Various Types of Homemade Weapons Found - May 2021
During the month of May 2021, searches at all facilities were amped up this past month. Due to those searches, photos of various homemade weapons and other areas of concern regarding potential weapons have been sent to SIU. Below are photos of the various weapons and security areas found that didn't make it into previous bulletins throughout the month. Keep up the great work you are doing in the searches and in helping keep our staff safe.
found in the toilet of an offender cell measuring approximately 5-1/2 inches in length
found on the walk as the cell sense was being set up for GP mainline, measuring approximately 6 inches in length
one of two weapons found (same material) in a maintenance shop, both weapons measured approximately 6 inches in length
found during a cell search inside of a matress, measuring approximately 7-1/4 inches in length and 1/2 inches in width
found during a cell search, both measuring approximately 6 inches in length
found during a common area search in an offender bathroom, measuring approximately 6 inches in length
found in an offender cell after an offender on offender assault, measuring approximatelely 5-1/2 inches in length
found in an offender mattress after a staff member heard scraping noises coming from the cell connected to the office, measuring approximately 7 inches in length
found in an offender cell, measuring approximately 4 inches in length
found in a common area, measuring approximately 7 inches in length
found during a cell search, (T) measuring approximately 5 inches in length and (B) measuring approximately 7 inches in length
found during a common area search, (T) measuring approximately 9 inches in length and (B) measuring approximately 6 inches in length
five weapons found during a housing unit search along with tattoo paraphernalia
found in an offender hat during a pat search, measuring approximately 7 inches in length
found in an offender hat during a pat search, measuring approximately 3-1/2 inches in length
found on an offender during a search, measuring approximately 5 inches in length
found during a cell search, measuring approximately 6 inches in length when the weapon was stretched out
found during a facility library search, all measuring approximately 6 inches in length
cut out in a bunk found during a cell search, the opening measured approximately 15 inches in length