HOME/HTF Grant Application is Now Available!

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The Montana Department of Commerce Announces the Application for HOME and HTF Grants is Now Available!

The Montana Department of Commerce (Commerce) is now accepting applications for the HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) and Housing Trust Fund Program (HTF). Applications are due September 15, 2021, 5:00 p.m. for new proposals and September 30, 2021, 5:00 p.m. for previously awarded projects seeking additional funding due to COVID-19 impacts.

The HOME and HTF application guidelines are available on Commerce’s HOME and HTF web pages.

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) distributes HOME and HTF funds to Commerce, which awards grants to eligible recipients in accordance with the Montana Consolidated Plan and most recent version of Commerce’s Annual Action Plan. Through these programs, Commerce supports the rehabilitation, new construction, and acquisition of affordable homes for Montana households with low, very low, and extremely low incomes, particularly those who are elderly, living with a disability, or experiencing homelessness.

Commerce anticipates the next deadline for 2022 HOME/HTF funds will be September 15, 2022

Applicants with questions regarding the application process or guidelines are encouraged to contact Commerce staff at 406-841-2840 or by email at Housing@mt.gov.