please click here to see the population and poverty counts for participating districts in Montana.

WIDA PD Opportunity: Scaffolding Learning Through Language

This webinar series is designed for all educators of multilingual learners.  Its purpose is to encourage educators to consider a dynamic set of classroom practices that support multilingual learners as they move toward increasing independence and expertise in grade-level content.

Learning Goals:

  • Develop an understanding of scaffolding practices based on prior knowledge, new learning, and shared experiences.
  • Build awareness of macro- and micro-scaffolding practices that apprentice students into language use for content area learning.
    • Consider how students’ resources can support collaborative learning.
    • Recognize the importance of establishing a collaborative community of learners that moves forward and upward together.
    • Examine ways to engage students in exploring language use for content learning.
  • Develop a vision for Scaffolding UP in your context.

Renewal Units: 3

Dates: 2/28, 3/7, and 3/14

Time: 3:30-5:00 pm

Free for all Montana teachers! To register, email destin.markland@mt.gov by 2/19.

FY 2023 REAP Master Eligibility Spreadsheet now available for review

An updated version of the FY 2023 REAP Master Eligibility Spreadsheet (MES) is now available for your review and posted as an attachment on this MAX page. This version of the MES is updated as of 1/23/2023 and includes SEA-submitted State-derived poverty data and requested changes. The FY 2023 will also be posted on the REAP website and shared with eligible LEAs for review. We will ask LEAs to work with their RLIS State Coordinators if there is a need to update any of the information. We encourage you to also reach out to LEAs in your State to verify the accuracy of this data. Please notify your REAP program officer via email or on MAX of any data changes as soon as possible and no later than Friday, February 3.

SEA Review

In your review of the MES, please verify that all State-submitted data is accurate and up to date, including average daily attendance (ADA), LEA contact information, State rural definition, Title II-A and IV-A LEA allocation amounts, and LEA operational and/or virtual status. Note that the eligibility determinations included on the MES are subject to change, pending State Coordinator and LEA review.

The REAP MES has also gone through some cosmetic updates this year in an effort to make it more useable for State Coordinators, LEAs, and other stakeholders. Please let your REAP Program Officer know if you have any feedback on the new and improved MES.

How to Request Corrections

To request multiple corrections to the REAP MES, edit the most current version of your State spreadsheet on your State MAX page and highlight the change. Please include a clarifying comment as necessary. Alternatively, for a single correction, you can leave a comment on MAX or email your REAP Program Officer. Submit corrections as soon as possible and no later than Friday, February 3 so that updates can be made prior to the SRSA application opening in early February.


If you have questions about the MES, LEA data, or the SRSA application, please share them with your program officer or reap@ed.gov.


If your contact information is incorrect, please email Christy Hendricks at christy.hendricks@mt.gov.

Register now: MSIX Cybersecurity and Account Management Webinar  

The Migrant Student Information Exchange (MSIX) Team welcomes all MSIX users to join the annual Cybersecurity and Account Management Webinar on Thursday, February 23, 2023, from 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. ET. In this webinar, the MSIX Team will highlight cybersecurity and privacy awareness topics in addition to reviewing MSIX account management and password best practices.   

Register here: https://deloitte.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_lP3Mp-S6QcCRqugk0nytJA [deloitte.zoom.us] 

 After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar, including an “Add to Calendar” feature.  

 ALL MSIX users are highly encouraged to attend this Webinar. As always, we welcome any feedback. If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact the MSIX Help Desk via email at: MSIXSupport@deloitte.com or telephone at: 1-866-878-9525. Help Desk hours are: 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM Eastern Time, Monday through Friday, except on Federal Holidays.  


Migrant Student Information Exchange (MSIX) Support:

MSIX Help Desk: 1-866-878-9525 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM EST Monday through Friday


Federal Grants Unit Contacts:

Jack O'Connor, Federal Programs Director, 406-444-3083

Angela Branz-Spall, Title I Part C MEP Director, 406-444-2423

Christy Hendricks, Federal Programs Coordinator, 406-444-0794

Destin Markland, Title III Coordinator, 406-444-0044

Serena Wright, State Coordinator for Homeless Education/Title I Specialist, 406-444-2036

The OPI is committed to providing reasonable accommodations to people with disabilities. If you need a reasonable accommodation, require an alternate format, or have questions concerning accessibility, contact the OPI ADA Coordinator, 406-444-3161, opiada@mt.gov, Relay Service: 711.