 "My Election Day" Online Resource
Developed to improve each Mississippian's personal election experience, our office has implemented a new elections-related resource, My Election Day. Through My Election Day, a Mississippi voter will receive personalized data to ensure a smooth Election Day process from beginning to end, whether voting in-person or absentee.
Located on the homepage of YallVote.ms, My Election Day includes two key features—an opportunity to receive election information tailored to your address and a method to track an absentee or affidavit ballot.
Upon entering a specific address, Mississippi voters can receive personalized election information, including a sample ballot specific to the address, polling place location, deadlines for upcoming elections, and a list of the current elected officials from federal down to county. A link to the Mississippi Legislature’s website containing the contact information for your state senators and representatives is also supplied.
Absentee/affidavit ballot tracking is another feature available on My Election Day, not only as a resource for Mississippians, but as an additional election security measure. For those eligible to vote absentee or who vote by affidavit, each step of the process may be monitored from the time the application has been received to what happens with the ballot after Election Day.
In the News
Secretary of State on MidMorning
 Itawamba Times:
Secretary of State Watson aims to restore voter confidence
 Clarion Ledger:
Secretary of State launches new resource for Mississippi voters ahead of 2023 elections
Tackle the Tape Wins NASS IDEAS Award
I'm proud to announce Tackle the Tape was selected by members of the National Association of Secretaries of State (NASS) as the 2023 IDEAS (Innovation, Dedication, Excellence and Achievement in Service) Award recipient. Our team has done a phenomenal job building this meaningful initiative and other states are now calling to ask how to implement in their states.
August 8th Primary Election
In just under two weeks, Mississippians will be hitting the polls for the Primary Election. With many offices on the ballot including statewide, state district, county, and county district offices, it is important that all Mississippians entitled to cast a ballot make plans to vote on Election Day. Prior to hitting the polls on August 8th, I encourage you to your research and make sure you are an informed voter.
Through our Elections 101 campaign this year, our office has posted weekly elections content to ensure you understand your rights as Mississippi voters as well as important dates and deadlines. Should you have any questions, please reach out to our Elections Division at (800) 829-6786 or ElectionsAnswers@sos.ms.gov.
OLRC Votes
As a member of the Occupational Licensing Review Commission, I have now cast 99 votes to reduce the regulatory burden in Mississippi. Most recently, I voted to assist doctors and nurses in obtaining and maintaining licenses. Every vote cast puts more Mississippians to work and is another drop of prosperity in our state.
To learn more about how we can help you become another success story in Mississippi, visit our Tackle the Tape website.
On the Trail
One of my favorite seasons is campaign season. Having the opportunity to visit with each of you across our state is nothing short of fantastic. Your stories, your passion, and your love for Mississippi truly make our state one of the best in the country. I thank each of you from Columbus, Iuka, Belmont, Jackson, Biloxi, Starkville, and so many others for the great food, fun, and fellowship! Together, we will continue to pave the way for generations to come!
Leigh Triche Janous
Leigh Janous has been an integral part of the Secretary of State's Office since my tenure began in 2020. Serving as General Counsel and Assistant Secretary of State for Policy & Research, Leigh is a brilliant legal mind, and it is my honor to call her my colleague and friend.
Having previously served for years at the Attorney General's Office, the Bay St. Louis native brings a wealth of knowledge to our office. Not only has she successfully executed all duties of her job but stepped in for a period of time to lead our legislative, 29x29, and Tackle the Tape efforts. Her consistent work ethic and attention to detail are rivaled by none.
I am truly grateful for Leigh's dedication to my administration, but most importantly, to Mississippi! Thank you for your service!