Foreign Language Translation Grant

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Are you planning to have your website or promotional materials translated into foreign languages in 2019-2020?  If so, we have grant funds available to reimburse you for up to $3,000 of your expenses!

Montana STEP grant info

The Montana Department of Commerce’s ExportMontana program competed to receive Federal grant funds from the U.S. Small Business Administration’s State Trade Expansion Program (STEP) to help companies with funding their global market expansion by translating their websites and promotional materials into foreign languages.  You can apply for these funds to get a 50% reimbursement, up to $3,000 per language for:

  • Hiring a translator
  • Translating website copy
  • Translating promotional and sales materials (brochures, catalogs)
  • Translating technical specifications, data sheets
  • Layout, design, and printing of translated materials

How do I apply?

The application process is simple and approval is fast.  Download and fill out our Montana STEP grant application and return it to us up to 30 days before you begin the translation project.  Once you produce the translated items, you then fill out a reimbursement request, provide receipts, and we send your reimbursement within 14 days. 

What else does this grant fund?

Contact us if you’re interested in any of these services.

Tip from the pros . . .

West Paw image

West Paw has provided ExportMontana with their how to guide for translating YouTube videos. Click here to view this and let us know if you have any questions.

Thanks West Paw!