STEM News Splash
Given the sadness in the news and with the Pandemic going on, check out, Some Good News (SGN).
Have a wonderful summer. The next issue will be the second Wednesday in August, 2020.
Montana Sky |
The Montana Learning Center has an all-sky camera available at: [] or through a link on the MLC homepage. While on their site see which camps are open for the summer!
PBS LearningMedia offers many phenomena for learning about Earth and Space Science
I would love to hear feedback from the field on how these were used and how the students responded if you use them!
I can be reached at
The Earth Institute Columbia University has a learning opportunity wherein each session features science experts in a 60-minute live session sharing their work through lectures, interactive activities and demonstrations. Sessions run Mondays and Wednesdays at 2:00 PM EST. Sessions are recorded, and their links are sent to registered participants.
All sessions are free but registration is required. Some of the opportunities have passed, but there are still more to come!
- Grassroots Peacebuilding in Columbia with Social Labs (Grades 10-12)
- Urban Sustainability in China (Grades 9-12)
- It Takes A Village: Citizen Science in Rural India (Grades 9-12)
- Rivers of Ice with the Glacier Goo (Grades 5-8)
- Climate Research with Flying Robots (Grades 6-12)
Montana Tech is hosting a Virtual Materials Camp July 6-10. Attendees will engage with science and engineering practices through real-world applications of engineering that you can use in your classrooms. They are currently accepting applications.
Free professional development
Fall Facilitated Courses:
- New Indian Education for All Science Resources for grades 3-5
- New High-Quality Life Science Units Posted by NGSS
- National Academies of Science Engineering and Medicine (NASEM) began a study this week to provide states and school districts with guidance about whether and how to safely reopen schools. Read about the details.
- Students Share Their Coronavirus Diaries: "I'm Really Missing School"
Local News
- Want to know what camps and environmental activities are available currently in Montana? The Montana Environmental Education Association (MEEA) has information. Contact the MEEA president at for information.
Sci-Tech Summit: Gone Virtual! August 12-14 MSU Bozeman
2020 Educators Conference: Gone Virtual! October 15-16 C.M. Russell High School, Great Falls, MT
AOPA High School Aviation STEM Symposium: November 15-17
Teacher Learning Hub
Calendar of Events & Opportunities
Keep updated with new opportunities, professional development, and science resources at the Montana OPI's Science Page. |
This message was sent by Michelle McCarthy, Science Instructional Coordinator. You can reach Michelle by email at or by calling (406) 444-3537.
The OPI is committed to providing reasonable accommodations to people with disabilities. If you need a reasonable accommodation, require an alternate format, or have questions concerning accessibility, contact the OPI ADA Coordinator, 406-444-3161,, TTY 406-444-0235.