Staff Newsletter | May 2022
Missouri Department of Corrections sent this bulletin at 05/03/2022 06:00 AM CDT
Rhonda Steward, Personnel Clerk, Maryville Treatment Center
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Sally Payne, Accounting Clerk, Central Office
Heather Hunger, Central Office
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Amanda Watts, Captain, Fulton Reception & Diagnostic Center
Monica Arce, Cook II, Fulton Reception & Diagnostic Center
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Rebecka Douglas, Cook II, Fulton Reception & Diagnostic Center
Kathe Leninsky, Correctional Officer I, Fulton Reception & Diagnostic Center
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Owen Bell, Correctional Officer I, Chillicothe Correctional Center
Candice Bell, Correctional Case Manager II, Chillicothe Correctional Center

“I watched my mom work in the DOC for several years, and I was very proud of my mom for finding a career she loves. I now have a daughter I hope to make proud, and the DOC will help accomplish all of my career goals, just like my mom did.”
- Owen Bell
“I really enjoy working with my son. I was thrilled when he decided to come to work for the DOC. I have been with the department for almost 10 years, so I know all of the opportunities that the department offers. He now has a family of his own, and I am extremely proud of him. I know with his good work ethic, his training here and all of the opportunities offered, he will go far.”
- Candice Bell
Tammie Christopher, Registered Nurse, Chillicothe Correctional Center
Tyler Lewis, Lieutenant, Chillicothe Correctional Center

“I have enjoyed working with Tyler at CCC and watching him grow and develop as a correctional officer. I am proud of his accomplishments, and I can’t wait to see what the future holds for him!"
- Tammie Christopher
“My mom has inspired me to be the best that I can be. She has shown me that hard work does pay off and that you can accomplish any goal if you are willing to give it your best shot. She has pushed me to be a better person and leads by example. She has accomplished so much, and that gives me inspiration to do the same!”
- Tyler Lewis
Grace Davis, Mailroom Supervisor, Chillicothe Correctional Center
Kristin Baugher, Cook II, Chillicothe Correctional Center

"I have worked for the DOC for almost nine years, and I’ve always believed we are a big family here. I was super excited when I found out my daughter was going to be working here as a Cook II. I am looking forward to seeing her excel in her career here at CCC.”
- Grace Davis
“My mom is my inspiration because she is still excited to come in every day. She's constantly pushing herself to learn new things, advance her career, and be the best person that she can be.”
- Kristin Baugher
Lori Parkey, Functional Unit Manager, Chillicothe Correctional Center
Misty Griffin, Office Support Assistant, Chillicothe Correctional Center
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April 2022 Employee of the Month
![]() Jason Royle, Probation & Parole Southeast Regional Training Coordinator, understands the importance of keeping staff training up to date, even in the face of obstacles. When the COVID-19 pandemic struck Missouri, Royle, a Corrections Way ambassador, set about finding ways to keep the program’s principles at the forefront of his teammates’ minds. He not only set up weekly online training sessions to build the skills of Southeast Region supervisors but also began offering 1 a.m. sessions for night-shift staff. These sessions continue for the region and have been replicated statewide. Royle also has used video conferencing tools to build a two-hour online training course to strengthen ENGAGE 2.0 skills among frontline supervisors, and he launched web-based bridge-the-gap sessions to connect institutional probation and parole officers with field probation and parole officers, improving communication and building better relationships. Royle has represented the Division of Probation & Parole on the Training Academy Transformation & Staff Development Committee dedicated to strategic initiative planning, and he serves on the Trainer Development Committee for supporting excellence in adjunct instructors. |
New Moberly Leader
Strid Named Warden
![]() Myles Strid has been named warden of Moberly Correctional Center, effective May 10, 2022. Strid began his career with the Missouri Department of Corrections in 2009 as a Correctional Officer I at Jefferson City Correctional Center (JCCC). He worked as sergeant and lieutenant at Fulton Reception & Diagnostic Center (FRDC) and captain and major at JCCC. He then served as assistant security administrator in the Security Intelligence Unit in Central Office before returning to JCCC as a deputy warden in March 2020. Strid holds an associate's degree in criminal justice and corrections from Columbia College. |
Arrest Team Training Expansion Continues
Probation & Parole Officers Certified to Apprehend Clients

