We are pleased to report a successful General and Runoff Election Day in 81 of 82 Mississippi counties. Leading up to Election Day, our team conducted weekly conference calls and distributed weekly memos for all local election officials. Circuit Clerks and Election Commissioners were provided legal parameters for every phase of the election, including guidance for implementation. Through this collaborative effort, we noted the vast majority of counties reported a flawless General and Runoff Election.
Our Technology Services team reported no cybersecurity incidents other than the My Election Day portal which experienced a brief outage due to heavy traffic. Upon adding an additional server, the resource became fully functioning again.
I'm extremely proud of the hard work done by Mississippi’s election team consisting of circuit clerks, election commissioners, poll workers across the state, and our talented team here at the Secretary of State’s Office. Mississippi had a phenomenal election season due to their hard work, and the credit belongs to them. Outside of the issues in one county, Mississippians should be proud of the success of November's election.