April 29, 2022 Vol 2, Issue 9
May is Foster Care Month
Foster Care Month begins on Sunday, May 1. Throughout the month of May, we recognize all our resource parents for the dedication and love they continue to show foster children in Missouri.
To kick off the month long recognition, we would like to celebrate foster parents, Paula and Robert Mabary, from Dallas County.
They have dedicated 22 years to the foster care world, and will be greatly missed by all who have worked with them.
They have been leaders by teaching classes and mentoring fellow foster and adoptive families, along with recruiting many foster parents. They have treated every child as if they were their own, and have been a staple in many children's lives by learning their likes and dislikes in an effort to make them feel more comfortable and secure. They have accepted placements that no one else would, and have served as an emergency home in the middle of the night. They have continuously went the extra mile to ensure the best for Missouri's foster children.
"They have been excellent team members, and have touched many lives," said Children's Service Worker, Melissa Bennett, "I know they have touched mine and I will miss them very much."
Thank you Paula and Robert for loving and nurturing our states most vulnerable population. The impact you have made is one that will be remembered and cherished by so many!
We would like to thank everyone who has sent in their #IFosterBecause photos and/or quotes. We love getting to see those, and share them on our social media pages. You can still send yours to Bryanna Barber (Bryanna.Barber@dss.mo.gov) throughout the month. Your message can help spread awareness, and inspire others to get involved with foster care!
If you are not comfortable with submitting a photo to be shared on social media, you are welcome to email Bryanna your statement about why you foster to be shared anonymously.
Again, THANK YOU for everything you do for Missouri's children, every day. We cannot thank you enough for your love, dedication and service!
Inspire Others to Become Foster Parents!
You may ask yourself, "How can I help?". While you are already helping tremendously by caring for foster children, there are several more ways you can help including:
Our Children's Division teams are committed to inspiring others across the state to become foster parents. To help in this mission, we have developed tools and materials that you can use when inspiring people with your own story.
 This is our Foster Care Referral Card. You can find a sheet of six, front and back, to print off on our Foster Care Ambassador's page.
Suicide Prevention in Youth
Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death in youth ages 10-24. It's important that we educate ourselves so that we can support youth who may be contemplating suicide. Risk factors include history of self harm or mental health struggles, feelings of hopelessness, being bullied at school/online, abuse/neglect or issues at home, and involvement in juvenile justice or foster care systems.
To get immediate help, call the Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or text Text MOSAFE to 741741. For more information, visit Missouri’s suicide prevention webpage.
Here are some other ways you can be supportive:
Express your concern - showing that you are concerned will send the important message that you care.
Listen - It can be easy to shut down out of fear of hearing one's feeling, but it is important that you don't shut down the conversation. You can start be saying, "Tell me more about how you are feeling," and then listen intently.
Maintain Connections - You might want to safeguard a child, but isolation can increase the risk of suicidal behaviors. Help a struggling child maintain connections with friends and loved ones.
Be Compassionate - Express your care for the child. Tell them you hear their pain, that it can get better, that you will make sure they get help, and will support them every step of the way.
Trust your Judgment - If a young person denies that he is having suicidal thoughts, but you doubt his honesty, trust your intuition. Take further steps to ensure his safety.
Prioritize Safety - Remove weapons from the house, make sure the child or teen is not left alone, and consult a mental health professional right away.
What is Access Crisis Intervention?
Access Crisis Intervention (ACI) provides access to services for individuals experiencing a behavioral health crisis. ACI offers an opportunity for individuals to receive necessary behavioral health crisis services to help reduce unnecessary interventions, such as hospitalization or detentions. By calling the ACI hotline, individuals have access to behavioral health crisis services that are free and available to both youth and adults.
- All calls are strictly confidential.
- ACI hotlines are staffed 24 hours a day, seven days a week by behavioral health professionals.
- Assistance may include phone contact, referrals to resources in the community, next day behavioral health appointments, or a mobile response. Mobile is defined as either going to the location of the crisis, or to another secure community location.
Visit the ACI Hotline Numbers by County Map to find your local number and learn more.
Know the Facts about Narcan
Whether the opioid crisis has touched your foster family or not, it is important to know the facts about Narcan. NARCAN® Nasal Spray is a prescription medicine used for the treatment of a known or suspected opioid overdose emergency with signs of breathing problems and severe sleepiness or not being able to respond. It is to be given right away and does not take the place of emergency medical care.
Some information to know about Narcan and MO HealthNet (Missouri Medicaid):
- If the prescription is for a foster child with MO HealthNet coverage, then the cost can be billed to MO HealthNet - there is a standing order that pharmacies are able to use for the prescription.
- Narcan can be prescribed by any MO HealthNet provider who has prescriptive authority in Missouri.
- MO HealthNet does not have any type of prior authorization criteria for a Narcan prescription.
Because there is a standing order prescription, any foster parent can watch "Prepare To Be The 1 Before 911", and fill a prescription.
Virtual Trainings
Foster Care Month Trainings
UnitedHealthcare Community Plan and The National Foster Parent Association are offering no-cost, 1 hour training sessions through the month of May. Trainings are open to all foster, adoptive, kinship parents, and case managers are also welcome to attend. Each session will cover the same information and will cover topics like the jigsaw puzzle child, grief and more. Certificates to document trainings are available. You can find the training times and zoom meeting link on the flyer.
Raise the Future Classes
Raise the Future offers a range of great classes for foster, resource, kinship, and adoptive families. The site is geared toward adoption, but there are several resources on trauma and issues many kids face. You can check out the different classes on the Raise the Future website.
Foster Care Ambassadors as Mentors
Do you need a helping hand or a listening ear? While being a foster parent has its challenges, you are not alone.
Foster Care Ambassadors are seasoned foster parents willing to be a mentor to other foster families. If you are interested in talking with a Foster Care Ambassador, please email FosterCare@dss.mo.gov, and we will put you in contact with an ambassador. Whether you are new or a seasoned foster parent, this resource is available to all families (traditional, relative, emergency, respite, and/or elevated needs).
There have been no Memos or Practice Alerts since the last issue of the newsletter.