As Mississippi’s Secretary of State, I’m honored to lead a team that has excelled in its many job functions and responsibilities. I continue to stand amazed at the 100+ agency employees across eight divisions who endlessly work to ensure Mississippi thrives today and for generations to come. Through their efforts, we have achieved many notable accomplishments!
Having a strong and informed Mississippi electorate has been a priority since I took my oath of office. Our Elections, External Affairs, and Publications Divisions have created innovative initiatives to encourage new voter registration and education including the Elections 101 campaign and the launch of the personalized My Election Day online portal. This year, we have registered 57,713 new Mississippi voters and over 260,000 since my tenure began.
To further assist Mississippi’s business community, we launched the Tackle the Tape (TTT) initiative in July 2020 and continue to expand its depth and reach. Under the umbrella of our Policy and Research Division, TTT contains four major regulation-reducing components: Occupational Licensing Review Commission votes (110 total), the 29 by 29 strategic review plan, legislative changes, and individual community assistance. While we cannot fully quantify the number of Mississippians who have seen their business doors open or licenses granted, we do know TTT is gaining national attention as it was named the recipient of the 2023 National Association of Secretaries of State IDEAS Award.
As State Lands Commissioner, trustee of the state’s tidelands, and a lifetime Mississippian, I continue to uphold my duty to safeguard these resources for our posterity and prosperity. Having created the Conservation Task Force, our team continues to strive for a statewide conservation plan to improve our state’s natural resources and utilize them in a responsible manner to better Mississippi. Our External Affairs, Public Lands, and Policy & Research Divisions are leading the charge to build this collaborative network to strengthen relationships and break down silos.
Our office continues to find ways to more efficiently and effectively serve Mississippians. We not only take pride in our long-term policy goals and work investments, but also in the daily services we provide our citizens. We invite you to contact us for any information or assistance needed, be it an informational call about a regulation standing in the way of your dream job or a simple question about how to get help with an issue you’re experiencing.
To learn more about the work and successes of each division at your Secretary of State's Office, I invite you to review our FY 2023 Annual Report.