April 1, 2022 Vol 2, Issue 7
 Thank you for being a foster parent! We couldn't do it without your dedication and support. Some ways you can support Child Abuse Prevention Month includes:
- Wearing blue every Friday in April
- Participating in a community activity
- Planting a pinwheel garden
- Following DSS on social media and sharing prevention messaging
- Educating your friends & family on how they can contribute to keeping Missouri kids safe
The Children's Division is thankful for families like yours that stand together to uphold our mission of empowering children, and families, to live safe, healthy, and productive lives.
We strive to create a great experience for our foster families, and now you can provide your feedback through the Foster Parent Survey. All answers are anonymous, and the survey takes approximately 15 minutes to complete.
We appreciate any time you can take to provide us with feedback on how we are doing and serving you as Foster Parents. We will use the feedback to actively, and constantly, improve our services.
Level-A Virtual Training will be held on April 9, 12, 14, and 19 from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. Attendance for all sessions is required. To register, call 573-616-5753.
Level-B Virtual Training will be held on June 14 - 16 from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. More sessions will be held in September and December. To register, email Dana.L.Kloess@dss.mo.gov.
- MPACT will present Understanding ADHD on Monday, April 4 from 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. What is ADHD? How do you qualify? Who can diagnose it, prescribe medications, and offer counseling? Does a child with ADHD automatically qualify for an IEP? This training will answer these questions and many more. It will also provide strategies for parents to teach their children how to manage their symptoms. You can register for the training on the MPACT website.
- Raise the Future will be presenting "Good vs Bad"- Navigating Emotions, a 2 part series on Wednesday April 6 and April 13 from 12:00 -1:00 p.m. In this webinar, Lauren Fishbein will explore “good” versus “bad" emotions. We live in a world that views emotions as black and white and this keeps us stuck only wanting to experience what we perceive as “good emotions”. As a society, many people believe that some emotions should be praised, and some should be shamed and locked away in a box to never be experienced again. Lauren Fishbein will ask you to expand your mind and explore a new way of thinking about emotions. You can register on the Eventbrite website.
Foster Care Ambassadors as Mentors
Do you need a helping hand or a listening ear? While being a foster parent has its challenges, you are not alone.
Foster Care Ambassadors are seasoned foster parents willing to be a mentor to other foster families. If you are interested in talking with a Foster Care Ambassador, please email FosterCare@dss.mo.gov, and we will put you in contact with an ambassador. Whether you are new or a seasoned foster parent, this resource is available to all families (traditional, relative, emergency, respite, and/or elevated needs).
Live 2 Give Hope
Live 2 Give Hope provides a variety of resources to the foster care community including advocacy, education, respite, older youth programs, financial assistance and physical items such as clothing, beds, car seats and more throughout central Missouri.
Friday Refuel Sessions
Join us every Friday from 12:00 – 1:00 p.m. for virtual connection and encouragement. Each session will start with a short devotional, and then we will have a strategy session to discuss challenging situations with a child or our own skill building. To register, email Caroline Charlton at Caroline.Charlton@mbch.org. If you have a topic suggestion you think would be beneficial for group discussion, you can send them to Caroline, also.
What is Access Crisis Intervention?
Access Crisis Intervention (ACI) provides access to services for individuals experiencing a behavioral health crisis. ACI offers an opportunity for individuals to receive necessary behavioral health crisis services to help reduce unnecessary interventions, such as hospitalization or detentions. By calling the ACI hotline, individuals have access to behavioral health crisis services that are free and available to both youth and adults.
- All calls are strictly confidential.
- ACI hotlines are staffed 24 hours a day, seven days a week by behavioral health professionals.
- Assistance may include phone contact, referrals to resources in the community, next day behavioral health appointments, or a mobile response. Mobile is defined as either going to the location of the crisis, or to another secure community location.
Visit the ACI Hotline Numbers by County Map to learn more about ACI and find your local number.
There have been no Memos or Practice Alerts since the last issue of the newsletter.
What the biggest difference between Thanksgiving and April Fools Day?
On one, you're thankful, and the other, you're prankful!