Got Data? Find Facts! The Montana Data Use Conference, Pathway to a Data Use Culture in Montana, is happening September 16-17, 2019 at the Delta Hotels - Helena Colonial, Helena, MT. The conference program can be downloaded here.
We have two keynotes who will join us. Dr. Rob Watson, Superintendent, Missoula County Public Schools, will speak on the power of data in building school based relationships and Amy Watson, Department of Labor and Industry, who will make a case for linking K-12 data to Labor outcomes by explaining the benefits of a study of trends in Workforce outcomes for Higher Education graduates. We also have a lunch speaker, Dr. Marilyn King, Deputy Superintendent Instruction, Bozeman Public Schools, who will discuss Data Governance: What is it and Why is it Important?
As you can see in the attached agenda, we have three tracks to the conference: using Assessment Data, Data Use in Schools, and Research from our University Partners. Many excellent sessions and workshops to choose from! Renewal Units are available (15).
The conference is funded by our Montana Data Use Culture grant and is co-sponsored by Infinite Campus and Parchment.
Please spread the work with schools and districts you work with! The link to register for the conference is here.
We hope to see you there!
30 Exciting Workshops and Session to Choose From!
We also have over 30 sessions and workshops. Alan Grover will be presenting on Data Privacy and Security. Alan will be presenting on FERPA requirements and data security issues involved in ransomware. Shantel Niederstadt will be presenting on MontCAS test security. Fenqjen Luo will be presenting on research about achievement gaps in Montana. Fenqjen’s study is a longitudinal study of ACT outcomes.
We strongly encourage participants to bring their own device to the workshops on the afternoon of the 17th. Dr. Karin Neff, Bozeman Public Schools, will host a working group on PowerSchool and the Civil Rights Data Collection. Dr. Tricia Seifert, Montana State University will encourage us to think of college readiness from the standpoint of our students. She has developed an educational game that mirrors strategies for student success preparing for college and beyond. Fred Eudora, AEM Corporation, will host a workshop on common education data standards (CEDS). DJ QuirinMai (OPI) will host a workshop on data visualization from the standpoint of a beginner.
The OPI is committed to providing reasonable accommodations to people with disabilities. If you need a reasonable accommodation, require an alternate format, or have questions concerning accessibility, contact the OPI ADA Coordinator, 406-444-3161, opiada@mt.gov, TTY 406-444-0235.