Mississippi's Primary Election held on March 12 featured numerous offices including President, U.S. Senate, and U.S. Representative. Unfortunately, turnout for this election was considerably low despite our efforts to promote participation and voter engagement.
The only runoff is for the Republican nominee in the Second Congressional District and will be held on Tuesday, April 2. Candidates Ron Eller and Andrew Scott Smith will appear on the ballot.
As a reminder, only those who cast a Republican ballot or did not vote in the primary election may cast a runoff ballot.
Every election, whether a primary or general election, directly affects our daily lives. I encourage you to show up to every election, regardless of the races on the ballot. As a registered voter in Mississippi, you can ensure your voice will be heard by casting a ballot in all federal, state, and local races.
For questions or election resources, contact our Elections Division at (800) 829-6786, email ElectionsAnswers@sos.ms.gov, or visit the YallVote webpage at the link below.
 Fox News: Top red state official demands answers on Biden executive order 'attempting to register' illegals to vote
 Clarion Ledger: MS Secretary of State visits poll on election day
 Townhall: BlackRock Hit With Cease and Desist Order Over 'Untrue Statements' About ESG Investments
As Secretary of State, I take my job seriously to uphold the law and promote government transparency. With numerous false narratives circulating regarding Senate Bill 2780 (SB 2780), it is imperative we provide legitimate information and education on this bill.
For those who have a vested interest in our Mississippi Tidelands and seek trusted information, I encourage you to read the official statement at the link below. Should you have questions, I encourage you to reach out to me or my office.
On March 6, I sent a letter to U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland regarding the DOJ’s compliance with Executive Order 14019, a directive signed by President Biden in March 2021 which ordered hundreds of federal agencies to interfere in state and local election administration by using U.S. taxpayer money to boost voter registration and get-out-the-vote activities.
It is quite shocking, in the midst of a crisis at our southern border and an unprecedented crime wave, the Biden administration has chosen to expend tax dollars and vital law enforcement resources on a program which risks bloating state voter rolls with ineligible and non-citizen voters. As long as I'm Mississippi's Secretary of State, I will not let the Biden Administration break the law in our state.
My team and I recently hosted the Jackson Public School Student Ambassadors for a summit at the State Capitol. These students learned more about our agency, state government, and the great opportunities for them here in Mississippi.
I'm thankful for every chance to visit with these young Mississippians and look forward to following them in their future endeavors. The future is bright in Mississippi!
In partnership with MPB, we hosted our annual Promote the Vote Awards Ceremony. PTV is our office's K-12 voter education program and is a wonderful opportunity for students across our state to showcase their talent through art, poetry, writing, and more.
Congratulations to this year's winners and participants! Thankful for the teachers, parents, and administrators for supporting these students as they learn how to become educated voters!
Our team recently enjoyed a beautiful afternoon of food and fellowship with all staff here at the Secretary of State's Office! It's an honor to work with this exceptional group, and Mississippians are fortunate to have these outstanding public servants leading their state.
A big thanks to our friends at the Mississippi Department of Marine Resources for the delicious seafood cookout!
As your business prepares your annual reports this year, I urge you to be cautious of misleading mailers. Scammers attempt to disguise their communication pieces as official government correspondence.
As a reminder, domestic LLC owners can file annual reports on the Secretary of State's website at no cost. Annual reports are due by April 15 of each year. Our office sends numerous reminders reminding Mississippi LLCs of upcoming filing, deadlines, and responsibilities.
I'm proud of Eric Slee and our Securities team as we issued a historic Cease and Desist Order on March 26 against BlackRock, Inc. This multinational investment company has repeatedly made false and misleading statements to Mississippi investors.
Investment companies will not push their political agenda on Mississippians, especially through fraudulent and deceptive means. All citizens should have the opportunity to make informed and educated decisions when investing their hard-earned money. If not, our office will hold these bad actors accountable.
We will host our next Mississippi Businesses Against Trafficking (MBAT) Summit on Tuesday, April 9 from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m.
In collaboration with the Mississippi State Department of Health (MSDH), the U.S. Department of Labor Wage and Hour Division, and the Mississippi Bureau of Investigation (MBI), this virtual event will feature leading experts on the crime of labor trafficking.
Our goal is to not only educate Mississippians on the crime of human trafficking, but to help Mississippi businesses protect themselves from unknowingly violating wage and labor laws. We encourage all business owners to attend.
Jarvis Thompson
Jarvis Thompson is the Legal Assistant for our Public Lands Division where he focuses on agency-held lands. He has been with the Secretary of State’s Office since 2009.
Jarvis is a tremendous asset to our team. His extraordinary knowledge related to public lands and unique legal background are a tremendous benefit to the research needed for reviewing land records. More importantly, he is an outstanding worker with a positive attitude and cheerful demeanor.
We are extremely blessed to have Jarvis on our team and are grateful for his service to Mississippi!