Alabama Secretary of State Wes Allen and I submitted an official joint request to our state congressional delegations to repeal the Corporate Transparency Act. This Act increases regulatory burdens on small businesses nationwide, placing additional hardship on Mississippi and Alabama citizens.
In this letter, we outlined the errors of this policy from the Department of the Treasury's Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN). The Corporate Transparency Act requires small businesses to report beneficial ownership information to FinCEN.
Although the Act was passed presumably as an anti-terrorism effort, it imposes fines and penalties on our hardworking business owners. Mississippians will not be victims to such unnecessary regulation. Repealing this act is in the best interest of all American citizens.
Our team will continue to tackle the tape in Mississippi, freeing our businesses of regulatory burdens including this Act. I encourage you to read the full letter below and reach out to FinCEN should you have questions. Mississippians may utilize their contact form found here or telephone at 1-800-767-2825.
 403rd Wing: MS Secretary of State visits Keesler AFB
 The Federalist: Elections Chief Probes 'Bidenbucks' in Mississippi, Won't Accept Forms Collected By 'Unlawful' Scheme
The Daily Signal: How States Are Punching Back on Biden Federal Election Takeover
As Secretary of State, one of my responsibilities is to protect our Constitutional-given rights. President Biden's Executive Order on Promoting Access to Voting (EO 14019) is an unlawful imposition on state elections. This EO calls for federal involvement in state-level voter registration processes.
In 2022, 14 other Secretaries of State and I submitted a letter to President Biden requesting he rescind the order. Last month, I sent a letter to U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland requesting more information about the impact EO 14019 would have on Mississippi's elections, with no response.
The federal government should not be in the business of registering and turning out voters in Mississippi. To keep our republic, now, more than ever, we need an engaged electorate. I encourage you to read the official statement below and contact our office should you have questions.
We hosted our second virtual Mississippi Businesses Against Trafficking (MBAT) Summit this month. In collaboration with the Mississippi State Department of Health (MSDH), the U.S. Department of Labor Wage and Hour Division, and the Mississippi Bureau of Investigation (MBI), this summit featured experts on how to identify and report labor trafficking.
I'm thankful to my team for another successful event as we spread awareness about the crime of human trafficking and equip Mississippi businesses with the tools and resources to protect themselves from wage and labor law violations. Stay tuned for the next summit!
I had the opportunity to host a few of our Tackle the Tape fellows in Jackson this month. These undergraduate and graduate students have worked alongside our Tackle the Tape team, increasing economic opportunities for all Mississippians.
I'm thankful for their contributions to reducing the regulatory burden in our state. The future is bright with these students' efforts, and I appreciate their willingness to serve Mississippi with their talent and leadership!
Our efforts to tackle the tape in Mississippi continue as we recently made our 115th vote with Occupational Licensing Review Commission to reduce the regulatory burden on hardworking Mississippians.
Our goal remains to promote economic opportunities for all of Mississippi. Encouraging competition, innovation, and job growth makes our state a great place to live and work.
I recently visited the 81st Training Wing and 403rd Wing at Keesler Air Force Base. These men and women are some of our country's greatest heroes. We had a great time discussing more opportunities for community building and collaboration. Proud to support them and am grateful for their service!
In another effort to Tackle the Tape in Mississippi, our Securities Division has adopted the Exam Validity Extension Program (EVEP) to assist in reducing red tape on investment representatives. This new program provides more flexibility for registered broker-dealer agents and investment advisor representatives, allowing them to maintain their current qualifications after an unexpected leave of absence from their profession.
Mississippi is one of the first states to adopt this new program. I'm grateful to our Securities team for implementing EVEP and continuing to find ways to reduce the regulatory burden on Mississippians!
I was honored to receive the Oseola McCarty Community Impact Award at the Mississippi Pinnacle Awards for our Mississippi Business Against Trafficking (MBAT) initiative. Since MBAT's inaugural launch in October 2022, our office has produced events and resources on how to identify, report, and prevent sex and labor trafficking.
I'm grateful to my entire team for this award, and we will continue to increase awareness and education on this crime as we coMBAT trafficking in Mississippi!
Kim Thompson
Kim serves as a Business Support Specialist in our Business Services and Regulation Division. She joined the Secretary of State's Office in 1999.
Kim is an extremely hard worker, dependable, and very knowledgeable! She arrives early enough every day to ensure she’s ready to answer customer calls immediately at 8:00 a.m. Through her diligence she has answered as many as 150 calls in a day.
Kim is a devoted employee and her main objective is providing detailed, prompt, and friendly customer service to those who contact this office for assistance. A true public servant, we are grateful for the more than two decades she has served Mississippians! Thank you, Kim!