July 20, 2022 Vol 2, Issue 13
Educational Advocacy Program
Did you know that Missouri has Family Resource Centers (FRCs) statewide that provide core services to foster and adoptive families? Those services include things like training, peer support groups, general advocacy navigation and support, and educational advocacy to name a few. Today we highlight Foster Adopt and Care Coalition’s educational advocacy to give you an idea of the services that are offered through that program.
Educational Advocacy at the Foster and Adoptive Care Coalition provides services for youth (preschool through age 20) that have been adopted through or are currently in the foster care system in St. Louis City, St. Louis County and St. Charles County. Referrals are also considered if youth do not live in these areas and have court jurisdiction in one of the regions. Referrals can be completed by case managers, families, CASAs, GALs, or through the courts. The Foster and Adoptive Care Coalition helps youth experiencing educational barriers such as: appropriate school placement, getting evaluations for special education or access to education; help existing educational plans; upholding disciplinary rights of students; and connection to behavioral, emotional, or mental supports necessary for educational success.
Once the referral is accepted, an advocate is assigned to that student and helps them collaborate between the school, family, and community. Cases generally last 2-6 months (or longer) based on the identified goal. Advocates are available to attend meetings, conduct observations, evaluate supports, assist in development of IEP’s/504 plans, monitor evaluations and existing plans among others. They provide professional learning to the team in relation to the individual child. Additional professional development outreach for Educational Advocacy is available to community agencies upon request.
Visit dss.mo.gov/cd/frc to learn more about the FRCs and to see which FRC serves your county.
Trainings & Events
Virtual – FamilyForward will be presenting Impact of Strangers Under Your Roof on Tuesday on Tuesday, July 19th from 6-9pm. This training explores the impact that occurs when a family introduces a foster or adoptive child into the home. Family dynamics are changed, priorities shift, and social activities are transformed because of a new person being incorporated into an existing family structure. Unmet expectations are often a source of angst for all family members. Parents will learn the predictable developmental stages of resource families and how the unit can be moved toward mobilization in the quest for a new and more satisfying reality for the family. Register by calling 314.534.9350 ext. 7234 or emailing intake.dept@familyforwardmo.org
Peer Kinship Support Group presents the Second Tuesday of Each Month from 5:30 to 6:30 for reflection, self-care, and connection. This is through ParentLink and the University of MO. The phone number is 1-312-626-6799 Meeting ID is 931 1430 7709, or register via Zoom link.
On Demand - You can access a ton of great classes that have been offered by Raise the Future. The site is geared for adoption but there are many things about trauma and issues many kids face. Check out the options at: raisethefuture.org.
Suicide & Crisis Lifeline
On July 16, 2022 the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline will go live. This is the nationwide three-digit phone number for all mental health, substance use, and suicide crises. 988 calls will be routed to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline centers in each state. When someone calls, chats, or texts 988, they can expect to be connected to a crisis specialist who is trained and prepared to deliver support to anyone experiencing a crisis. Follow these links if you want to learn more:
Alternative Care Review Boards (ACRB):
The Alternative Care Review Board (ACRB)? The ACRB is an avenue for Foster Parents to challenge Case Management decisions that they do not agree with. A form is completed by the Foster Parents and sent to their local team. An informal meeting is set to try to resolve the issue. If the issue is unable to be resolved, the form (CS-70) goes to the ACRB for review. If you have any questions, about this process, you may ask your Case Manager or call Melissa at 573-522-1191 and we can explain further. It is important to us that Foster Parents have a voice and this is one way we ensure your voice is heard.
Respite Care for Foster Families
Respite is designed to provide relief for Foster Parents from the stresses of the constant responsibilities of providing foster care. The time the foster youth takes a break from the resource family should include planned opportunities for social activities and enrichment. Respite is a fun and rewarding time for foster youth while their placement providers are allowed to relax and have time to themselves for recharging. Respite is not for use in regular child supervision situations when a parent would normally use ordinary child care, i.e., hiring a baby-sitter for an afternoon or evening outing, or for attending foster parent training or seminars. Respite care may be planned in advance or used in emergency situations and may be provided to licensed resource providers a minimum of 6 hours, daily, overnight or on a weekly basis. Respite care should be used to maintain stable placements, but should not be used to exclude foster children from ordinary and traditional family activities. Using respite is important to reduce placement disruptions and to support safer and healthier homes.
Please contact your Licensing Worker and/or Case Manager to help you set up respite care or visit https://dss.mo.gov/cd/foster-care/respite-care.htm to learn more.
Foster Family Mentors
Are you in need of help or assistance as a Foster Parent? We have Foster Care Ambassadors who are seasoned Foster parents willing to be a mentor to another Foster family. If you are interested, please email FosterCare@dss.mo.gov and we will pair you up with a Foster Care Ambassador. This is for all foster parents whether you are brand new or have been fostering for a long time. It is for all of our families whether traditional, relative, emergency, respite, or elevated needs.
Resource Parents have been experiencing extreme difficulty with finding daycare/childcare for their Foster children. Did you know that if a relative or friend is helping you with watching your Foster children that they can become a Registered Provider and be compensated? The process to become a registered provider is easier than the daycare licensing process. There are restrictions on the amount of children that you can have in your home if you are only a registered provider versus a licensed daycare. Go to this link to find out more information about how to become a registered provider: Child Care Subsidy | Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (mo.gov).
Access Crisis Intervention (ACI)
Access Crisis Intervention (ACI) provides access to services for individuals experiencing a behavioral health crisis. ACI will provide an opportunity for individuals to receive necessary behavioral health crisis services in an effort to reduce unnecessary interventions such as hospitalization or detentions. By calling the ACI hotline, individuals have access to behavioral health crisis services that are free and available to both youth and adults.
- All calls are strictly confidential.
- ACI hotlines are staffed 24 hours a day, seven days a week by behavioral health professionals who are available to provide assistance.
- Assistance may include phone contact, referrals to resources in the community, next day behavioral health appointments, or a mobile response. Mobile is defined as either going to the location of the crisis, or to another secure community location.
To learn more about ACI and to find your local number please visit this link and click on ACI Hotline Numbers by County Map: Access Crisis Intervention | dmh.mo.gov.
A Practice Alert (PA) was released on Placement Stability and Family Support Team (FST) Meetings. The PA discussed the need for a FST meeting to be held when there is a concern for placement disruption or at least 72 hours after the disruption. The PA also reminded workers to invite the Resource Parents to the FST meeting as well as other team members.
We want to hear from you! If there is information you would like covered in the next Foster Parent Connections Newsletters email, Melissa.J.Selsor@dss.mo.gov.