In the fourth Division of Probation & Parole arrest team expansion training class, staff from Kansas City Districts 4 and 4C joined Districts 2 and 3 staff to complete certification and begin making arrests on clients assigned to their districts. Held at the Kansas City Police Department Training Academy, the class was presented by the University of Missouri Police Academy trainers. All staff who attended were certified in floor fighting, cuffing, escort techniques, transportation and tasers. With the certification of this class, 48 additional Probation & Parole officers in seven new districts (District 3, 4, 4C, 8S, 10, 24 and 42) will begin making arrests on their assigned clients. They will join the original Districts (2 and ERV) in the arrest process. Training and certifying P&P staff to make arrests helps empower officers to manage their clients while lessening the burden on local law enforcement.
ICTS Success
Program Graduates Launch New Lives

Probation & Parole District 6 in Columbia recently celebrated two Improving Community Treatment Success (ICTS) program graduates, in partnership with Compass Health.
Jerimiah entered ICTS last spring when his previous officer recognized his need for an outpatient substance use program. Initially, Jerimiah struggled to engage in the program. But with help from his peer support specialist and a 21-day inpatient stay in residential treatment, he began to make positive changes. The ICTS team has helped him stay sober, maintain a job, secure housing on his own and build a future.
Justin also entered the ICTS program last spring and faced a barrier. He previously had attended several inpatient treatments and returned to using as soon as he left. When he graduated from ICTS last month, though, things had changed: “This is the first program I have completed that I don’t have a plan to use when I walk out the door," he told his classmates. "Allow your team to support you and trust that your P.O. is part of your team.”
Spiritual Leaders
Prison Chaplains Gather for Planning & Fellowship

Prison chaplaincy in Missouri began in 1843, four years after the construction of the Missouri State Penitentiary. Since then, the chaplaincy within the Missouri Department of Corrections has evolved to support individual spiritual expression, formally accommodating more than a dozen faiths. Chaplains and chapel programs challenge offenders to address spiritual issues, questions and needs by introducing them to spiritual programming offered within a correctional environment. Spiritual services include counseling; visits from community volunteers and clergy; religious dietary accommodations; a religious advisory council; worship services and studies; a chapel library; and special programming.
Our current team of chaplains:
Front row, from left: David Machon (JCCC), Jeff Anderson (ACC), Doug Worsham (MODOC Religious/Spiritual Programming Coordinator), Tristram McCormack (BCC), Lonnie Collins (SCCC), Steve Johnson (SECC), Preston Davis (FRDC); Middle row, from left: Tommy Barnhart (WERDCC), Andrew Yocum (MTC), Matt Mason (WMCC), Greg Murphy (CCC), Aaron Davis (OCC), John Essary (MECC); Back row, from left: Thom Reagan (ERDCC), Tom Brack (MCC), Marty Sykes (WRDCC), Mark Wilkinson (PCC), Mark Dean (FCC-A), Tom Estes (TCC), Murray Phillips (NECC). Not pictured: Kevin Richardson (FCC B).
Continuous Improvement

Join the Missouri Department of Corrections operational excellence team at 9 a.m. May 11 for the MODOC Show Me Excellence Virtual Summit. Show Me Excellence is all about providing the best tools, training and insight available to ensure that teams succeed in their pursuit of improvement at any level. This summit provides an opportunity to learn new tools and skills to support the growth of operational excellence leaders throughout Missouri Department of Corrections.
MODOC Show Me Excellence Virtual Summit Agenda
- 9 a.m. - Welcome and Introductions
- 9:10 a.m. - Opening Remarks: Director Anne Precythe
- 9:15 a.m. - Operational Excellence in MODOC
- 9:45 a.m. - Roundtable – Divisional OpEx Activities
11 a.m. - Breakout Sessions
- OpEx Project Management
- Quality Assurance & Quality Control in MODOC
- Show Me Excellence Problem Solving Toolkit & White Belt Review
- MODOC OpEx Success Stories
- 11:45 a.m. - Wrapup
Quarterly Pulse Survey Changes
![]() The latest quarterly pulse survey (QPS) is open through Friday, May 6. Take a moment to complete the survey and let us know how things are going. Department leaders rely on staff feedback to help the department evolve. Responses to these surveys inform department decisions and have led to tangible developments, such as improvements in training, uniforms, communication and pay. A few changes have been made to the QPS, beginning with the current survey. The quarterly pulse survey has always been completely anonymous. No IP addresses, names or email addresses are recorded or tracked, and no data is shared for any question that receives fewer than 10 responses. Nonetheless, some state team members at small worksites, concerned that a reported salary range might be tied to a particular position or person, have said they don’t feel comfortable reporting their salaries. For that reason, the state is replacing the previous salary-demographic response options with four larger categories:
This change expands the number of people in each category (protecting anonymity) while still distinguishing among senior, mid-level and frontline staff (providing valuable demographic information). The second QPS change is in subdivision breakdowns. This change will ensure there are always more than 10 people per reporting category and will assist us in better understanding your feedback. The goals of this change are to:
Your feedback is a valued part of what we do every day. Please take a few minutes to complete the next QPS survey, April 25 – May 6. |
Better Questions, Better Candidates

