Resource Parents have been experiencing some difficulty with finding daycare/childcare for their Foster children. Did you know that if a relative or friend is helping you with watching your Foster children that they can become a Registered Provider and be compensated? The process to become a registered provider is easier than the daycare licensing process. There are restrictions on the amount of children that you can have in your home if you are only a registered provider versus a licensed daycare. Go to this link to find out more information about how to become a registered provider: Child Care Subsidy | Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (mo.gov).
Child Care Aware is a website that you can visit to find childcare in Missouri. The link to search for childcare is the following: Child Care Search - Child Care Aware (mochildcareaware.org).
Virtual STARS Class
Virtual STRONG Class
Virtual YEN Level A Training
Foster Adopt Connect offers a virtual webinar on Prudent Parenting at this link: Prudent Parenting Webinar Training for Foster Parents (fosteradopt.org)
The National Child Traumatic Stress Network offers a lot of webinars you can watch covering a wide range of useful topics. You do have to register. Some have attachments and a certificate of completion is provided. Here is the link: https://learn.nctsn.org/.
Relative and Kinship Providers are a vital part of the Resource Parent community. If you are a Relative or Kinship Provider do you know about the Kinship Navigator program? ParentLink Kinship Navigators are trained to help Kinship Caregivers overcome barriers and get connected to the services they need for their families. Services such as paperwork assistance, food programs, appointment transportation assistance, mental health programs, housing and employment program referrals, and screening for early childhood delays. You may call 1-833-KIN-4-KID (1-833-546-4543) to connect with this valuable program.
There have been no Memos or Practice Alerts that pertain to Resource Licensing since the last newsletter.