February 4, 2022 Vol 2, Issue 3
There are Family Resource Centers across the state to serve foster and adoptive families. FRC's are not-for-profit agencies that work with Children’s Division to provide support, services, and resources to meet the unique needs of foster, adoptive, relative, and guardianship children and their families. To learn more about your regional center, visit the Family Resource Center webpage.
Kansas Serves Native American Families (KSNAF) is now offering their Strengthening Families Program (SFP) to families across Missouri with a virtual platform.
The SFP's next cycle will begin February 28, with 2 opportunities for a meet and greet the weeks before that. This is a 7 week program and groups will meet on Monday and Thursday evenings from 6:00 - 7:30pm.
Additionally, the program is seeking a few more Native American families with children ages 6-11 that can help provide the needed technology and equipment to other participating families who need it to ensure that everyone can be connected from the comfort of their home.
You can register for the program on the KSNAF website or contact Michael Steddum at msteddum@kvc.org or 913-956-5394 if you have any questions.
More Virtual Training Opportunities
Introduction to LGBTQ+ Inclusion – Feb 8 from 1:00 -2:30 p.m. In this webinar provided by The Human Rights Campaign, you will learn foundational information related to serving LGBTQ+ youth and families. Topics include key terminology and concepts, an overview of the barriers faced by LGBTQ+ youth and families in child welfare, and the steps all service providers can take to overcome these barriers in order to create a welcoming environment. Register today.
Family-to-Family (8 week class, offered in 2 different sessions of your choice) Session 1: Feb 21 - Apr 11 on Monday evenings from 6:30-9 p.m. (Register) Session 2:Feb 23 - Apr 14 on Wednesday evenings from 6-8:30 p.m (Register) NAMI Family-to-Family is a free, 8-session educational program for family, significant others and friends of people with mental health conditions. It is a designated evidenced-based program. This means that research shows that the program significantly improves the coping and problem-solving abilities of the people closest to a person with a mental health condition. NAMI Family-to-Family is taught by NAMI-trained family members who have been there, and includes presentations, discussions and interactive exercises.
Resource Parents have been experiencing difficulty finding childcare for their foster children. Did you know that if a relative or friend is helping watch your foster children that they can become a Registered Provider, and be compensated? The process to become a registered provider is easier than the daycare licensing process.
Additionally, Child Care Aware is a website that you can visit to find childcare in Missouri.
There have been no practice alerts or memos for Resource Licensing since the last newsletter.