Microsoft 365 Deployment Set for April 29

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Hello, Department of Corrections Team!


We are excited to announce the Microsoft 365 (M365) Office Suite deployment, advancing productivity and collaboration for the State of Missouri. The M365 Office Suite deployment is part of our Digital Government Transformation (DGT) portfolio of projects, with a goal to improve how we work together to serve our citizens.

Your M365 Office Suite deployment is scheduled for Monday, April 29. Watch for instructions for accessing the M365 Office Suite and resources to help you learn how to leverage your new tools.


 Training and Support: We understand that adapting to new tools may require some assistance. Resources and documentation are available on the M365 HUB. To learn more visit M365 Help for learning resources, project announcements, FAQs, and user guides.


What happens next? Watch your inbox for additional communications through GovDelivery ( and the DOC Help Desk as they will contain action items.


Thank you for supporting the changes underway. The Digital Government Transformation (DGT) will strengthen the services we provide to each other, citizens, and businesses.