Dear Foster and Relative Parents,
Welcome new Subscribers!! We are excited to announce the Foster Parent Connections Newsletter, a new way for the Children’s Division to communicate with you. You will receive news and alerts from this newsletter twice a month. We are trying to increase our communication with all of our Resource Parents to be in better partnership with you. We will communicate items such as memos and practice alerts that post, upcoming events, and trainings, and general news and tips. We hope you will enjoy hearing from us more as we strive to keep you all up to date on what is happening at the Children’s Division. If you have any ideas for future newsletters email them to FosterCare@dss.mo.gov. Thank you!
Free Upcoming Webinar
Raise the Future is pleased to offer a two-part webinar series during the month of November. Learn more and register for these free trainings below.
Reactive Attachment Disorder
Part 1: Definition, Causes, Impact on Family
Wednesday, November 10th/1pm to 2pm Eastern Standard Time
Reactive Attachment Disorder
Part 2: Triggers, Strategies, and Support
Wednesday, November 17th/1pm - 2pm Eastern Standard Time
To Register for these trainings please email Stacy.Burrell@raisethefuture.org
Did you know we have a Foster Parent Ambassador Program? We currently have 5 Foster Parent Ambassadors for the state. They are assisting the Children's Division with Recruitment and Retention of Foster Parents. They are available to speak with current Foster Parents, prospective Foster Parents and will be hosting informational meetings for people interested in fostering. They will also be working to help with Foster Parent Support Groups. If you would like to speak with one of our Ambassadors email FosterCare@dss.mo.gov and let us know. We can connect you with one. If you are interested in being a Foster Care Ambassador please email as well. Both traditional and relative providers are welcome! We need more of you!
Recently staff was reminded about the policy and guidelines surrounding all social media and children in care.
Dear Children’s Division Staff,
This practice alert is to remind Licensing Workers and Case Managers about the need to ensure confidentiality when Foster Parents (or Foster Children) post pictures on social media. Social Media has created privacy and safety concerns for Foster Care Children and Youth. However, it is seldom realistic to forbid children and youth to use social media. Forbidding social networking may make it harder for youth in foster care to fit in with friends and relate to other teenagers in the community. Please remind Resource Parents that they should provide guidance and boundaries to help youth in their care use social media safely. Resource parents and foster care youth may post photos of the child/youth as long as they do not specifically identify the child/youth as being in foster care. A foster child/youth whose picture has been posted shall not be tagged and should not be identified by name. Identifying information as to the child’s location is also strictly prohibited.