January 18, 2023 Vol 3, Issue 1
The Call to Foster Podcast: S1E1
"They're just like an extended part of our family."
Season 1 Episode 1: Join Jessica Huckstep and Shasta Miller as they interview Norma Hahn about her experience as a foster parent. Hear first hand about what it is like to be a foster parent and listen as Norma shares her experiences.
We'll be adding these podcasts to a podcast app near you soon! Please share this podcast with anyone you know who might be considering fostering!

Child and Family Services Review Foster/Relative/Adoptive Parent Survey
In preparation for the Child and Family Services Review (CFSR) statewide assessment and in order to gain a variety of perspectives, surveys of child welfare system stakeholders will be occurring during the month of January. We are seeking to gather feedback from foster, relative, and adoptive parents throughout the state regarding their experiences within the child welfare system. As a system committed to improvements, we want to know what is going well and where there are areas of need in order to make substantive changes to better serve the children and families of Missouri. The surveys are anonymous, should take 10-15 minutes to complete, and will close on 1/31/23.

Quarterly Roundtable Meetings for Native American Families and Children
In 2018, Children’s Division renewed our commitment to our relationships with our Native American partners. It has been an ongoing mission through our quarterly roundtable meetings to increase our community outreach of resources to support Missouri's Native American children and families. These roundtables help bolster the voice of this community, allow participants to build strong relationships, share information about the resources available, and direct families to the resources they need.
During each 1 hour WebEx roundtable meeting, we share available resources for our Native American children and families, review Missouri data as it relates to ICWA, include a guest speaker when available, and review updated and new CD policy as it relates to ICWA. For 2023, I would like to reach out and invite more of our Native American foster/adopt parents or foster/adopt parents who have a passion to support our Native American children and families to our Roundtable meetings. If you would like to be on distribution list for roundtable invites, please email Vickie.stoneberger@dss.mo.gov.
Who are invited to Roundtable meetings?
- Children’s Division staff.
- Our Native American partners who work with our children and families.
- Contracted partners.
- Native American foster and adoptive parents
- Native American professionals who are interested in collaborating with us to provide support to our staff and our children and families.
- Individuals that are not Native American, but who have a passion to support the Native American community.
What are the benefits of these Roundtable meetings?
- Communicating a broader community outreach of resources so Native American children don’t fall through the cracks.
- Building strong relationships.
- Learning what resources are out there so children’s needs are met
Families will know where they can go for services.
Trainings & Events

The following links will take you to a multitude of training opportunities that are available for in-service hours:
Parenting Classes, Foster and Adoption Training | Raise the Future
Training | Child Welfare Information Gateway
Birth and Foster Family Partnerships: Creating a Caregiving Network
Virtual | January 31, 2023 | 10 AM | The Institute for Child Welfare Innovations
Birth and foster parents working collaboratively and building lasting relationships provides consistency and models healthy relationships for the children. Join us as we explore specific strategies to bridge this gap between birth and foster families, and subsequently create better outcomes for children in the short and long term. Use the link above to register.
If you are unable to attend, this class will be offered again on February 8, 2023 at 1 PM.
How to Talk About Difficult Birth Histories
Virtual | Tuesdays in February | 3-4 PM | Raise the Future
Raise the Future will be presenting a 4 part webinar on How To Talk About Difficult Birth Histories on Tuesdays in February from 3-4pm. (You do not have to attend all the webinars.) The histories of youth in foster and adoptive families often involve details that can feel difficult to discuss as a caregiver. Learn how to share your child’s history with them in ways that promote healthy communication, offer developmentally appropriate language, and support the reduction of potential negative internalizations. Use the link above to register.
Part 1: Abuse/Neglect/Domestic Violence (February 2nd)
Part 2: Substance Abuse (February 9th)
Part 3: Product of Rape/Prostitution (February 16th)
Part 4: Human Trafficking (February 23rd)
Personal Power
Virtual | February 3, 2023 | Noon - 1 PM | FamilyForward
This lunch and learn will explore how encouraging a child’s personal power is important in giving children a voice and building their capacity to get their needs met in desirable ways. Register by either calling 314.534.9350 ext. 7234 or via email at intake.dept@famlyforwardmo.org.
NAMI Basics
Virtual | On Demand | The National Alliance on Mental Health (NAMI) St. Louis
NAMI Basics is a 6-session education program for parents, caregivers and other family who provide care for youth (ages 22 and younger) who are experiencing mental health symptoms. The On Demand program is guided by parents and family members with lived experience through a self-paced virtual platform available 24/7. NAMI Basics covers: The impact mental health conditions can have on your entire family; Different types of mental health care professionals, available treatment options and therapies; An overview of the public mental health care, school and juvenile justice systems and resources to help you navigate these systems; How to advocate for your child’s rights at school and in health care settings; How to prepare for and respond to crisis situations (self-harm, suicide attempts, etc.); The importance of taking care of yourself.
Do you have a Foster Identification Card?
The foster identification card application is to be given to Foster Parents after they are licensed. With the busy process of licensing, sometimes this step is missed. If you are a licensed foster parent and you do not have an ID card please reach out to your licensing worker to provide you with the application. You may also reach out to FosterCare@dss.mo.gov.
Foster Family Mentors
Are you in need of help or assistance as a Foster Parent? We have Foster Care Ambassadors who are seasoned Foster parents willing to be a mentor to another Foster family. If you are interested, please email FosterCare@dss.mo.gov and we will pair you up with a Foster Care Ambassador. This is for all foster parents whether you are brand new or have been fostering for a long time. It is for all of our families whether traditional, relative, emergency, respite, or elevated needs.
What is ACI?
Access Crisis Intervention (ACI) provides access to services for individuals experiencing a behavioral health crisis. ACI will provide an opportunity for individuals to receive necessary behavioral health crisis services in an effort to reduce unnecessary interventions such as hospitalization or detentions. By calling the ACI hotline, individuals have access to behavioral health crisis services that are free and available to both youth and adults.
- All calls are strictly confidential.
- ACI hotlines are staffed 24 hours a day, seven days a week by behavioral health professionals who are available to provide assistance.
- Assistance may include phone contact, referrals to resources in the community, next day behavioral health appointments, or a mobile response. Mobile is defined as either going to the location of the crisis, or to another secure community location.
To learn more about ACI and to find your local number please visit this link and click on ACI Hotline Numbers by County Map: Access Crisis Intervention | dmh.mo.gov.
We want to hear from you! If there is information you would like covered in the next Foster Parent Connections Newsletters email, Melissa.J.Selsor@dss.mo.gov.