October 18, 2024 Vol 4, Issue 10
Show Me Healthy Kids (SMHK)- Transportation Assistance
At Show Me Healthy Kids (SMHK), we recognize the significant barriers that a lack of transportation can pose. That’s why we are proud to offer the MTM Transportation benefit, which has become one of the most utilized resources by our members. So far this year, MTM has completed an impressive 33,973 legs of a trip, helping 1,806 unique members access necessary services.
We keep track of how often these services are used to better understand what our members need. The most common trips for SMHK members involve getting children to childcare, employment opportunities, and participating in day treatment programs/specialists. Without this vital service, job opportunities may be lost, health care could decline, and important treatments could be missed.
As foster parents, you play a key role in ensuring our children have access to these resources. We encourage you to utilize the MTM Transportation benefits to help your foster children and family reach vital appointments and services*.
Thank you for your dedication and support. Together, we can work toward ensuring that every child can thrive.
Click here to find out more about this benefit. To use the transportation benefit, call MTM at 866-455-2097, mtm.mtmlink.net or SMHK Care Management at 877-236-1020 ext. 6080448 (TTY 711).
*age restrictions apply

What is Missouri SuN Bucks?
Great news! The Missouri Department of Social Services has received approval for the Summer Electronic Benefit Transfer Program, known as “Missouri SuN Bucks.”
This new program will help families buy food for their school-aged children during the summer months when school is not in session. Foster children ages 7 through 17 are automatically eligible for this benefit – there is no need to apply. Children in foster care will get a one-time $120 benefit that can be used to buy nutritious foods at authorized locations.
For more information and FAQs regarding this benefit program, visit the Missouri SuN Bucks webpage.
The Fiscal Unit has brought to our attention that the clothing allowance is sometimes being misused. We had an instance of men’s clothing being purchase for a 7-year-old. There have been clothing vouchers not used for 3 months and during that time another issued. There have been none clothing items such as jewelry, cups, and water bottles being purchased. The clothing allowance is to be used for clothes and shoes only. A child is eligible for a clothing allowance at the time of placement and on his/her placement anniversary. The amount of the allowance is based on his/her age at the time of placement or placement anniversary date. As a reminder the clothing allowance amounts are below:
0-5 yrs
6-12 yrs
13+ yrs
The Call to Foster Podcast: S2E10
"Get attached."
This month, Shasta, Jessica, and Ashton talk with Tori Ward. Tori was introduced to foster parenting at a young age when her parents became licensed. She saw, first-hand, the impact foster parents have in the lives of children. As soon as she could, she became a foster parent and is a mentor and advocate for foster parenting. Tori is living proof that you can be a foster parent at a young age and be successful and make a difference.
Want to know more about Tori? Check out this short interview she did with DSS.
If you or someone you know is interested in becoming a foster parent, learn how to get started on our website: https://dss.mo.gov/cd/foster-care/becoming-a-foster-parent.htm
Please subscribe to and share this podcast with anyone you know who might be considering fostering! You can listen to the podcast on most popular podcast platforms.
Trainings from KVC
There are a variety of MO CARE/NTDC themes on the calendar, these classes are only for caregivers who DID NOT take MO CARE or NTDC as their pre-service training, so seasoned foster parents and relatives. If someone who took MO CARE/NTDC wants to take them, they're welcome to, however they will not get credit again for the same class. See link below for more information.
Please note that the LAST Level B/Level B respite class for 2024 is in October. We will plan one the beginning of January 2025.
We have scheduled a lot of awesome one session classes, including Navigating Special Education, IEPs, and 504s; Food Hoarding; CHORES – see more at the link below.
The training is an overview on medical forms, informed consent, Alternative Consenter, and pharmacy information. The purpose of this mandatory training is to provide licensed resource providers with critical information that must be followed when a child or youth in Division custody is prescribed a psychotropic medication and placed in their home. Successful completion of training will require the licensed resource provider to pass the quiz with a score of 80% or more. When the training is complete, need to take a screen shot of the quiz completion score. E-mail the screen shot to your licensing worker along with your name/date completed and put D170 in the subject line. If you do not have access to the online training, you can request a paper copy from your licensing worker. This training must be completed by December 31, 2024.
Click the link to the training and find the training under Annual In-Service 2024

