ARPA Water and Sewer Grant Q & A Fridays

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Join us for ARPA Water and Sewer Grant Application Q & A

Join us Friday afternoons in December and early January when Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation (DNRC) and Montana Department of Commerce staff will be available from 1-3 PM to answer questions you may have about the Water and Sewer grant applications. 

The Q & A will be recorded and made available to the public after each session on Tools & Resources. Email if you have questions about the sessions. Visit ARPA.MT.GOV for more information on the American Rescue Plan Act and what resources might be available to your community.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 892 6043 3763

Password: 307089

DNRC Releases New Grant Application Guidelines

Following the November Infrastructure Advisory Commission meeting, DNRC has updated the grant application guidelines to clarify language as well as adjust the scoring for projects that are addressing a state or federal enforcement action. Please visit ARPA Water & Sewer Grants for more information. Guidelines are posted on the Competitive Grant Program and Minimum Allocation Grant Program.     


Water & Sewer Infrastructure Advisory Commission meeting.

Tuesday, December 14, 2021, 1 pm. Watch & Listen Online