Are you hiring or applying for an open position? Want to make a great impression? Check out the new Interviewing Tools page for Missouri state workers at
![]() Get tips on scheduling interviews, selecting an interview team, conducting a job analysis and more. A major highlight of the site is an interview question generator. Select qualities you want to assess, and the generator suggests relevant questions. This cool tool was part of a capstone project presented by Fulton Reception & Diagnostic Center Warden Scott Weber and his team in Class 3 of the Missouri Leadership Academy. |
Training Academy Updates
Strategic Initiative Spotlight: Improving our Workforce
Trainer Development
Training for both full- and part-time members of our team is the backbone to providing all corrections staff with the skills and knowledge they need to perform their job duties confidently and professionally. Our department relies heavily on the commitment of staff at every level to take part in team member learning, whether as a field training officer, adjunct trainer or Corrections Way ambassador. It is widely recognized that having high-caliber training staff in any organization is essential, and it is the responsibility of the organization to provide routes for continued professional development to those training staff.
A process improvement team working with the Training Advisory Committee, has received approval to implement the following tasks, aimed at identifying inconsistencies in training methods and establishing a standardized training and evaluation process:
- Revise the process for staff desiring to be adjunct trainers
- Develop minimum continuing-professional-development standards for all trainers
- Revise initial trainer skills development course, and develop boosters and opportunities for enhancement of trainer skills
- Develop guidelines for trainer development feedback and response to observations
Specifics of each initiative will be included in a new staff training policy and accompanying manual to be released soon.
Pilots are underway to help us learn what changes or improvements need to be made before launching this initiative to the entire state. Keep an eye out for flyers and more information! The department is always looking for team members who are interested in helping others develop and improve their skills.
Training Academy Newsletter
Check out Training Academy Corner, a monthly newsletter of the Missouri Department of Corrections Training Academy, to meet new trainers and stay up to date on training requirements and course offerings.
First Responder Wellness Series
Taking an Internal Assessment for an Optimal Quality of Life
![]() Join the Missouri Crisis Intervention Team Council from 10 a.m to 3 p.m. Monday, May 9, for the first session of a new wellness series designed for first responders. Daily traumas and critical incidents over the course of a first responder's career can take a toll on mental health. In this workshop, participants have the opportunity to identify areas in which they need improvement and the steps they can take to reach their optimal personal wellness.
Registration is required. Space is limited. Lunch is provided. No cost. Capital Bluffs Event Center | 1616 Oilwell Road, Suite B | Jefferson City, MO 65101 |
Ernie & Joe
Documentary Film Explores Intersection of Law Enforcement and Mental Health
![]() During the month of May, first responders can watch a free screening of the HBO documentary film Ernie & Joe: Crisis Cops, a portrait of two Texas police officers who are helping change the way police respond to mental health calls. The film takes audiences on a personal journey, weaving together the two officers' experiences during their daily encounters with people in crisis as part of the San Antonio Police Department’s Mental Health Unit. Streaming of the Emmy-award-winning HBO documentary is now free to law enforcement and public safety agencies in the U.S. through May 2022. Register here, and enter the code EJCC-LE. More information at |
The NRG Challenge
Gaining More Energy Through Nutrition, Rest & Gratitude

