2021-2022 Training Summary – OPI Montana Autism Education Project
In the 2021-2022 school year, the OPI Montana Autism Education Project (MAEP) provided:
42 different trainings and with repeated trainings, a total of 63 trainings.
These trainings were attended by 1,350 Montana educators, parents and others who have an interest in autism and behavior management. They completed 6,372 hours of training.
You can read more of our training summary, including attendees by position and average training scores here.
2021 Child Count Data on Montana Students with Autism
Have you ever wondered how many students have been identified with autism? How much (or little) do those numbers change from year to year? What ages and gender they are? You can find those answers and more information in our review of the 2021 Child Count Data, located here.
Also, you can see a video of the number of Montana Students with Autism by County from 2011 - 2021 here.
A Refresher of OPI’s Criteria for Autism Spectrum Disorder (virtual training)
September 15 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
October 21 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. (Same content each day.)
This training will include:
- Why and how the OPI created a new educational autism criteria in 2019;
- A review of the OPI autism criteria; including examples for specific characteristics by gender, age and use/non-use of spoken language.
- Time for questions and answers.
Two OPI renewal units are available for this training.
You can learn more and register for the Autism Criteria training here.
Dr. Jennifer Schoffer Closson – virtual training series
We are bringing back these popular virtual trainings from last year AND have added more trainings. These 90 minute to three-hour virtual trainings are scheduled twice per month from September to June. Topics will include:
Understanding Brain Differences in Autism // Evidence-Based Practices (EBPS) for ASD // Girls with Autism // Stop Behavior Before it Starts // Using EBPs To Teach Safety Skills // Breaking Down Executive Functioning Skills // Educating Parents and Peers about Autism // Neurodiversity Makes Life Better
You can view the full training schedule, session descriptions and register for upcoming trainings here.
ADOS-2 Initial Training (in-person training)
What is the ADOS (Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule)?
The Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule-Second Edition (ADOS-2) is a standardized assessment tool that helps providers identify autism spectrum disorder in children and adults. The ADOS involves a semi-structured play or interview session determined by the age and communication level of the individual. (Learn more here.)
Missoula – September 26 and 27
Billings – September 29 and 30
9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. each day. Limited to 50 participants. 14 OPI renewal units will be provided.
You can register here.
MonTECH Assistive Technology series (virtual training)
Each month we will feature a different assistive technology (AT) training from MonTECH. These virtual trainings will be from 2:30 to 4:00 p.m. on the third Tuesday of each month. Two OPI renewal units will be provided for each training. Registration will open for each training ~ 30 days prior.
September 20: AT 101
October 18: iPad 101
November 15: Notetaking and Organization
December 20: Behavior/Sensory Part 1
January 17: Behavior/Sensory Part 2
February 21: Success with Communication
March 21: Communication Part 1
April 18: Communication Part 2
More information about the training series and registration for the next upcoming workshop(s) can be found here.
The Birds and the Bees: Hygiene, Puberty & Safety for Youth with ASD or Other Developmental Disorders (virtual training)
October 20, 2022 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
With up to 80% of individuals with disabilities reportedly becoming the victims of sexual/physical abuse or crimes by the time they reach adulthood, the topics of hygiene, puberty, and sexual development are imperative to safety. Unfortunately, these topics are often overlooked. Strategies for teaching hygiene, puberty, and sexual development with an emphasis on safety will be discussed.
Six OPI renewal units will be available for this training. The training will not be recorded.
You can find more information and register here.
Behavioral Skills Training for SLPs (virtual training)
October 27 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Behavioral Skills Training (BST) is an evidence-based strategy that can be applied to teach a variety of skills. BST includes four primary steps including Instruction, Modeling, Rehearsal and Feedback. This webinar will review some of the interesting applications of BST including literature related to the application of Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC). Considerations for SLPs to incorporate BST within their sessions will be explored with specific examples provided. We will also include recommendations for increasing the effectiveness of feedback – one of the key components of the BST model.
The OPI has a limited number of scholarships for public school SLPs and Speech Aides to attend this training. Two OPI renewal units and 0.15 ASHA CEUs will be provided for this training.
You can request a scholarship here.
PECS Level 1 Training (virtual training)
Individuals who are nonverbal or have limited speech need a communication system they can start using right now. The Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) provides an immediately useful method for requesting things, actions and people, in a way that requires and promotes social interaction. Using the principles of applied behavior analysis, PECS starts by teaching spontaneous requesting and as quickly as possible, moves on to responding to questions as well as commenting about things in the environment.
The OPI Montana Autism Education Project has a limited number of scholarships for virtual PECS Level 1 trainings. Because we will be hosting additional in-person trainings in PECS Level 1 and Teaching Critical Communication Skills, the virtual PECS Level 1 trainings are only available to educators who are in districts that are at least 90 miles from one of Montana’s seven largest cities.
You can find more information about PECS and register here.
PECS Level 2 Training (virtual training)
Prerequisite: PECS Level 1 Training
This two-day training focuses on creating lessons and activities to promote communication throughout the day. Beginning with a review of the Pyramid Approach to Education as it relates to PECS, we guide you in refining your PECS implementation and discuss current challenges you have experienced within the six phases. As you acquire teaching strategies on expanding vocabulary and syntax combined with new ideas for materials, we will discuss how to increase communication opportunities for your learner. Throughout the training, you will be provided with presenter demonstrations, video examples and opportunities to role-play.
We have a limited number of scholarships for an online PECS Level 2 training on October 24-25, 2022.
The training is from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and 14 OPI renewal units are available.
You can register here.
Upcoming Trainings: You can always find our trainings on the Montana Autism Education Project blog at: http://mtautism.opiconnect.org. We will be adding virtual and in-person trainings to the blog as we schedule training dates throughout the school year.
For more information, contact:
Doug Doty, Statewide Coordinator, OPI Montana Autism Education Project
Direct replies to this email will not be forwarded or received by Doug.
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The OPI is committed to providing reasonable accommodations to people with disabilities. If you need a reasonable accommodation, require an alternate format, or have questions concerning accessibility, contact the OPI ADA Coordinator, 406-444-3161, opiada@mt.gov, Relay Service: 711.