There aren’t many things which can top stepping up to the podium at Founders Square during the Neshoba County Fair. Despite having given several speeches there over the last five years, the awe and magic of the moment never fades.
With the 2024 Presidential Election right around the corner, I was proud to talk about the work our team has done to ensure safe and secure elections in Mississippi. From launching My Election Day to track absentee and affidavit ballots to securing legislation for required post-election audits and even banning ballot harvesting, our team has worked tirelessly to give Mississippi voters the confidence that the vote they cast is the vote counted.
While secure voting will always be a priority, campaign finance reform, yet again, will continue to be at the forefront. I told you last year we were working on it. Thankfully, we received funding from the legislature for a new system this session and the RFP will be going out within the next month. However, we need the legislature to pass the other pieces of our solution including mandatory online filing for all candidates and elected officials and enforcement mechanisms for our office---for the record, the Federal Election Commission (FEC) has required online filing since 2001.
I encourage you to reach out to your local elected officials to solicit their help in providing sunlight to the state’s campaign finance process. Mississippians deserve more transparency and accountability of our elected officials!