January 21, 2022 Vol. 2, Issue 2
Foster Parent Ambassador Program
We have a committee of licensing workers, supervisors, regional directors and circuit managers who are focusing on retention of our Resource Parents. Because of this committee we were able to establish the Foster Care Ambassador Program.
Foster Care Ambassadors have valuable insight and/or experience into foster care, and are passionate and willing to help recruit, support and advocate for the cause. They have thorough knowledge of Children’s Division policies as well as the state statutes, and are able to answer questions from potential foster parents or interested individuals in the community.
In addition to the department, ambassadors are dedicated team members who are eager to assist and support fellow Resource Parents.
If you are having an issue, need some advice, want to share an idea or just need someone to hear your story please reach out to FosterCare@dss.mo.gov and we will pair you with an ambassador.
If you are interested in becoming a Foster Parent Ambassador, please contact Melissa Selsor at Melissa.J.Selsor@dss.mo.gov or visit the Foster Care Ambassador webpage for more information.
Our Newsletter is Now Online
The Children’s Division is now posting digital copies of the Foster Parent Connections newsletter on their website. Visit this page to read past issues or to subscribe to get the newsletter in your inbox.
Free Online MPACT Trainings
You can register for the MPACT trainings online, through email or by calling 800-743-7643.
- Steps to Success: Effectively Communicating Your Child's Needs - Jan 24, 6-7pm.
- Positive Behavior Interventions - Jan 27, 3-4pm.
Additional Trainings
Virtual – The Justice Clearinghouse will be presenting A Trusted Source of Mental Health Resources on Tuesday, January 25 from 2pm-3:15pm. Trust is everything -so, if and when you decide to seek mental health support, where do you turn and how do you find a resource you can trust? If you google “mental health resources for justice personnel” you’ll see about 52 million options. Figuring out which ones can you trust, how are they vetted and what they offer can be tricky, but it’s extremely important. This webinar talks about the best way to find the right resources for a variety of mental health needs, how to best know what each actually does, as well as how to determine if they are a valid, trustworthy provider for your specific needs.
Virtual – Washington University’s Brown School of Social Work will be presenting Engaging Parents to Improve Child Behavioral Health on Tuesday, January 25 from 12:30pm–1:30pm. About 1 in 10 children meet the diagnostic criteria for a behavioral disorder. It is likely that many more experience disruptions at home and school, despite not yet meeting the clinical threshold. This talk will focus on engaging parents in the most beneficial treatments to improve child outcomes. This free program is part of the Brown School Curriculum Showcase. To enroll, sign up on Washington University Brown School's website, and then select the webinar you would like to attend.
In Service Training Opportunities
If you are looking for in-service training opportunities, below are some helpful organizations that typically offer free trainings:
Relative or Kinship Caregivers can use the Kinship Navigator by calling 1-833-546-4543 or through ParentLink.
The Kinship Navigator offers services including paperwork assistance, appointment transportation assistance, housing and employment program referrals, food programs, mental health programs and screening for early childhood delays.
There have been no Practice Alerts or Memos for Resource Licensing since the last newsletter.