Throughout April, Missouri Department of Corrections staff have been participating in the NRG Challenge, gaining awareness about positive coping skills and healthy habits that can improve physical wellness and give you more energy through better NUTRITION, REST and GRATITUDE.
Have you tracked the days in April when you made an effort to eat better, get higher-quality sleep and practice gratitude? Turn in your challenge form by May 8. Completed forms can be collected at each worksite by a volunteer and then emailed to or mailed to Caitlin Rudolph in Central Office. Questions? Contact Caitlin Rudolph at Get details in the WorkWell Newsletter »
Recruiting the Future
New Competition Tests Facilities' Staff Recruitment Skills
The Missouri Department of Corrections Talent Acquisition Team is sponsoring a staff recruitment and retention contest for Division of Adult Institutions sites and Division of Probation & Parole transition centers. This competition is designed to encourage, incentivize and enhance recruitment and retention strategies, ultimately resulting in an increase in the number of new staff hired and retained.
![]() Part One: The Recruiting CompetitionCOMPLETED Part Two: The Retention CompetitionDuration: Sunday, May 1, 2022 – Saturday, October 29, 2022 How it Works: Each facility uses innovative retention strategies to retain new correctional officers and tracks the percentage of new hires acquired during the Recruiting Competition who are still employed at the end of the Retention Competition. If a tie occurs in the Retention Competition, the number of staff hired in the recruiting phase will serve as the tiebreaker. Sign Up!Each facility wishing to participate must submit an application (email format) for each competition. Apply by May 1 for the Retention Competition. The application should include:
SUBMIT COMPETITION APPLICATIONS TO: with the subject line: WINNING. All competition applications should be sent to the same address with the same subject line. Win!
Referral Incentive Program
Recruitment Incentive Program Now Includes Part-Time Officers
The Department of Corrections offers an ongoing recruitment incentive program in which current staff can earn up to $1,000 for each successful referral of a new staff member in a correctional officer, food service worker or teacher position. Now that program has expanded to also include a payment of up to $500 for each successful referral of a part-time correctional officer.
- A one-time payment of $250 for a full-time correctional officer or $125 for a part-time correctional officer will be added to the referring staff member’s semi-monthly salary after each applicant referred by the staff member has been hired and has successfully completed Basic Training. The staff member’s salary returns to the normal rate of pay after one pay cycle.
- An additional one-time payment of $750 for a full-time correctional officer or $375 for a part-time correctional officer will be added to the referring staff member’s semi-monthly salary when each applicant reaches six months of employment with the department.
- Refer a new hire, and complete the appropriate Incentive Program form. Forms are available on the K: drive at Policies, Procedures, and Forms\Forms-References\DOC-931 Forms.
- Referrals that do not result in hires within six months of receipt of the referral form will no longer be tracked or considered for the incentive program.
This program is open to all corrections staff except those designated as Missouri Department of Corrections recruiters or staff representing MODOC at recruiting events.
Ambassador Spotlight
Corrections Way ambassadors serve a vital role in supporting The Corrections Way, a foundation of conduct and communication built around a core of common values guiding our work. Ambassadors steer fellow staff to resources and answer questions about Corrections Way training, practice and initiatives.
Meet some ambassadors:
Chillicothe Correctional Center Ambassadors
Stephanie Eckert, Candice Bell, Nelda Kroll

The Chillicothe Correctional Center (CCC) Corrections Way Ambassadors, Case Managers II Stephanie Eckert and Candice Bell and Sergeant Nelda Kroll, are a small but mighty group. The team designs Corrections Way activities and displays around seasonal themes, inspiring CCC staff through creativity.
In July, CCC ambassadors adopted a fireworks theme, with staff members writing values on firecrackers incorporated into a lobby display. In October and November, each staff member identified their social style on a leaf or pumpkin displayed on a poster in the lobby. In December, each staff member wrote on an ornament what The Corrections Way means to them, and the ornaments were added to a Peanuts theme holiday display. CCC also held dress-down fundraisers, and money collected was used to buy food to fill a Salvation Army donation box.
Stay tuned more fun activities throughout 2022!
Strategic Plan

The state’s business cycle runs on a fiscal year timeframe, this year from July 1, 2021, through June 30, 2022 (FY2022). Each year we articulate our priorities to support better government in Missouri through our strategic plan. In fiscal year 2022, our mission and our goals remain constant, but our strategic initiatives continue to evolve. We are building on past years' success and adding new priorities.
Take a look at our strategic plan and initiatives for fiscal year 2022.
Improving Lives for Safer Communities
Excellence in Corrections for a Safer Missouri
We value safe work environments, a capable workforce and reduced risk and recidivism.
We value integrity and respect.
We value supportive leadership.
We value employee participation and teamwork.
Staff News
Be a Better Listener
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We're working hard to recruit and retain staff and to make our department a great place to work. Actively listening to coworkers helps create a safer and more welcoming environment. YOU CAN PRACTICE ACTIVE LISTENING.

Missouri Department of Corrections