Happy Thanksgiving

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Foster Parent Connections




As we embark upon this time of year we want to say Thank You to our Foster Parents that make such a positive difference in the lives of our children. We are grateful for your service and partnership with the Children's Division. November is the time to be thankful, a time to remember, and to embrace those who enrich our lives. We are thankful for how each of you enrich the lives of the children in our care and for your professional partnership. Have a very Happy Thanksgiving!


Training & Events

Virtual - Missouri Kids First offers Mandated Reporter Training. All Foster Parents are mandated reporters. Register at the following link:  https://protectmokids.com.

Virtual - Foster Adopt Connect, MPACT offers Solving the Employment Puzzle and Bullying Prevention on December 20th from 6 to 8 p.m. - Register at the following website to receive the zoom link: https://cornerstonesofcare.org/Our-Services/Education-and-trainings/Trainings-Calendar.

Virtual - MPACT will be presenting Understanding the IEP Process on Tuesday, November 30th from 3-4 p.m. Your child's IEP is the cornerstone of their education. This workshop offers an in-depth look at the evaluation process, qualifying for an IEP, the many components that must be addressed in the IEP documents, as well as how progress will be monitored. To register for this training go to the following link:  https://www.missouriparentsact.org/event/understanding-the-iep-process/?instance_id=81. 

Tips & Reminders

Did you know that there are Family Resource Centers across the state that serve Foster and Adoptive Families? Family Resource Centers (FRCs) are support systems that provide resources, training, peer support, respite, and other services families need to navigate raising children through foster care, adoption, and guardianship. These centers are regional, and you can inquire about services, resources, and how to get started in foster care or adoption through the resource center that services your area via phone, email, and the center’s website. Go to this link to learn more and to find a Family Resource Center near you: https://dss.mo.gov/cd/frc/index.htm. 


Memos/Practice Alerts

There have been no Memos or Practice Alerts for Resource Licensing since the last newsletter. Memos and Practice Alerts come out when policy or procedure changes. We will be sure to inform you of any that come out in relation to Foster Parenting.