Starting Thurs., Oct. 24, 2024 | 7:00-8:30pm ET
Having the opportunity to be surrounded by those who understand your family's journey is a vital experience.
In this support group for LGBTQ+ families, led by C.A.S.E. training specialist Tony Hynes and C.A.S.E. therapist Regi Corbie, LCMFT, you will have the opportunity to talk about the challenges you and your family may be going through, while receiving support from professionals with lived experience in LGBTQ+ households.
There is sometimes a lack of understanding for the intersecting experiences LGBTQ+ families face. Such families require environments that honor those experiences, as well as spaces that provide opportunities to connect with individuals from similar family types.
C.A.S.E. looks forward to providing that space for your family.
Starting Thurs., Nov. 14, 2024 | 6:00-7:00pm ET
This support group, led by C.A.S.E. Post Adoption Program Specialist Dr. Kathleen Bush, PhD, LCPC, is designed to support adoptive parents who face the complexities of supporting children with both attachment and developmental issues. The support group will provide education, intervention ideas, space for members to share creative successes, and opportunities to work through challenges innate to engaging systems (medical, school, community) that are not always understanding of the special needs of adopted children or those with developmental challenges. Members will be asked to share their concerns and needs when signing up for the group so that the facilitator can incorporate information specifically relevant to those attending.
The following links will take you to a multitude of training opportunities that are available for in-service hours:
Parent Cafe Training Institute (missouri.edu)
Foster Parent College - Online Training for Foster, Adoptive, and Kinship Parents and Caregivers
Training | Child Welfare Information Gateway
All Courses - FosterAdopt Connect Training (thinkific.com)
Family Development Training - Central Missouri Foster Care and Adoption Association
Training for Parents | Foster & Adoptive Care Coalition (foster-adopt.org)

The Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services has Connect with Me cards and an app. What are they about? This is from the website: Do you have a teen in your life that looks to you for support or guidance? Are you a parent, uncle, teacher, or other adult who works closely with teenagers? Talking with teens may not always be easy, but most adults agree having meaningful conversations with young people is important. The more resources you have to help communicate, the more prepared and comfortable you both are for the highs and lows of adolescence. The Connect with Me cards and app are great tools to strengthen the connections and help start meaningful conversations between youth and adults.
 Children's Division Caregiver Portal
The Children’s Division now has a Children’s Division Caregiver Portal for foster, relative, respite, legal guardianship and adoptive families! This portal is the first phase of a multi-year project. This phase allows caregivers to see their demographics, what placements they have, and their financial information. To visit this portal please log into https://my.mo.gov/gsp?id=childrens_division_caregiver_portal.
If you have any trouble, please email FosterCare@dss.mo.gov and we will assist you.
Turn In Your Monthly Medical Log and Travel Log
This is a reminder to complete/turn in your Monthly Medical Log and Travel Log to the case manager(s) when you see them every month. You need to complete a Medical Log (CD-265) for every child every month even if they had no medical appointments and/or do not take medication. This form is required to document consent decisions for routine medical care and provide a medical history for the youth each month. If they are in your home only part of the time, please fill one out for the time the child was there. Your cooperation with this is greatly appreciated. The medical and travel log are now available on the I am a Foster Parent web page. Children's Division | Missouri Department of Social Services (mo.gov)
Foster Parent Identification Cards
All Foster Parents should have a Foster Parent ID card. This is provided to you after you are licensed. If you do not have an ID card please email FosterCare@dss.mo.gov and we will get you the application.
We want to hear from you! If there is information you would like covered in the next Foster Parent Connections Newsletters email, Melissa.J.Selsor@dss.mo.gov.