DLI Newsletter | December 2022
Message from the Commissioner:
Dear Reader,
It is hard to believe the year is nearing an end. I hope everyone had a safe and Merry Christmas! Please enjoy reading some updates from around the department; I want to wish you all a Happy New Year!
Laurie Esau Commissioner of Labor & Industry
The Incumbent Worker Training Program
If you or your business have not heard of the Incumbent Worker Training (IWT) program, we encourage you to learn more about this grant funding resource, helping to off-set a portion of skills-based training costs for incumbent (existing) workers employed by Montana's small business. Businesses must demonstrate training will increase the worker's skill-level, result in a promotion or wage gain, or expand their business market/increase business revenue, with the intent of preserving existing jobs for Montana residents. Small business is defined as private sector, for-profit and non-profits, operating year-round, with no more than 50 employees statewide. Learn more about IWT here.
Trades Education & Training Tax Credit
The Trades Education and Training Tax Credit allows employers to take a tax credit for the expenses incurred in providing employees with education and training for a trade profession. This credit cannot be claimed if the Apprenticeship Tax Credit or Jobs Creation Tax Credit is being claimed for the same employees. Qualifying expenses must be for employees who work or are anticipated to work in Montana for at least 6 months of the year of the education or training. Qualifying expenses are paid by the employer to an unrelated third party for tuition, fees, books, supplies, or equipment to assist an employee in developing additional techniques and skills in a trade profession using a qualified training method.
The credit is equal to 50% of the cost of qualifying trades education or training expenses incurred during the tax year, not to exceed $2,000 per employee and $25,000 total annually. The list of current professions and the application process is found here.
International Fraud Awareness
Our Unemployment Insurance Division works hard to prevent fraudulent claims. There are many types of claimant fraud as well as employer fraud. To learn more about the different types of fraud and how you can help prevent fraud click here.
We thank you for your efforts to help combat UI fraud and abuse in Montana; you are a VERY important source of information about claimants and employers committing UI fraud.
Jobs for Montana Graduates
Four amazing students represented Jobs for Montana’s Graduates in Washington D.C. for the National Student Leadership Academy (NSLA) hosted by Jobs for America’s Graduates (JAG)! Our students were there to learn more about leadership, connect with students from 30 states, and meet Montana’s elected members of Congress!
Students were selected by composing a business formatted letter to their Career Specialist identifying an individual who they admire for their leadership qualities and how those qualities make them an effective leader. Through reflection on personal experiences students then shared their story and identified leadership skills learned through these experiences. Lastly, students included how they felt Jobs for Montana’s Graduates and the Montana Career Association would aid them in reaching their goals. The letters were judged by volunteers and announced at our LEAD Conference in October.
Anna Williams- Scobey HS, Harley Edwards- Glasgow HS, Destiny Cheuvront- Plains HS, Ava Metcalfe- Whitefish Independent HS and chaperoned by career specialists, Connie Wittak- Scobey HS and Jill Page- Glasgow HS.
New Veteran Dashboard!
Did you know, Montana has a total of 85,401 veterans? Our team of economists put together a veteran resource page for us to better understand and serve our veteran population. To view the dashboard click here. |
DLI Employee wins award from Great Falls Chamber
The Great Falls Chamber honored DLI employee, Mike Parcel as Ambassador of the Quarter. Mike dedicates countless hours to the Chamber of Commerce and the Great Falls community. The Chamber notes, Mike comes to regular meetings and events and graciously jumps in to help anyway he can. Mike is a former business owner and current DLI employee. Congratulations, Mike!